How to water indoor flowers for fast growth and abundant flowering


Fertilizing and watering for domestic plants are mandatory procedures that help nourish them with the necessary macronutrients and minerals. Preventive procedures accelerate growth, positively affect flowering and resistance to temperature extremes. The existence of a plant in a stable nutrient medium depends on the right choice of fertilizer. To find out how to water indoor flowers for fast growth and abundant flowering, you need to familiarize yourself with the timing of the procedure.

When it is necessary to feed and water indoor plants

Fertilizers for plant crops should be applied during the period of active vegetation. At this time, there is an increase in the root system and inflorescences. Most of the home flowers are actively fed and watered in the spring and summer. However, there are other crops that need year-round fertilizer. They develop throughout the year and bloom both in the warm season and in the cold.

Fertilizers for home flowers

Spring and summer periods - time for active top dressing and watering of all home crops. The beginning of wellness procedures falls in March, the end of feeding - in early or mid-September. With autumn and winter procedures, things are more complicated. If the plant stopped flowering and stopped growth, then preventive nutrition is not needed. When growth is slowed down and inflorescences are preserved, fertilizers and regular watering will be required.

Types of fertilizers

All top dressings for home crops are divided into two types: mineral and organic. Each of them is used in a certain dose and at a strictly allotted time.


What water to water indoor flowers

Mineral fertilizers are endowed with a large number of macrocells in the composition. These include:

  • nitrogen;
  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • sulfur.

These components strengthen the root system of indoor crops, provide full growth and good immunity. Minerals are actively used during the growing season, that is, from spring to early autumn. Experts advise to purchase universal fertilizers that contain several active components, for example, magnesium, potassium and nitrogen at the same time.

Important! It is better to buy products without chlorine and nitrates in the composition. To do this, pay attention to the packaging and look for the appropriate entry.

Mineral fertilizers for home crops


Organic products have a beneficial effect on the soil, they make it loose and saturate with useful substances. This helps to quickly pass oxygen and water to the root system. This approach ensures healthy and fast crop growth. Organic fertilizers saturate the earth with nitrogen, which is responsible for the saturation of green mass.

For your information! Most often, organic products are made from human waste.

Organics are well suited for processing fast-growing plants, such as citrus fruits, palm trees, lianas. Before use, carry out the disinfection procedure. To do this, the product is steamed on fire and left for 3 weeks in a cool place.

Is it possible to water potassium permanganate flowers - a matter of concern to many gardeners. Today, such procedures are not recommended. The modern choice of prophylactic agents offers various fertilizers, which include manganese. They differ in a more gentle composition and a wide range of actions. When using a pure product, it is worth remembering the rules for preparing the solution. Instructions for the proper use of potassium permanganate for indoor plants:

  1. 1 tbsp. dissolve a spoonful of the product in 1 liter of water.
  2. Stir the solution and leave for half an hour.
  3. Process the soil with the resulting fluid.

One of the most popular organic products is chicken litter. How to water chicken droppings:

  1. Pour the product into a bucket and insist 3 weeks.
  2. Mix the manure with a little water and fertilize the soil with flowers.

The resulting solution must be used in small quantities.

Types of chemical composition

How to feed dahlias for growth and flowering

According to their constituent components, top dressing products are divided into several types: alkaline, acidic and neutral. Each is suitable for a particular type of soil.


Alkaline products consist of a complex of minerals and macronutrients. They are well accepted by plants and quickly dissolve in water. The most common remedies are nitrabor and nitrate. Their main task is to ensure intensive growth during the growing season, nourish the root system, and restore the immunity of home crops. What are the effects of alkaline components:

  • stimulate the growth of the root system;
  • improve membrane development;
  • regulate metabolism;
  • increase resistance to adverse conditions;
  • accelerate the process of flowering and fruiting;
  • improve soil quality.

Alkaline means for flowers

Important! Alkaline agents prevent cell death and growth retardation.


The acidic components of fertilizing are widely used for soils with a low percentage of acidity. These include the following trace elements:

  • ammonium chloride;
  • urea;
  • ammonium nitrate;
  • superphosphate.

Acidic agents are friable. They penetrate the soil as quickly as possible, enrich it with the necessary elements and accelerate the growth of seedlings. Acid fertilizers have undoubted advantages - a long shelf life and economical spending, which can significantly save the budget.


Such top dressings contain 1-2 main components and are suitable for use in many crops. Most often it is ammonia or nitrogen. They provide quick access to moisture to the root system of plants, fertilize the soil with useful minerals, accelerate the growth of crops and strengthen their immunity.

Note! Neutral products are recommended to be introduced before the plant vegetation - in early spring. In the autumn, it is better not to use them.

