Why cyclamen does not bloom: the main causes and methods of resuscitation


Cyclamen is a herbaceous plant that is grown in open areas and at home. Representative of the family Primrose. If cyclamen is properly looked after, in the flowering season it will delight fragrant exotic flowers.

Owners of flowering plants expect lush flowering throughout the season, for various reasons, the buds may not bloom.

Pink flower on a green background

Not everyone knows how to help the plant, what to do if the cyclamen leaves turn yellow, or pests spoiled it.


One of the reasons why cyclamen does not bloom is the increased air temperature in the room. Primroses bloom in the cold season, the heat is poorly tolerated. A temperature above 18 ° C is considered high for the flower. It is necessary to pay attention to the place in which the pot stands. During the heating season, primroses should not stand on window sills, under which there are radiators.

Deep root system

Deeply buried roots are the main reason why cyclamen does not bloom, and only leaves grow. In this case, the flower stem is partially submerged in the ground, which interferes with flowering. Perhaps the pot for the plant was incorrectly selected and turned out to be too deep.

Flower in a small pot

Note! Do not try to grow cyclamen in a large pot, the flower feels uncomfortable in the open. For an adult plant, you need to choose a pot with a diameter of 9-13 cm. The distance between the roots and walls of the pot should not exceed 2-3 cm.

Diseases and Pests

One of the reasons why cyclamen leaves curl is because of pest damage. The plant cannot bloom until the problem is resolved.

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Cyclamen diseases can be caused by viruses, fungi, and germs. Diseases can develop if the flower grows in inappropriate conditions. If measures are not taken in time, the plant will begin to die.

Yellow leaves

Cyclamen can drop leaves with a dormant period when the plant stops growing. In this case, they fall slowly, this is a normal process. If the leaves are opal quickly and almost all, this is a serious problem.

Cyclamen leaves may turn yellow and fall off if improperly looked after.

What you need to pay attention to:

  • Air temperature. The plant may be too hot;
  • Humidity. Cyclamen grows well with medium and high humidity;
  • Amount of water for irrigation. Moisture should not stagnate;
  • Ventilation. In poorly ventilated rooms or with strong drafts, the flower feels uncomfortable;
  • The place where the flower pot stands. Direct sunlight should not fall on it, leaves burn up from them. In this case, yellowing may be a sunburn.

Yellow leaves

If cyclamen leaves turn yellow and fade, home care has not changed, the problem may be in the soil. It can be infected with fungi and viruses that infect a flower. A fungal disease in which foliage turns yellow and falls is called fusariosis. The fungus is dangerous in that it clogs the vessels of the plant and releases toxins.

Wet rot

Through cracks in the tubers, the plant can catch a bacterial infection, resulting in wet rot. Recognizing the disease is simple: the plant sharply weakens and fades, a rotten smell appears. It is useless to treat a flower; it is better to immediately throw it away so that the rot does not pass to healthy plants.

Note! Cyclamen can catch the infection in the places of cut leaves or stems.

Gray mold

Gray mold - a fungal disease, manifests itself in the form of plaque with a silver sheen on the foliage. Flower stalks affected by mold darken and fall.

The main reason for the appearance is the combination of dampness and cold air in the room. If during watering water falls in the middle of the bud and on the leaves, over time they can become moldy. If you find a problem, you must immediately remove the affected areas with a sharpened knife. The remaining parts of the flower require fungicide treatment.

Root rot

The roots of cyclamen rot from exposure to fungi that start in the ground. Often, the disease appears if the flower is planted in ordinary garden or contaminated soil.

The problem cannot always be recognized immediately, since only the roots undergo decay. You need to pay attention to the leaves, in this case they lack nutrition, and they turn pale green.

You can reanimate an adult cyclamen, you need to pull it out of the pot and rinse off the ground. All damaged areas of the roots are cut off, healthy ones must be treated with a fungicide. The plant is planted in a cleaned earth mixture, which is pre-treated with hot steam.


In addition to the main problems, cyclamen has the following diseases:

  • Anthracnose is a fungal disease that primarily affects the peduncle. The top of a flowering stem dries up; it itself has a distorted shape;
  • Phytophthora rot is a fungal disease that is difficult to recognize. In the early stages, a spoiled flower does not differ from a healthy one; over time, its growth is disrupted. It begins to dry and fade, the leaves change color;
  • Sooty fungus - a dark coating that covers the surface of the foliage. Due to plaque, the plant does not receive enough sunlight and begins to fade.

Note! Infection with late blight often occurs after the flowering season, the diseased plant may not bloom repeatedly. At this time, it is necessary to ensure good ventilation of the soil and moderate humidity.

A common problem is that cyclamen has twisted leaves, why is this happening?

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The main reason is the defeat of the flower by pests, among which are most often found:

  • Aphids are tiny insects that draw juices from a plant. The leaves quickly twist and become sticky, if flowering occurs, the buds have a curved shape;
  • Mite. It is no larger than a grain of sand in size; it is impossible to recognize it. An adult tick and its larvae suck juices and vitality from cyclamen;
  • Scutellum is a dark-colored insect that sits motionless on the leaves of cyclamen and sucks out juice from it;
  • Thrips are flying insects that start in hot and dry weather. The affected flower slows its growth, its leaves and stems bend.

