Flowers tulips


The Turks began to cultivate tulip flowers in the distant 16th century. Already in the next century, plants fall into Holland and begin their victorious march through Europe. It is difficult to imagine now suburban areas in which this culture would not be bred.

General information

The bulbous perennial tulip of the Liliaceae family is very popular in landscape design, along with daffodils and hyacinths. You can find plants in the wild.

Field of tulips

If cultivated tulips are only 4 centuries old, then their ancestors are more than a dozen million years old. The northern regions of Iran are considered the birthplace of the flower. Geophyte plants feel comfortable on the mountain slopes of the Tien Shan and the Pamirs.

Thanks to people, there was widespread settlement of tulips and other latitudes. Plants can be found in the steppes, lowlands and even desert areas. The herbaceous perennial adapts well in the dry hot climate of the south, calmly tolerates the cold winters of the northern regions (Siberia, the Urals).

What do tulips look like?

Forest and steppe tulips are small flowers of a yellowish-whitish or lilac hue. Cultivated can be as high as 10 cm, and reach 1 meter. The tulip flower, depending on the species, takes a different shape:

  • goblet;
  • star
  • lily-shaped;
  • terry;
  • oval;
  • corrugated parrot;
  • cupped.

In addition to the form, the coloring is varied among the buds. Traditional tulips are pink, but you can find white, yellow, lilac and even purple-black.

Parrot tulip

The plant is characterized by a special form of a modified stem. All organs are formed in the membranous bulb. Leaves and a peduncle depart from it. Corolla and perianth consist of shares, the number of which is a multiple of 6. The same amount on the flower of stamens. The pestle has a 3-blade stigma.

Additional Information. The flower gives the fruit a box, but propagated by daughter bulbs. You can use the seeds of some varieties, but then flowering will have to wait at least 4 years.

When tulips bloom

Tulips and daffodils are often adjacent to the flower beds nearby and are the flowers of the spring season. According to the timing of flowering, plants are classified into groups:

  1. early flowering fragrances begin in March and delight the eye until early May; divided into 2 classes: simple tulips and terry;
  2. mid-flowering capture the end of April and May; these include the Mendelevs and Triumphs, as well as Darwin hybrids;
  3. late flowering can be admired in the second half of May; this group is more branched into classes: non-double (Darwinov, Briderov, multi-flowered), Liliaceae, Fringed, Greens, Rembrandt, Parrot, Terry.

Greenflower hybrid

Professionals distinguish another group of tulips that is as close as possible to the characteristics of wild plants. They are divided into hybrid classes and those species that are most similar to the original form. Their main period of budding is April-May.

Knowing when tulips bloom, you can plant varieties from different groups on a flower bed at the same time. This will allow you to enjoy the colorful beauty from early spring to the beginning of summer.

Varieties and types of tulips

When to plant tulips

Tulips are such a diverse culture that experts have no consensus on how to classify these plants. In addition to dividing by flowering dates, tulip varieties are grouped according to common characteristics. One of them is the structure of the flower.

Peony tulips

The buds of this species, indeed, from afar resemble peonies. Varieties are distinguished not only by the shape of the flower, but also by the original color:

  • Royal Acres has bright purple terry inflorescences;
  • Monte Carlo has a yellow flower;
  • at Khumilis Tet-a-tet, the red petals are pointed at the top;
  • the yellow-orange Sensual Touch is characterized by a fringed border;
  • the white petals of the terry inflorescence "Cartouche" are beautifully edged with bright pink stripes;
  • in the pink and white Angelica, green stripes can be seen on the outer petals below;
  • the deep orange San Lav boasts delicate red veins.

Peony flowers

It is easy to confuse the purple peony tulips Blue Diamond and Dream Toch with bush flowers of the same family.

Terry Tulips

In fact, these are the same pion-shaped flowers, differ from simple tulips in the arrangement of petals in several rows. Terry tulips are classified in groups into early and late.

