Interesting Articles 2024

DIY drip irrigation for indoor plants

Florists and plant lovers, going on vacation, may not worry about their pets. They have an automatic watering system at their disposal. It is designed to moisten plants for a long time without human intervention. It can be purchased at the store or made by yourself. Drop automatic watering for indoor plants This system greatly simplifies the care and cultivation of domestic plants.

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Canadian roses: varieties with photos and descriptions

In Russia, Canadian roses are in demand among gardeners in Siberia and the Urals. Canadian breeders have tried to develop a unique species of plants that tolerates low temperatures. Canadians without shelter can withstand frosts down to -40 ° C. The cultivation of these beautiful flowers has become available in the harsh weather conditions of the regions of the North.

5 hot dishes that will warm you for the New Year holidays

Hot dishes are considered a key component of any holiday menu. After all, a correctly selected main position forms the mood of the entire feast. A good choice is one of these five recipes. Chicken in potato openwork Easy to prepare, but incredibly tasty dish got its name because of the extraordinary way of frying potatoes.

How to plant potatoes

In the nineties of the last century, for many, growing potatoes was a means of survival. Now people familiar with agronomy make this a profitable business. Planting potatoes by the rules Our ancestors knew one option for planting potatoes - dig holes with a shovel. With the development of modern breeding, methods for planting it cannot be counted.

Pyracantha: landing and care

Pyracantha is an ornamental shrub growing in the southern regions of Europe and Asia. He is appreciated in landscape design for decorative, abundant flowering. Forms hats of bright red, orange, or yellow fruits. In the suburbs cultivate frost-resistant varieties that can withstand temperatures up to -20 ° C. They are used for hedges.

6 conifers that cleanse the garden of pathogens

Trees and shrubs are able to clean the air not only from pollution. Some of them contain volatile and essential oils that inhibit the development and destroy pathogens, bacteria and viruses in the surrounding area. Such plants include conifers. Fir It is distinguished by large cones, which grow vertically, and resemble candles on a New Year tree.

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Strawberry at home: how to equip the garden at home

Ripe, juicy, fragrant strawberries are the most desired delicacy on our tables. No matter how much we like jams and compotes, but nothing beats the taste of fresh berries. Unfortunately, in the winter it is difficult to find it even in supermarkets, and the price for it is simply sky-high. What strawberries can be grown at home Today, many summer residents in a less busy winter period independently organize a kind of mini-farm for growing strawberries at home.

Asparagus - types and care at home

The birthplace of asparagus are Europe, Africa, Asia. In appearance, this plant is very similar to fern, although until recently it belonged to the Liliaceae family. To date, he was ranked as an Asparagus family, more than 300 varieties of asparagus known to science are called asparagus. What does asparagus look like A very interesting kind of flower makes many gardeners admire it.

The head of the

An annual headgrass is a perennial herbaceous plant that occurs along the shores of ponds and marshes. It differs in bright juicy shades of greenery and round spines of flowers, for which it got its name. Description This plant is isolated not only as a separate species, but also has its own family of heady.

Rosa Stephanie Baronin zu Guttenberg

Rosa Baroness Stefania Gutenberg attracts attention with her delicate nostalgic flowers. Knowing the rules for planting and caring for this abundantly blooming floribunda, you can grow it without even having much experience. Rosa Stephanie Baronin zu Guttenberg: description and description Rose cultivar Stefani Baronin zu Guttenberg was bred recently by the breeders of the German company Tantau, in 2011.

What are false mushrooms and how do they differ from edible

False honey mushrooms are called several different species, which share an external similarity with the real. Not all of them are poisonous, there are also conditionally edible ones. Their main difference is the absence of a mushroom smell, but you can also recognize them by the absence of a ring on the stem, as well as by the wateriness of the edge of the hat in wet weather.

Bubble Lady Lady in Red: description, photo, growing

Lady in Red is a variety of vesicles of Kalinifolia, otherwise a deciduous shrub. Attracts plant growers with its elegant foliage, which serves as a decoration in the garden. Description and advantages of the Lady in Red variety Due to its unpretentiousness and decorativeness, the plant is popular among gardeners.

We plant cherries: when to start, in the spring or in the fall?

Cherry - everyone’s favorite shrub or tree with tasty and juicy fruits. Today it is impossible to imagine a garden without this beauty. In spring, it pleases us with delicate white blossoms, and closer to autumn - sweet and sour, bright, glossy berries. However, so that the gardener's hopes for a good harvest are not replaced by disappointment, you need to follow the simple rules for planting a seedling.

Rose Al Di Braithwaite - bush characteristics

Rose Al Di Braithwaite, or Brightweit (LeonardDudley D Braithwaite) is a relatively new continuously flowering rose, bred in England. This variety is one of the most bushy among other shrub roses. Bright red-burgundy color, strong aroma and lush flowers give the LD Bright Bright rose a special romantic charm.

How to collect and prepare tomato seeds

I really liked the tomato variety that I found this year. I want to grow these tomatoes in the following, but I'm not sure that I can find the seeds, so I decided to collect my own. Varietal nuances First, I want to note that if you liked some kind of hybrid, then you will not be able to grow the same fruits, they will be different.

Climbing ivy philodendron - types of vines

Philodendron is one of the most attractive perennials and evergreens that belong to the genus Aroid, which in Latin means "love." In total, this genus includes about 900 plants. In nature, the flower is found from Mexico to the tropical USA. Most varieties prefer to grow in tropical forests, but there are those that can be seen on swamps or roadsides.

Tenderness or Ayuga: types, description, landing, care

Zhivuchka (Ajuga) - annual and perennial herbaceous plants from the family Iasnatkovye. The people call it Ayuga, Gorodka, Dubrovka, heart grass, Dubrovnik and bitter, it blooms in May, as soon as the snow melts. It grows throughout the territory, except the Arctic Circle, prefers moist shaded forests and stony soils under the sun.

Room cloves - home care

Indoor carnation is a perennial plant, but it is mainly cultivated every year. It has about 20 hybrid species. Especially popular is the Indian variety, which attracts attention with bright flowers, an interesting structure of the leaf and stem. To see the riot of colors of buds, you need to carefully monitor the plant and ensure proper care.