
Proper feeding of onions is the key to high yields

Onions are among the most unpretentious garden crops. Nevertheless, to obtain good yields, onion beds must be fed with mineral and organic fertilizers. Responsiveness of onions to fertilizers Onions when fertilized immediately respond with enhanced growth. Most of all, he “likes” minerals that have different effects on the development of onions.

Pear Conference - an old, popular variety

Pear Conference - an old variety common in many countries with a warm climate. Popular in Europe, America, China. Where and how to grow this pear - it is useful to know the gardener about this. Description of the variety and its full characteristics The characteristics of the pear tree Conference depend on the stock on which it is grafted.

Cuttings of roses

To increase the number of rare varieties of roses in their flowerbeds flower growers use cuttings. This is the best way for beginners, it is more reliable than grafting or reproduction by layering. Not all rose seedlings take root equally well. This article presents methods for successfully rooting at home.

Rhododendron has faded: what to do next

When summer passes in the middle, many flowering plants are already fading, flower stalks look dry and untidy, spoil the appearance of the bush and the garden as a whole. This is exactly what happens when the rhododendron has bloomed, what to do next? Below it is described in detail how to properly trim the bushes after flowering and prepare them for winter.

Chrysalidocarpus - slender home palm

Chrysalidocarpus (Areca) is a perennial evergreen plant with beautiful palm-like leaves. However, unlike the usual palm, most indoor species do not have a pronounced trunk. Several grassy stems grow from the soil at the same time, forming dense, but slender thickets. For this feature, chrysalidocarpus is called the "reed palm."

Why hydrangea does not bloom - what to do if a garden flower gives only foliage

Hydrangea is a beautiful shrub that requires special care. The slightest flaws lead to impaired growth and lack of inflorescences. To understand why hydrangea does not bloom, you should study the possible problems and features of growing various varieties. When and how hydrangea should bloom Landscape designers and garden owners seek to plant decorative plants so that their flowering is continuous.

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Stromantha - home care and reproduction

The decorative plant of the stromanthus has large leaves with an unusual color and has the ability to pull them up at night, which is why it was called the "praying flower." Caring for a stromant is not easy, but grown in attention and care, the plant will decorate any home and garden. In addition, there is a belief that a stromantha brings happiness and luck to the house.

Brunfelsia: home care

Brunfelsia is a perennial plant in the nightshade family, when grown in a room, it grows up to 50 cm in height. The root system is branched, the leaves are dense, leathery. It blooms from February to May with tubular flowers, color and size depend on the variety. In many species, they are odorless. Juice and fruits are poisonous.

Strawberry Step-by-Step: Pest Control and Disease Prevention

Strawberries, like any other culture, need activities aimed at supporting its development, one of which is spring treatment for diseases and pests. For this procedure to succeed, you must use the appropriate tools, as well as familiarize yourself with the basic rules for their use.

Mealybug on an orchid: how to get rid of pests and remedies

The appearance of a mealybug on orchids is a real disaster for gardeners, because getting rid of the parasite is very difficult. Despite the fact that there are no problems with the detection of an insect, plant lovers note the fact that even repeated treatments do not guarantee the complete destruction of the worm.

Dewdrop - a predatory plant, home care

The plant world is diverse and diverse. There are beautiful flowers with a terrible smell and ugly plants to ugliness, exuding wonderful aromas. In the magical realm of trees, bushes and flowers, there are many individuals that amaze the imagination with growth, the ability to adapt to environmental conditions, and the ability to survive in the jungle and in the desert.

Garden begonia on a flower bed - planting and care

Garden begonia is to the taste of many gardeners. The plant looks very advantageous in composition with other flowers, for a long time (5-6 months) it pleases the eye with colorful buds that resemble miniature roses. It’s easy to take care of street begonia if you know a few basic rules regarding watering and feeding.

Wireman: description, control measures

Wireworms are serious arable pests. They live in all territories of the former USSR. They feed mainly on potato tubers. In the southern latitudes of the vineyards. Getting rid of wireworms is not easy, but possible. What does a wireworm look like and what is it dangerous? The larvae of nutcracker beetles are called wireworms or wireworms.

Ciperus - varieties, planting, reproduction, home care.

Tsiperus is an unpretentious perennial houseplant of the sedge family. Lusty, ready to grow even in an aquarium, in the light or in partial shade. How to provide flower care and propagation at home? The Origin of Cyperus In nature, cyperus grows in the wetlands of the tropics and subtropics.

Clematis diseases and their treatment - how flowers hurt

One of the most popular plants among gardeners is clematis. It attracts attention with luxurious flowers of different colors, depending on the variety. But, like most other plants, it can be sick, it can be affected by pests. In order for the fight against such problems to be successful, it is important to know what kind of clematis diseases are and what to do when they develop.