Rosa Kimono


Floribunda group includes many species, it is inherent in diversity. One of the representatives is the variety of Kimono. In addition to the characteristic shape of the flower, the hallmark is the color. Blooming salmon-pink flowers burn out to light pink, they are collected in upright brushes from 5 to 20 pieces each. Abundant flowering on a branched and strong bush is a sign of this variety. Rosa Kimono is attractive and, on the other hand, resistance to many diseases.

Kimono Variety History

A large number of flowers and the duration of the process of their appearance characterize both the Floribund group and the Kimono variety. Abundant flowering varieties are constantly in advantage over the qualities of new representatives.

The nearly half-century history of the rose comes from the place of birth - this is the Netherlands.

Single rose kimono

De Ruiter is a family-owned florist company. It crossed Cocorico with Frau Anny Beaufays, both of which belong to the Floribunda group. The first of the roses is orange, the second changes color when flowering from salmon to orange-pink. The novelty was introduced in 1961 under its own name. Rose Floribunda Kimono received a test certificate from the Royal Rose Society of Great Britain (RNRS) in 1961.

Description, characteristic

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The erect bush has branched elastic shoots, on which there are practically no thorns. Since growth is observed strictly up, the inflorescences also do not wilt. Height - up to 1 m, spreading - 75 cm wide. Smooth green semi-matte leaves are medium in size. In inflorescences an arbitrary number of small buds, pointed in shape, from 5 to 20. Each branch may turn out to be a bouquet.

Kimono rose blooms with the following distinguishing features:

  • A thick-terry flower contains up to 40 petals with wavy edges.
  • When fully bloomed, it has the shape of a saucer with an open center in the form of a yellow middle.
  • The diameter of the rose is up to 7 cm.
  • Multi-flowered shoots.
  • Hues smoothly pass from one to another, being initially saturated pink with red veins.

The abundant flowering of Kimono roses

Rosa Kimono Floribunda her description includes interesting features of color change. Color turns pale in the sun and under the influence of temperature, becoming tender and pink, but beauty does not disappear. Especially the color intensity falls in the heat. With the onset of cool, the petals again become saturated.

Attention! On the basis of the variety in question, claming of the same name was also made, that is, a climbing version with increased resistance to frost.

Kimono is a re-flowering plant. The process resembles continuous heavy waves. Delicate coloring can be admired until the fall: September or October. The end period depends on how well the flower will be looked after, as well as on the climate of the growing region.

Floronund Kimono Rose Flower

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

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It is known that all cultures are endowed with virtues, but there are also disadvantages.

Considering the quality of roses of the Kimono variety, the following advantages are noted:

  • Resistance to cold;
  • Beautiful appearance;
  • Plentiful flowering;
  • Resistance to many diseases.

Florists believe that flaws are present. For example, they indicate a tendency to damage with black spotting and not very good immunity to powdery mildew.

Use in landscape design

Rose Amber Queen

Branches without thorns make it possible to use a rose for a cut. In terms of landscape, the plant has a great decorative effect. The coloring is considered universal, because the bush looks great against the background of red and white varieties. A not too large rose is combined with conifers, phlox flowers, hosts and hydrangeas. Being planted alone, it is also good, can decorate the gazebo and decorate a separate bench. The lack of brightness in the color does not interfere with rest.

Kimono Rose Fence

How to plant

Rose Floribunda care for her includes by no means simple agricultural technology for the Kimono variety. But there is no significant whimsicality to conditions. So, the composition of the soil must be special, the earth must be fed with mineral fertilizers. In stock, it is necessary to have funds against aphids, ticks and diseases.

In what form is landing

You can plant a rose using ready-made seedlings. They should be selected without damage. Three shoots and developed roots are required. Also make cuttings.

What time is the landing

The preferred planting period is autumn. If you decide to hold an event in the spring, choose April.


Places that are lit by the sun are reserved for landing. But noon in the southern regions forces to take care of the plant additionally, to create partial shade. Rosa does not like drafts, but the site should be aired. Otherwise, the fungal infection threatens the shrub, especially if the wet period begins.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

Soil selection also matters. Need a light, loose, nutritious soil. Heavy clay soil requires digging a large landing pit and filling it with a mixture that is not so difficult to prepare on your own. The best soil is sandy, loamy, with neutral pH. With an acidic composition, lime is added.

Attention! A properly prepared soil mixture easily absorbs water, but does not let it pass into the deeper layers.

Landing procedure step by step

There are several ways to land.

The first of these occurs in the following stages:

  • Dig a hole;
  • At the bottom place some fertilizer;
  • Next, perform the actions together. One person holds a rose, another - spreads the root system and covers it with soil.

