

Photo in the interior

Guzmania (Guzmania) - a spectacular beauty from the Bromeliad family. The genus has about 130 species and includes both epiphytic and terrestrial plants. The homeland of guzmania is Central and South America.

It is a herbaceous plant with a funnel-shaped rosette of long leathery leaves. Their color is mostly green, sometimes colorful. The height of the flower does not exceed 70 cm, and the diameter of the outlet is 50 cm.

It blooms at the age of 2-3 years in autumn or winter. Small flowers are collected in a spike-shaped inflorescence, which is decorated with bright glossy bracts. After flowering, the outlet lives a maximum of six months to a year, releasing lateral shoots during this time. These young rosettes are separated for further flower cultivation.

This family also includes echmea and tillandsia. Very spectacular plants. We advise you to look.

Low growth rate.
It blooms at the age of 2-3 years in autumn or winter.
The plant is easy to grow.
After flowering, the outlet lives a maximum of six months to a year, releasing lateral shoots during this time. These young rosettes are separated for further flower cultivation.

Useful properties of guzmania

Guzmania (Guzmania). A photo

It has the ability to extract useful substances from dust, thus reducing the amount of dust particles. Thanks to this, the plant purifies the air in the room.

Brings satisfaction and harmony to the house. It helps to improve well-being, gives self-confidence, relieves stress and helps to overcome fear.

Do you like guzmania flower?
Will love it!

Features of growing at home. Briefly

Temperature modeIn the summer of 20-25 degrees, in the winter of 17-20 degrees, but not lower than 15.
Air humidityMedium and high, daily spraying recommended.
LightingGuzmania at home prefers bright diffused lighting.
WateringModerate, as the substrate dries; Pour water into a leaf outlet once a week.
PrimingLight, loose, fertile.
Fertilizer and fertilizerFrom March to September 1 time per month with fertilizer for bromeliads, pour into a power outlet.
Guzmania transplantAfter purchase in the main substrate.
BreedingSeeds, processes from the mother plant.
Growing FeaturesProtect from drafts, pour water from the outlet at temperatures below 18 degrees.

Guzmania care at home. In detail

The plant requires careful enough care. However, if you provide her with the necessary conditions, she will long delight with decorative foliage and luxurious flowering.


Guzmania blooms only once in the second or third year of life. The spike-shaped inflorescence of inconspicuous white flowers is surrounded by bright bracts. They give the plant a spectacular appearance. Their color may be red, yellow, orange or pink.

The duration of flowering is 3-5 months. To extend it, water must not be allowed to enter flowers and perianths. After flowering, the rosette gradually dies.

Temperature mode

The plant is thermophilic. In summer, the optimum temperature for it is 20-25 degrees, but not higher than 28; in winter - 18-20 degrees. It is undesirable to lower the thermometer column below 15 degrees: the flower can get sick and will not bloom.

The plant should be protected from drafts and sudden changes in temperature during airing in the winter.


Home guzmania loves high humidity, ideally 60-85%. The plant needs daily spraying with distilled or filtered water. During the flowering period, drops should not fall on flowers and bracts.

On the surface of the earth in a pot, it is recommended to put wet sphagnum. Tanks with water can be placed near the flower.


The flower prefers scattered partial shade. It is optimal to put a pot of guzmania on the western or eastern windowsill. Direct sunlight should not be allowed to fall on the leaves, especially in the afternoon hours: this can cause burns on the leaves, and the bracts will turn pale.

In winter, the flower can be rearranged to the south window, so that a lack of light does not affect the future flowering.


In summer, watering is plentiful, carried out as the soil dries; in winter - moderate, the earth should dry well between humidifications. The plant does not tolerate moisture stagnation.

Once a week, water is poured directly into a leaf outlet and left there until completely absorbed. At temperatures below 18 degrees, water spills from the outlet.

For watering, it is important to use soft filtered or rain water, the temperature of which will be 2-3 degrees above room temperature.


