Adonis Flower - Outdoor Planting and Care


Adonis is a very common plant among gardeners. It is valued for its decorativeness, beneficial properties, contains glycosides, alcohols, trace elements, and is used as a sedative and diuretic. Below is written about species diversity, methods of growing and propagating the flower.

Plant description

Adonis is better known as adonis, yellowflower or bush-fluffy, a relative of "night blindness", belongs to the family Ranunculaceae. In the world there are more than 20 annual species and about 45 perennials. In the wild, the flower grows in subtropical latitudes and areas with a temperate climate, frosty winters. The name of the flower is associated with a touching legend. That was the name of the son of the Cypriot king, beloved Aphrodite, who died during the hunt. There is another version of the name associated with the Assyrian god Adon.

The amazing beauty of Adonis vernalis, the description of the flower is in the treatises five centuries ago

Short description of adonis:

  • the bush grows from 30 to 60 cm tall;
  • single root, growing down, brownish, with cord processes;
  • stems erect, simple or branched;
  • leaves narrowly dissected into strips or needle parts;
  • a single flower, from 4 to 8 cm in size, glossy petals of red or yellow color, oblong with a rounded tip up to 3 cm long, petals grow from 10 to 20 pieces;
  • the fruits are wrinkled in appearance resembling buckwheat.

Species and varieties

Gerbera flower garden planting and outdoor care

Breeders create hybrids based on adonises brought from different parts of the world. On the shelves you can see bags with the image of a wide variety of buds. Gardeners prefer species varieties propagated by seeds.

Here are some of the types of adonis:

  • The Mediterranean species of annual or autumn adonis reaches a height of 30 cm. The stems branch from the middle, form a dense bush. The buds are bright red or light yellow, small, only 1.5-2 cm in diameter. Leaves are strongly dissected. The species has been known since 1596. Flowering begins in June, lasts until mid-August;
  • Volga Adonis is found along river banks in the middle zone of the European part of Eurasia. It is distinguished by the pubescence of young shoots, purple sepals. Petals yellow, pale pastel shade, pale. The tips of the dissected leaves are bent down;

Red adonis will become a bright accent of garden or lawn decoration

  • in the middle of Europe there is Adonis Letny or "coal on fire", the English call the flower "eye of the pheasant." The stems of Adonis Summer are straight, up to 30 cm tall. Buds up to 3 cm, appear in June, persist until mid-August;
  • Adonis Vernalis: Adonis of the species Vernalis or Spring is listed as a medicinal plant. It is found in Eastern Europe, in the western regions of Siberia, in the foothills of the Caucasus. Adonis of Spring has a thick rhizome, the bush grows up to 60 cm tall, in June buds appear on low shoots;
  • The Far Eastern Adonis of the Amurensis species is found in Japan, on the Korean Peninsula, in the northeastern provinces of China. At Adonis Amursky, flowering lasts three weeks, the flowers are large, up to 5 cm in diameter, wide open, with several rows of petals. Bush height 35 cm.

Based on the Adonis species plant of the Amurensis species, hybrid varieties were created:

  • Benten - terry white;
  • Ramosa or Adonis Mahra Red with reddish-brown buds;
  • Hinomoto is a multi-color terry bud with a red-orange center bordered by bronze-green petals.

Adonis flower growing from seed

Knifofiya - planting and care in the open ground

Adonis annual is grown only from seeds. They quickly lose their germination, so they are planted in the ground immediately after harvest. In spring, they germinate at a temperature of + 5 ° C. When packaged seeds of flower adonis are purchased in stores, seedlings are grown at home or in greenhouses.

Adonis flower annual: sowing

Krinum - garden flower, planting and care in the open ground

Adonis loves loose soil, the soil is prepared from a mixture of 2 parts of sand, 1 part of humus and 1 part of turf soil. Seeds are buried by 1-1.5 cm, planting is carried out in individual tall cups or a total capacity of 25 cm in height. Sowing material is laid out at a distance of 15-20 cm. Seedlings will appear in 14-21 days. Annual planting dates are April-May.

Perennial seeds must be stratified to survive the winter. They are sown in late autumn, kept in a cold basement until the snow cover is established, then buried in snow.