Varieties of tulips with multi-tiered inflorescences

GradeFeaturesFlowering period
"Mr. van der Hoof"Reaches a height of 0.2-0.4 m. Gives golden yellow flowers 10-12 cm in diameterEnd of April - beginning of May
MurilloThe peduncle barely reaches a length of 40 cm. At the beginning of the inflorescence they are white in color, by the end of flowering they acquire a pinkish tint
ElectraA low stem (from 20 to 40 cm) is crowned with a cherry-red bud, the average diameter of which is 10 cm
Ankle TomA dark cherry inflorescence with a cream center is formed on a stem 0.3-0.4 mThe end of May - the beginning of June
Don PedroA half-meter plant gives an inflorescence of a spherical shape of orange-lilac color with a brown center
DilinburgFairly high flower - up to 70 cm in height. It stands out with a mixed color in orange and raspberry tones.The end of May
Mount TecomThe average plant height is 0.4-0.5 m. The attention is attracted by snow-white terry buds.First half of may
"Symphony"Reaches a height of just over half a meter. Gives medium-sized (up to 9 cm in diameter) bright raspberry inflorescencesMid may

Terry beauty

The real decoration of landscape design will be the densely terry varieties "Gold Medal" with golden yellow inflorescences and the carmine-red "Cox".

Botanical tulips

This is a special group composed of natural tulips. Varieties are characteristic habits of wild plants. Plants are unpretentious in cultivation, so they are often used to decorate rocky gardens and alpine slides.

Morphological features

To understand how such tulips look, it is enough to recall those plants that are found in the wild. They can rightfully be called dwarfs - most varieties barely reach a height of 20 cm.

Despite the "ignoble" origin of the varieties, summer residents love to grow botanical tulips. First of all, it attracts a variety of colors, as well as curly leaves of some species.

Botanical variety

Note! Hardened plants tolerate temperature extremes, feel comfortable without prolonged watering and bloom 3 weeks earlier than tulips from other groups.

Varieties of botanical species

In the wild nature of Russia there are tulips of Turkestan, Lipsky, Batalin, forest, two-tone, pointed. In suburban areas, they are more likely to grow hybrids with the characteristics of wild plants.

Types of Botanical Tulips

AlbertaThe dwarf has a pubescent stem and curly leaf. Single flowers, orange-red color with a black bottom
GreigYou can find out by mottled foliage. The flowers are large, with a wide base and a slight bend. They have a different color ("Tango" orange-scarlet, "Pandur" two-tone combination of light yellow with carmine red)
KaufmanPretty squat plants. The bluish-green foliage is decorated with specks. Perianth leaves inside are yellow or white, sometimes with a red border. Star-shaped flowers vary in color. What it will be depends on the variety ("Brillan" dark pink, "Robert Schumann" yellow, "Eliot" white)
FosterAmong the other dwarfs is considered a "giant" - grows to half a meter. The tulip has a powerful pubescent stem, with a darker top. It is distinguished by wide leaves, elongated buds and bell-shaped perianths. Flowers can be painted in fiery red ("Cantata") or orange ("Juan") tones. In this case, the bottom of the bud is either yellow or dark purple
EichlerAt the "baby", the pubescent stem hides behind narrow, slightly bent leaves. The plates are framed by a wavy red border. Single bell-shaped flowers have a wide base with a shallow interception in the middle. The buds have a dark bottom and a yellow border on top

One can also meet the excellent tulip. In the species, not only the stem but also the leaves are very pubescent. From 1 to 3 (sometimes 5) flowers of a uniform shade from orange-golden to dark crimson are formed on the bush.

Growing technology

The step-by-step algorithm applied to tulips with biological features is no different from what is practiced for decorative varieties. The workflow includes the following nuances:

  • after the plant fades and the stem dries, tulip bulbs need to be dug up and dried on paper laid on a table;
  • until planting, onions, cleaned from scales, stored in a dark, cool place;
  • plant in open ground in autumn (closer to the cold), choosing a well-lit area with loose soil;
  • so that the plants do not interfere with each other's development, they maintain the planting plan:
  1. the distance between the holes is 7-10 cm (you can measure with the palm of your hand);
  2. the maternal bulb is deepened by 15 cm;
  3. large baby - 10 cm;
  4. small - 4-5 cm;
  5. if the soil is sandy, another 2 cm of depth should be added to the indicated parameters;
  • on depleted soils, it is recommended to feed the plant immediately (but you can not use manure).