Since the plant has an underdeveloped root system, a shallow pot with a diameter of 10-12 cm is suitable for it. It is better that it is made of ceramics. In this case, a more weighty and voluminous above-ground part will not turn over the capacity.


Guzmania minor. A photo

The plant at home needs loose, light soil. Suitable store substrate for bromeliads or Saintpaulias. To prepare the mixture yourself, you should combine:

  • Leafy land, horse peat, sand and sphagnum in equal parts.
  • Sheet earth and coconut fiber in one piece, pieces of pine bark, sand and sphagnum - in ½ part.
  • Universal soil, pieces of pine bark and sand in equal proportions.

1/3 of the pot should occupy the drainage layer (it should be laid to the bottom).

Fertilizer and fertilizer

No need for plentiful top dressing. From March to September, it can be fertilized to accelerate the appearance of the peduncle and increase the flowering time. Top dressing for bromeliads or orchids is suitable. Dosage - 2 times weaker than indicated on the package. Fertilizer is poured directly into the outlet.

Guzmania transplant

After the purchase, you need to transplant guzmania from the transport substrate into the main nutrient soil. It is optimal to carry out the procedure by the transshipment method, gently shaking off the roots from the old earth. It is important not to deepen the neck of the plant.

Since guzmania dies after flowering, it does not need further transplants. The "baby" separated and planted in new earth continues its existence.

Transplantation is also necessary in case of acidification of the soil or if the flower does not fit in the pot.

Rest period

The flower at home does not have a pronounced dormant period.

Guzmania breeding

Most often propagated by lateral processes, less often - by seeds.

Propagation by processes

After flowering, the rosette gradually dies, while forming lateral processes from the buds of renewal. After about 2 months, a few leaves and weak roots appear in young rosettes. At this time, they are carefully separated from the mother plant and seated in separate pots, covered with polyethylene or glass. Contained at a temperature of 26-28 degrees.

Seed cultivation

Seeds are scattered on the soil surface consisting of equal parts of peat and sand. The container is covered with glass or polyethylene and placed in a well-lit, warm (23-25 ​​degrees) place. The greenhouse is regularly aired and the earth is sprayed.

Shoots should appear in 2-3 weeks. After 2 months, they dive, and after another six months they sit in separate pots.

Diseases and Pests

The plant is quite resistant to diseases and pests. However, improper care may cause problems:

  • The tips of the leaves dry - low humidity.
  • Root rot - excess moisture in the soil.
  • Wither leaves guzmania - low temperature.
  • Gray spots on the leaves - defeat of a fungal disease.
  • White limescale on leaves - watering and spraying with hard water.
  • Faded away and the kids don't show up - lack of nutrients (maybe if you do not cut away a wilted peduncle).
  • The spots on the leaves are pale brown. - burns due to direct sunlight.

Of the pests, a scab, a spider mite, a mealybug can threaten

Types of home guzmania with photos and names

Reed (Guzmania lingulata)

It forms a dense, dense rosette of broadly linear pointed leaves with a solid edge. The color of the leaf plate is bright green, shiny. Leaf length - 30-45 cm, width - 3-4 cm. A multiflowered inflorescence is located on a short thick peduncle. Bracts are red. Flowering period - winter - spring.

Hybrid varieties of guzmania reed have more compact sizes, which makes them suitable for indoor use:

  • var. Sardinalis - blooms in March and September, bracts are bright red, spreading;
  • var. Flammea - flowering occurs in July-August; leaves up to 30 cm long, up to 1.5 cm wide;
  • var. Minor (minor) - blooms in June and February, bracts erect red, compact rosette;
  • var. Lingulata - blooms in December and March, the rosette is large enough, the bracts are erect, red or pink.

Now reading:

  • Stromantha - home care, photo
  • Echeveria - home care, propagation by leaf and sockets, photo species
  • Anthurium
  • Monstera - home care, photo species and varieties
  • Chlorophytum - care and reproduction at home, photo species


Watch the video: Guzmania Plant Care Tips: The Bromeliad With The Vibrant Star Shaped Flower Joy Us Garden (October 2024).