Interesting Articles 2024

How to propagate a dollar tree at home

The dollar tree, also known under the scientific name zamioculcas, is a tropical African plant. Thanks to the original appearance: fleshy green leaves, sturdy stems, it has long won the sympathy of flower lovers around the world and grown as a houseplant. Recently, culture has become especially popular - it turned out that, according to Eastern Feng Shui philosophy, Zamiokulkas brings prosperity and financial well-being to the house.

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Why the leaves turn yellow at the orchid

The capricious disposition of orchids is offset by beauty and wonderful aroma. In order for an exot to always feel good, it requires care. In addition, flower growers should closely monitor the condition of the plant, because any deviation from the norm can talk about problems. For example, it is important to know why the leaves of an orchid turn yellow.

Asparagus beans: how to grow it yourself

Growing and caring for asparagus beans is a simple task, giving a flow of the crop for a long time. This is a wonderful dietary product grown in the open ground elementary, in any garden, in any corner of the garden. This is an example of a vegetable crop, which at the minimum cost of labor and money produces a maximum of vitamin production.

Honeysuckle Swan in your garden

Honeysuckle has been known as a decorative plant since the 19th century, however, it began to be used as a berry culture quite recently - at the end of the last century. In a short time, edible honeysuckle managed to win the love of gardeners and found its place in the garden plots. Variety Lebedushka appeared on the market one of the first, but is still in constant demand among gardeners.

Rosa mix - what kind of houseplant is this

This unusual miniature flower can become an adornment of any apartment. Also, a garden plot or a summer house is perfect for him. Rosa Mix - what kind of indoor plant it is. The appeal of this flower is that it is universal (indoor and garden), looks very impressive and has a variety of shades.

Crassula Ovata Hobbit

Krasula is a popular indoor flower that most people know as a money tree. The plant was so named because of the shape of the leaves, resembling coins. But not so long ago, a no less interesting and attractive variety appeared - Crassula the Hobbit. Crassula ovate Hobbit An extensive family of Crassulaceae replenished with a new species of Crassul Hobbit in the middle of the last century.

Bougainvillea - flowers from the tropical garden

Bougainvillea is an evergreen shrub or tree liana with an unusual form of bracts, which, like bright petals, surround small flowers. The plant belongs to the family Niktaginovye. Its homeland is the west coast of Latin America. For the first time, the traveler Louis de Bougainville saw the enchanting flowers in Rio de Janeiro.

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How to grow an abutilon flower from seeds at home

Abutilon is a plant that belongs to the family of Malvaceae. The flower differs in the original form of leaves that resemble maple. In Russia, you can find several varieties of flower: hybrid, Amazonian, striped and Mesopotamian. How to grow indoor abutilone, what care at home to provide - issues that concern many flower growers in Russia.

How to choose a high pressure minisink + analysis of a homemade option

Our roads are far from perfect. Even in large cities, storm sewers do not cope well with the flow of water after rain, and the dirt flowing from the curb onto the roadway will stain all passing cars. What can we say about country trips? Nevertheless, each driver is obliged to monitor the appearance of his car.

How to plant garden blueberries on the site: planting methods

Blueberries naturally grow in the northern and temperate latitudes, from the highlands of the Caucasus to the taiga and forest-tundra. The optimal conditions for it are raw pine trees and spruce forests. Recently, however, garden bilberries have been increasingly seen in home gardens. Delicious berries are enjoyed fresh, boiled jam, dried and frozen.

Grass cuff: description, care, healing properties

The cuff is part of the family Rosaceae, a subfamily of Rosanaceae. According to various sources, the genus includes 300-600 species. In the natural environment, the plant can be found in North America, Greenland, eastern Africa, almost throughout Eurasia, with the exception of the Far North and arid, tropical areas.

Sparaxis outdoor planting and care

Corm perennials - sparaxis flowers cannot be called very common among garden crops. At the same time, they deserve attention because they have a rich palette of shades, flowers that are bright and noticeable in any environment, and are also distinguished by the flowering period - at the junction of spring and summer. When inexperienced gardeners see such beautiful flowers as sparaxis, they think that growing and caring in the open field will be incredibly difficult, but it is not.

Potted gladioli

The house and the cottage are great places to create beautiful flower arrangements, including those made of gladioli. It is important, however, to pay attention to how they should be looked after, and, following simple rules, gladioli in pots will look great. Features of the root system of gladiolus The root system of gladioli is very powerful.

Common hazel, nut or hazelnut - how to grow hazel in the country

Until now, not all gardeners know that well-known hazelnuts can be grown on their site in the country, receiving annually a healthy and tasty crop. What is hazel - a bush or a tree depends on the variety. A brief history of the hazel genus In Russia, deciduous shrubs are common in the forest and steppe zones, southern taiga, coniferous-deciduous forests, in the North Caucasus.

Processing apple trees in the spring from diseases and pests

A good harvest of apples requires special care, however, the operational observance of all the rules cannot become a guarantee of an increase in yield. An important element is the spring preparation of fruit trees, as a preventive and eradicating spray, which protect the apple trees from possible diseases and harmful insects.

Clerodendrum: growing and caring at home

Clerodendrum (tree of fate) is a perennial plant from the Verbenov family. Homeland in the tropical climate of Asia, Africa and southern America. In some sources, clerodendrum is called "volcamery", which translates as "innocent love." Description Clerodendron is a representative of deciduous and evergreen plants.

Bouvardia: description, types, tips for growing

Bouvardia is an evergreen shrub plant that is part of the Marenov family. Distribution area - tropics and subtropics of Central America and Mexico. Description of bouvardia. Flower height from 50 cm to half a meter. The trunk is erect, branched. The foliage is short-leaved, located opposite, length from 30 to 110 mm.

Astrantia: description, varieties, features of reproduction and care

Astrantia is a member of the large Umbrella family. The genus includes various species common in Europe and Asia. The bush is unpretentious in leaving, is able to feel normally in adverse conditions. Great for beginner gardeners, but when transplanting it, you need to consider several important features.

How to grow mango from seed at home

You can decorate the windowsill not only with all kinds of decorative cultures, but also with exotic trees. Many thought about it when there was a fruit plate or fruit salad on the table. In fact, growing a tropical plant is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. It is possible that it will not bear fruit, but will bring a touch of sophistication to the interior.