Important! Tulips can develop in one place without digging for several years. Every year the quality of the flowers will deteriorate.

Therefore, do not wonder when to dig daffodils and tulips. If the former can still sit for several years in the ground without prejudice to decorativeness, then the latter's bulbs are best removed from the ground every summer (in June).

Diseases and Pests

Botanical varieties are considered hardy plants with high immunity against infections. But sometimes you can notice speckles and stripes on the leaves, which indicates a problem such as variegation. A vector can cause a disease - aphids.

Important! Often pathogenic microbes accumulate in the soil. Therefore, it is recommended to transplant tulips to a new place every 3 years.

There are other problems that the flowers of this group are exposed to:

  • if the leaves turn yellow and dry, you can blame the bear, the nutcracker beetle, or the onion mite;
  • if the entire ground part abruptly began to fade and became covered with a grayish coating, this is evidence of defeat by fusarium;
  • the nematode eats up the root, causing bacterial rot.

If pests can still be controlled with special drugs, then plants infected with fungi should be removed from the flower bed along with an earthen lump. Slightly damaged leaves can be pruned and flowers treated with fungicides.

Dutch tulips

The main work on the selection of this plant is carried out in the Netherlands (it is not for nothing that the flowers are considered a symbol of this country). In fact, all tulips can be called Dutch. Thanks to the Dutch Botanical Garden, they became famous all over the world. From here, the first varieties began to spread across the continents.

Dutch abundance


Several centuries ago, the Scandinavian country was “sick” with tulip mania, and the prices of the plant bulbs were high. But as soon as the breeders "put on stream" the cultivation of magnificent flowers, the excitement subsided, and the tulips left Holland, embarking on a journey around the world.

New original varieties continue to be presented to gardeners by master breeders of the Netherlands. Thanks to their efforts, buds come in unusual color shades.


Blue tulips can only be called conditionally, because in the chromosome set of a plant there is no dolphinidin pigment. Some varieties with purple or violet buds under a certain ray of light cast blue or blue (for example, "Blue Performance" or "Blue Ribbon", "Blue Parrot").


This color variety of buds can be found in many garden beds. Purple tulips have a different tonality: from soft light to deep dark (almost black). The most popular varieties are Queen of the Night, Simple Crystal, Waflower, and Black Hiro.

Purple Grade Black Hiro


Multi-flowered tulips

Typically, the bulb throws one tulip. But there is a variety of bush type flowers. Such plants look unusual - there is a feeling as if a whole bouquet were stuck in the ground.

Multicolor tulips do not stand out as a separate group. The first varieties belonged to the group of late-flowering plants with simple flowers. Now fringed and terry hybrids with an average flowering period have appeared. The most famous among them are the varieties marked "Triumph".

Multifloral tulip


The disadvantage of bush tulips is their quick degeneracy. If in the first year the bulb gives a lush bouquet, then in a couple of years even single buds may not bloom even with good care.

Jerusalem tulip

Among the types of tulips, the name "Jerusalem" does not officially exist. It is possible that amateur gardeners name plants so that they grow everywhere in Israel. The low beautiful tulips have large simple red buds. You can also find purple dwarfs and multi-flowered plants.

Israel Flowers


Liliaceae became the most familiar cultures for summer residents. Now the question does not arise how much tulips cost. Even bulbs of new varieties have an affordable price. You can get hold of classic flowers for free even with your neighbor. Therefore, tulips are grown everywhere to decorate the garden or to cut into bouquets.


Watch the video: How to Grow Tulips. At Home With P. Allen Smith (September 2024).