Types of release form

All fertilizers are available in various forms. Each of them has its own characteristics and functions.


Home Indoor Flowers Blooming All Year

Liquid products are the most popular for treating home plants. They are presented in the form of a solution of a homogeneous mass, which contains nutritional and mineral components in the composition. However, such preparations are highly concentrated, therefore, they need to be diluted with pure water.

Liquid preparations are organic and mineral: the former are created from natural waste, the latter are prepared on the basis of chemical elements. Organic solutions have a mild effect on the root system of crops, but there is a drawback - an unpleasant odor.

Mineral gels are accurate and quick. They are designed for specific dosages and are applied in courses. All indoor flowers are immediately absorbed, and productive results have been observed for 2-3 days.

Important! Mineral preparations have their drawbacks - the possibility of an overdose and burns of the root system.


Such fertilizers are widespread for the processing of vegetable crops in the garden and indoor flowers.

Granular Processing Agents

The product itself is located in a porous capsule, it becomes available with high humidity. Granular products are highly concentrated, therefore they are used 1-2 times a year: when crops should bloom in the cold season. The solution is scattered on the surface of the earth so that it surrounds the stem of the plant.

In the form of plates (tablets)

Soluble preparations are sold in the form of tablets or plates. They need to be diluted with water for processing. Products have a strong concentration, which is why they are used with caution. The advantage of this form of release is the absence of overpayment for the liquid component of fertilizer, which occupies about half of its mass. Tablets are used before the growing season. During spraying, the exact dosage must be observed to avoid burning the root system. Usually use 1 tablet of solution per 1 liter of liquid.

Folk remedies and watering

Fertilizing domestic flowers and trees with folk remedies is widely used during the period of active vegetation. Such funds have their advantages - a moderate concentration and a favorable composition. Methods of their application are described below.

Onion peel

Onion peel contains a sufficient amount of nutritious and mineral elements; therefore, it is often used for processing domestic flowers. In addition, it contains volatile, which have a preventive effect on many diseases. Onion husk for processing indoor flowers is used as an infusion, which is kept for several hours.

Important! Before fertilizing, it is worth examining the onion for integrity. Rotten fragments may contain harmful bacteria that will harm home flowers.


In small amounts, iodine has a beneficial effect on crop growth. It activates potassium compounds in the earth.

Iodine for home crops

In its pure form, iodine is prohibited, this can burn the roots of the plant. For processing, a drop of the product must be dissolved in 1 liter of water. The resulting solution is recommended to water flowers abundantly during flowering. The main rule is that the product should not fall on leaves and flowers.

Succinic acid

Succinic acid can be bought at any store or pharmacy. This product is a food supplement and is produced by thermal processing. The product is used in winter and spring as a prophylactic that strengthens the growth of domestic crops. In addition, succinic acid helps saturate the soil with beneficial ingredients that will positively affect flowering. Most often used for processing seedlings.

Succinic acid is diluted as follows: 1 tablet per 1 liter of pure water. The resulting solution can be sprayed on the stems and shoots of plants or make it into the soil.

For your information! Most often, amber fertilizer is used for citrus fruits, hawteria, strawberries, arrowroot. Preventive treatments are also used for cacti.

Aquarium water

Due to the fish in the aquarium, water is enriched with beneficial bacteria, which favorably affect the lives of its inhabitants. This environment is also acceptable for many home cultures.

Important! Aquarium water improves soil quality, accelerates a number of useful compounds in it. It is also good as a nutrient for the root system, accelerating the growth of inflorescences.

It is not worth oversaturating the soil with such a composition. For productive growth, it is enough to feed the plants 2 times a year: during the growing season and in the autumn period. Aquarium water is used for irrigation in the ground.

Hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide has an active effect on plants during the flowering period: it kills harmful bacteria, accelerates growth and prevents the appearance of many diseases. Peroxide is considered an excellent tool for preventive treatments in the cold season. How to water indoor flowers and plants with hydrogen peroxide:

  1. For the procedure, dissolve 2 tbsp in 1 liter of water. tablespoons of peroxide.
  2. Next, water the soil of plants. Repeat for 10 days.

The procedure must be carried out every other day.


Nitrate is best used before flowering home crops. It enriches the soil with the necessary elements and strengthens the root system of plants.

Saltpeter for flowers


Nitrate protects home flowers from drought, and many pathologies have blossomed. For feeding use a pinch of product dissolved in 1.5 liters of water. The resulting solution irrigate the stems, leaves, soil.

Fertilizing and watering for indoor plants are preventive procedures that ensure normal growth. Wellness procedures are needed to nourish the soil and strengthen the root system of indoor crops.
