Rosa Leonardo de Vinci - description of the standard grade


Rose Leonardo da Vinci is a very popular variety that causes nostalgia for many. It is able to withstand adverse weather conditions, having high resistance to negative environmental factors. Thanks to lush flowering, it is able to decorate any area.

Rose Leonardo da Vinci (Leonardo da Vinci rose or MEIdeauri) - what kind of variety, the history of creation

Variety floribund Leonardo da Vinci was bred in 1993. The flowers are bright pink, medium size - no more than 12 cm in diameter, with a light aroma of tea. The number of petals varies greatly (from 40 to 80). The leaves are dark green and shiny throughout the season due to disease resistance.

Rosa Leonardo da Vinci

Later, a variety of roses Red Leonardo da Vinci was created, which was bred in 2003. It has dark red double petals, dark green foliage. Rose flowers of Red Leonardo da Vinci are fragrant; spots of the color of dark red wine appear throughout the season.

The main disadvantages include a weak aroma.

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

Planting is mainly carried out by seedlings in the spring. It is recommended to carry it out in the summer on fertile, well-drained soils, as the Leonardo da Vinci rose requires a large amount of nutrients.

Rosa Princess Anne - description of the variety

The site should have the required level of insolation, and the soil should be a mixture of peat, sand and humus with a thickness of at least 10 cm.

Landing Algorithm:

  1. Dig a hole 0.5 meters deep in the place of future landing.
  2. Add crushed stone or gravel to the bottom.
  3. Place a fertile soil mixture on top of the drainage.
  4. To fill up with the earth.
  5. Pour under the root.

Important! Before planting, it is recommended to place seedlings for 24 hours in a root stimulant solution. This will improve the plant's ability to root and increase the chances of successful survival.

Rosa da Vinci: plant care

Plant care is quite simple. It is necessary to monitor the constant soil moisture. Watering should be carried out so as to avoid getting water on the bud and foliage. It is strongly not recommended to carry out watering during the day in hot weather.

Rosa Aphrodite (Aphrodite) - variety description

The plant must be periodically fed with artificial fertilizers with a high content of potassium, nitrate and urea or humus. Thanks to this, the plant will bloom more often and more saturated. The optimal alternation of organic fertilizers and special mixtures. Fertilizer is made once a week before watering. At the same time, the soil should be fertile and easily permeable to air and moisture, so the best option is a mixture of earth, peat, sand and compost.

Plant pruning is carried out only in the presence of old, diseased shoots or with a large length that interferes with shelter. Experts insist on the damage to plant health due to pruning in the autumn. Circumcision must be carried out so that 2-3 kidneys remain. Transplantation is carried out when cramped containers appear.

The plant is resistant to low temperatures. This property was transferred from polyanthous. At the end of autumn, you can cover the surrounding soil with a dry mixture of earth, peat and crushed tree bark. When the temperature drops to 10 degrees, the bushes should be covered with straw and plastic wrap.

Note! During dormancy, feeding ceases, watering is reduced.

Flowering roses

Rose Eden Rose (Eden Rose) - description and characteristics of the variety

Blossoming continues throughout the summer at short intervals. Slowdown occurs in the autumn-winter period.

Care during the active phase consists in timely watering, feeding and cutting of diseased parts with subsequent treatment.

The absence of flowers is due to several reasons:

  • improper location of the plant, leading to a lack of the required amount of sunny color;
  • excess pruning;
  • defects in care: lack of nutrients, untimely watering, lack of control of diseases and parasites;
  • weed spread;
  • bacterial burn;
  • the presence of old shoots that limit the intake of minerals and vitamins.

Bacterial burn

Flower propagation

Cuttings are the most reliable way of propagating Leonardo da Vinci roses from all possible vegetative methods of reproduction. Begin in mid-July. This is due to the need for complete stem maturation. The degree of maturity is determined by the ease of breaking off the thorns.

  • after choosing a stalk the thickness of a pencil you need to cut it and remove the thorns;
  • prune the bottom branch. A new spine will form from this place;
  • the top cut must be done above the upstream branch. Here the upper part of the plant will develop;
  • a large number of leaf blades will adversely affect the growth and development of the cuttings due to the high level of moisture evaporation, therefore it is necessary to save no more than 2 sheets;
  • boarding should begin immediately;
  • Before planting, it is recommended to treat the place of future root growth with root. The stems are stuck in the moistened soil located in the pot, to a level that completely hides the area of ​​the lower trimmed branch;
  • moisten slightly with a sprayer, cover with a plastic bag and place in a warm, shady place for up to 1 month;
  • after 30 days, check the condition of the radicular system. With its development, seedlings should be planted in a separate pot.

Important! The leaves should not be in contact with each other, the pot, the surface of the earth or with the package covering them to avoid damage. Constant monitoring of the condition and moderate moistening with a spray of seedlings is necessary. When rot appears - you need to remove the plant to prevent the spread of infection.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

The plant variety is resistant to pests and diseases. Among the most common pathologies of floribund are the following:

  • powdery mildew. The disease begins in wet weather with the appearance of a white coating on all organs of the plant, followed by a stop in photosynthesis and death. For treatment, it is necessary to remove the affected parts, spray with a solution of copper sulfate;
  • black spotting. Pathology appears due to potassium deficiency. Manifested by blackening of the outer surface of the leaf, yellowing and subsequent falling off. The fight is processing Bordeaux liquid;

Black spotting

  • spider mite. In dry weather, the insect begins to weave, damaging the leaves of the rose. This disrupts the process of photosynthesis and vital processes. The treatment is aimed at combating ticks by treating with direct-acting insecticides once a week for 3 weeks;
  • rose aphids. The insect completely affects the plant, eating juice, which reduces the supply of roses with nutrients and water. For effective control, it is recommended to rinse with running water and treat with direct-acting insecticides 3 times a day with an interval of 3 days.

Rosa Leonardo da Vinci is one of the most favorable varieties for planting in the middle zone of the Russian Federation. It is highly resistant to negative environmental factors.


Watch the video: "Leonardo da Vinci Cut Diamond" Presentazione mondiale del a Vinci (October 2024).