Seedling Care

Shoots protect from direct sunlight, shade. Watered daily by spraying. Seedlings try not to dive, thin out by pulling. Adonis does not like transplants, the plant adapts to new conditions for a long time.

Important! The earth needs to be loosened so that a root is formed faster.

Adonis planting in open ground

Before transplanting, the seedlings are tempered: in the afternoon they are taken out to a cool place where the temperature is above + 12 ° C. First stand 2 hours, then longer.

When to plant adonis

Young annual plants are transferred to a permanent place after return frosts. Perennials can be transplanted until mid-autumn, because the young growths need to grow stronger during the month before wintering.

Perennial Mongolian or Apennine adonis is recognized by the terry green core, on the basis of this plant many beautiful hybrids are bred

How to plant

For adonis, neutral drained soil is chosen, shaded areas in the afternoon. Abundant flowering requires soil rich in humus and minerals.

Landing is carried out by the method of transshipment, without destroying the earthen coma. Before transplanting, the plant is not watered for two days. From individual cups, seedlings are obtained by tapping, from common containers - a garden scoop to remove dandelions. The recommended interval between the bushes is 25-30 cm. The depth of the hole should be at least 30 cm. A handful of humus is thrown at it, an earthen lump is placed vertically on top.

Note! The plant will die if the central root is broken.

Adonis care in the garden

Adonis is an unpretentious plant, but it grows slowly. Perennials bloom in 3-5 years, depending on the growing conditions.

How to grow

For the formation of new buds, the earth is regularly loosened, especially on loamy soils, where a crust forms after irrigation and rain. Top dressing is carried out during the budding period, complex mineral fertilizers are used.

Planting of an annual adonis, the flower shrubs well, blooms profusely, if the intervals between seedlings are maintained

Note! Only from adult bushes of perennials do shoots cut for bouquets. In young flowering shoots, when cut, the buds of renewed growth can be damaged.

How to water a plant

Adonis is a water-loving grass; you do not need to wait for the soil to dry for watering. On hot days, it is better to moisten the flower daily, do it under the root, in the morning or late in the evening.

Adonis propagation

Important! In one place, adonis can grow up to 20 years. He is unnecessarily not disturbed.

In addition to the seed propagation method, there is a root one. Maternal can become a bush at the age of 5 years. They dig it out, divide it into parts so that each piece has growth buds, central long roots. Rhizome sections are treated with crushed coal or a mixture of chalk and Fitosporin in equal proportions. The division is made with a sharp knife or a well-sharpened shovel.

Note! Small delenki do not take root, die. It is better to divide the bush in half, a large rhizome is cut into 4 equal parts.

The favorable time for dividing the bush is August or early September. The formed parts are immediately moved to a new place. Care for them is the same as for young plants.

The survival rate depends on the correct division of the bush, the more upper buds on the plot, the better

Important! The first two years, all buds are torn off so that Adonis is well rooted, adapts faster.

Diseases and Pests

In this regard, the plant does not cause trouble. Poisons contained in all parts of the plant, harmful to fungal infections, repel insects.

Adonis after flowering

As a raw material for traditional medicine, leaves and fruits of the bush are used. They are collected immediately after flowering, it is believed that at this time they have the most useful substances.

Note! Healing is considered Adonis Spring, it is part of galenic preparations.

How and when to collect seeds

In annuals, the fruits ripen in June-July, in perennials - a little later. High-quality seed material is collected from bushes at the age of 6-7 years. Boxes are carefully cut after the petals fall, the sepals dry. Seeds are immediately ready for planting.

Important! Do not forget that perennial seeds should be wintered. Details are in the Landing section.

Winter preparations

Perennial adonis flowers, growing in one place for many years, shelters are not required. Bushes winter well. Young growth and planted delenki for the first wintering are thrown with dry peat with a layer of 10 cm or another type of mulch (rotted dry sawdust, straw, humus).

Adonis gets along well with other perennials, the flower becomes a bright accent of the composition


Adonis has amazing buds - varnished bright petals, a dark core. The greens look decorative, the flower is planted in groups or singly on flower beds, lawns, alpine hills. Use for registration of sites and in landscape design.


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