Note! If cyclamen shows signs of tick damage, it must be isolated from other plants.

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It is possible to revive and preserve the flower only in the early stages of the lesion, when there are no serious deformations of the stem and foliage.

Pest leaf

What you need to do to save cyclamen:

  1. Identify the disease and its cause. For example, the problem is stagnation of moisture, poor-quality soil or high temperature;
  2. Remove the spoiled parts of the flower: leaves, stems, spoiled roots;
  3. The surviving parts are treated with a solution, the choice of which depends on the disease of the plant;
  4. If the problem is in the soil, transplantation into a new high-quality substrate will be required;
  5. The plant continues to care for, control watering, temperature and lighting.

If cyclamen leaves curl from pests, the problem must be fixed.

You can fight pests with folk remedies or insecticides, which is better to use:

  • Chemical agents will help get rid of aphids: Aktara, Fitoverm, Agrovertin. The leaves are treated with a cotton swab dipped in a solution, after which the plant is washed in the shower;
  • When choosing chemicals, it must be borne in mind that ticks do not belong to insects, and conventional remedies will not help. Acaricides Neoron and Sunmayth will help to overcome the pest;
  • Aktar, Fitoverm and Bankol solutions, which need to be processed, will help get rid of scabies. In adults, it is possible to fly to different bushes, so the treatment is carried out every 14-30 days;
  • In the fight against thrips, it is better to prevent their appearance. It is necessary to maintain normal humidity and air temperature, especially in summer. If insects are wound up, Akarin, Fitoverm and Agrovertin will help get rid of them.

Young flowers do not rest in summer and bloom profusely; for adult plants, rest in the hot season is of great importance. If you do not let the cyclamen rest, the natural rhythms go astray. To make cyclamen bloom as early as next season, you need to get rid of the problems and properly care for it.

If cyclamen has faded, what to do next at home and how to care for it? Caring for cyclamen after flowering is the right watering and maintaining the right temperature.

Care should be taken during dormancy, when daytime temperatures reach 20 ° C. This period lasts from mid-April to September, at which time cyclamen does not bloom, its leaves dry and fall off.

Proper watering

It is enough to water the flower once a week, before the next watering the top layer of the earth should completely dry. After watering, the ground should be moist, but not moist. Only purified or settled water may be used.

Watering from a watering can

If cyclamen has bloomed, what needs to be done next and how to water it:

  • During the rest period, watering is not stopped, it is reduced to 2-3 times a month;
  • Water the plant with a small amount of water, depending on the size of the pot;
  • After 2 months of rest, the amount of water is gradually increased in order to return to normal mode by the time of flowering.

Note! For cyclamen, you need sufficient air humidity, in addition to watering, you should periodically spray the plant with water.

Fertilizing and fertilizers

For active growth and lush flowering, the plant needs to be fertilized.

Features of feeding cyclamen:

  • For an adult flower, dressing is carried out 1-2 times a month until the buds are formed. As fertilizer, you can choose a liquid fertilizer "Floretta";
  • At home, you can independently prepare the fertilizer by mixing 2 liters of water and 6 tbsp. l wood ash;
  • If the plant is young and still growing, you can feed it with calcium nitrate;
  • The use of mineral compounds is best minimized; cyclamen does not tolerate a large concentration of salts;
  • The use of chloride fertilizers is not allowed;
  • Fertilizer should be applied only to moistened soil;
  • It is undesirable to use complex fertilizers for deciduous plants, otherwise instead of buds, foliage will begin to grow actively;
  • After flowering, all dressings must be stopped.

Note! If cyclamen was grown from seeds, it must be fed with growth activators immediately after the formation of the first sprouts.


Cyclamen is a photophilous plant, it needs bright diffused lighting. Direct sunlight is advisable to avoid, from them the leaves will dry and crumble. The plant can stand near the window on the east, west and southwest sides. In the morning and evening, it is allowed to place the flower on the windowsill near the south window.

Pots on the windowsill

Note! During dormancy, the plant gets used to the dark, you can not immediately put it in a lighted place. For 3-4 days, cyclamen should stand in partial shade in order to re-get used to the light.


One of the common questions of indoor flower owners is "If the cyclamen after flowering remains in the pot, what should I do with it and at what temperature should I store it?" The plant feels good at daytime temperatures from 10 to 18 ° C and at night in the range of 6-9 ° C. In the heating season, cyclamen should be away from radiators and heaters.

During dormancy, the flower should be indoors at a temperature of 15-20 ° C, it can be stored in basements, cellars or in a room with air conditioning. If it is not possible to provide the required temperature in hot summers, storage in the refrigerator is allowed. The plant is dug out of the soil, the roots are wrapped in polyethylene and placed in the lower section for storing vegetables.

Primroses require special conditions, in adverse conditions - they will not bloom. If the cyclamen quickly turned yellow leaves, or the plant has a painful appearance, you must immediately help him. Incorrect or untimely actions can ruin a flower.


Watch the video: CYCAS PALM RESCUE! Yellow leaves and 0% growth for 3 YEARS - what's wrong? (September 2024).