Attention! The earth must be compacted and the landing completed by watering.

Another method is to use a solution. A bucket of water is taken, a tablet of heteroauxin and sodium humate is dissolved. Everything flows into the prepared hole. The seedling is placed in water and covered with soil. So the bush grows better, because there is no space left between the roots.

Kimono rose bush in the garden on a support

Plant care

When grown, the plant is taken care of, including regular watering, loosening, pruning and top dressing.

Watering rules and humidity

Moisturizing the soil should be timely and plentiful, which is especially important in the summer, because it does not always rain.


  • The earth must be constantly moist, but not excessively wet.
  • The stream is directed to the roots so that water does not appear on the leaves. If this rule is not observed, watering is transferred to the evening, so that the bush dries by morning.
  • The second half of summer requires a decrease in moisture. In September, the rose is not watered at all, so that it does not grow shoots, because they will die in winter.

Important! The procedure is not carried out in direct sunlight. Water is pre-settled. If the ground is dry, watering is done 1 or 2 times a week.

Top dressing and soil quality

In spring, the rose is fed with nitrogen fertilizers. When flowering, phosphorus and potassium are needed. The soil should be loose, containing enough nutrients. When budding, cow manure is introduced for the abundant formation of inflorescences. By autumn, top dressing is stopped, as the plant goes to a rest period.

Pruning and transplanting

A rose is cut three times a year. For the first time this is done in the spring. Shoots shorten. Remove all that are dead or damaged. On the branches leave 5 buds. The last time the procedure is carried out in the fall, but this does not apply to the first year of life, when the event is not carried out.

Attention! Cutting the rose in the summer, the gardener will extend its flowering.

Features of wintering a flower

The plant is characterized by sufficient winter hardiness. He has a good adaptation to cold conditions, the rose tolerates frost at -23.3 ° C. But warming during the onset of low temperatures is still required. This is especially true for areas where there is little snow. In colder areas, shelter is necessary because the plant’s own immunity will not be enough.

Period of activity and rest

To maintain rich flowering, it is necessary to trim the faded branch in a timely manner and top dress during the decline of the process. Blooming is fast, activity is quite long. To maintain aesthetics, you need to cut off the withered heads in inflorescences. The presence of a pleasant aroma is noted. Some call it weak, others indicate moderate intensity.

In autumn, a period of rest begins. By winter, you need to cover the plant with fir spruce branches, as well as polyethylene. In the spring you need to ventilate the place. As soon as stable heat is established, the film and spruce branches are removed.

During and after flowering

When flowering, the rose is fertilized with phosphorus-potassium mixtures. Mandatory is the prevention of spraying. This must be done even when diseases are not yet discussed.

Reasons if not blooming

After planting in spring, you can wait for the beginning of flowering at the end of summer. The plant will look modest, these buds are recommended to be removed. So the bush can develop roots. The potential of the plant depends on the state of the underground system.

Diseases, pests, methods of control

Almost the only danger is black spotting. Moreover, Kimono can infect neighboring specimens. The treatment is difficult. Powdery mildew rose is stable with average rates. This means that in not very favorable years there is a danger of damage.

Attention! The variety tolerates rainy weather. Although some buds may deteriorate, the bulk will survive greater humidity. The color will become bright, but the inflorescences will not wilt. Spotting occurs on the flowers only towards the end of the process.

Flower propagation

The variety is propagated by cuttings. You can buy a ready-made seedling, grafted or rooted in advance. If it is sold in a pot, all that remains is to do a transshipment. That is, remove from the container and place in a hole made in the open ground. So the root system is practically not damaged.

When produced

For cuttings choose autumn or April. The material is obtained in the process of trimming. Rooted cuttings usually immediately, in the same period. It is believed that both vaccination and planting give the best results in early spring. So they get the best survival rate in connection with optimal light and temperature conditions for the plant.


The following steps are required:

  • Lignified shoots pruned. The cut is up to 0.5 cm above the kidney.
  • 8 cm sections are cut from the branch.
  • At the bottom, cut the stem at 45 degrees.
  • Remove all spikes.
  • The slice is processed by a composition with phytohormones.
  • Prepare holes of 15 cm and plant 4 cm.
  • The site is covered with polyethylene, then it is necessary to ventilate.
  • Before watering the plant, the soil is loosened and a little fertilizer is applied.

Cuttings are kept in one place for 2 years. Then the finished seedling is transferred to a permanent place.

Variety Kimono for many years delight gardeners, true connoisseurs. Demanding care and protection from disease, control of immunity, the rose rewards the beauty of abundant flowering.


Watch the video: Existe uma mulher aqui dentro desse Kimono rosa e ela quer voz. Ana entrevista Kyra Gracie (October 2024).