Rose tree - features of growing a standard flower


Gardeners who at least once saw a standard rose rose immediately with a desire to grow it. But few people know how to make a rose on a stem. To cope with this difficult task, you should know the rules for the formation of such a flower.

What is a standard rose, how to create it

Outwardly, the standard rose is a flowering bush on a long trunk. Such a plant is easier to buy in the store, but you can create an unusual flower with your own hands.

For stock you need to grow a strong rosehip trunk (wild rose). Within 2-3 years, a low bush is formed from the seedling, on which they leave one powerful shoot. The bark on it should be lignified.

Stamp roses in landscaping

Cuttings of roses are planted on the stock grown in early May. You can plant flowers of different shades on one stamb. It is advisable to vaccinate in 2 places, stepping back from the top 20-30 cm. Until the end of the year, the place of scion should be delayed, and next season the tree will give the first flowers.

.Interesting! The height of the stem depends on the variety of roses grafted onto it.

Low trees with a height of 50-100 cm are formed from miniature roses that grow in the room. Hybrid tea species and floribunda are located at a height of 150 cm. The climbing varieties can grow on the stem up to 2 meters.

Rosehip for stock

Advantages and disadvantages of such a rose

Pluses of the flower on the stem:

  • A rose tree is formed from a stock of wild rose, which is adapted for wintering in a cold climatic zone. This quality makes the flower resistant to freezing.
  • The high location of the crown above the ground protects foliage and buds from dampness and damage by crawling insects.
  • The tree plant has aesthetic superiority over bush species. Highly located inflorescences attract the eyes of passers-by from afar.
  • The powerful trunk of the plant provides the rose with sufficient nutrition, which guarantees abundant and prolonged flowering.

Disadvantages of a tree rose:

  • The high cost of planting material, which is formed on the basis of the long term growth of the stock (up to 5 years).
  • Difficulty pruning the crown of a bush.

Description of a rose in the form of a tree, what is the height

Rosa Geisha (Geisha) - features of cultivation

A rose in the form of a tree looks like a flowering bush on a dais from a strong trunk. The height of the stem can vary from 30 cm to 2 meters. Crohn is in the form of a weeping bush, a direct lush bouquet with large flowers, and small buds are grafted from home plant varieties.

Rose on a high stem

The most suitable varieties for forming a tree

Rosa Talea (Talea) - features and characteristics of the flower

All varieties of the plant can be grown on the stem. Below are the names of the roses, spectacular like a tree. But they can be grown in the form of a bush.

Princess de Monaco

Tea hybrid variety. The bud has the shape of a glass, white with a pink coating, with a diameter of up to 14 cm. The hybrid is characterized by good resistance to disease and frost. It blooms throughout the summer, fallen flowers are replaced by many new ones. The variety has won several international awards in the field of rose growing. Suitable for decorating small gardens.

Jardins de Bagatelle

Erect bush with single flowers on the stems. The buds have a half-open appearance, the color is beige-pink, the petals are twisted. The hybrid has a pronounced aroma during flowering. The species is winter-hardy, therefore, in the northern regions it can be grown in open ground.

Marcel Pagnol (Marcel Pagnol)

Cone-shaped dark red flowers of the plant are ideal for cutting, have a heady aroma. Marcel Pagnol is one of the most popular varieties in the world. The height of the shoots can reach 1.5 m, and the size of the bud is 12 cm. The petals are velvety, with a slightly wavy edge. The bush is characterized by abundant repeated flowering, the flower has the shape of a bowl.

Rose variety Marcel Pagnol

Catherine Deneuve

The flower is appreciated for the rare color of the petals - orange-salmon. The bud opens up to 12 cm in diameter. On moist fertilized soils, the rose blooms profusely. The bush is resistant to powdery mildew and pests.

The choice of seedlings of a standard rose

Rosa Harlequin (Arlequin) - features of the variety

Planting material is purchased in garden shops or nurseries. It is important that the trunk is lignified. The stock should be formed from rosehip cuttings. The bush part of a good seedling does not have fresh scars and signs of illness at the vaccination site with the base.

Important! When choosing planting material, they look so that the stem and the vaccination site are not damaged.

How to plant a standard rose

Planting a tree rose and caring for it require certain knowledge. The place for the plant is chosen sunny, well-blown, but without strong drafts. In early May, you can plant a bush in open ground.

If other crops have already grown on the site, the land needs to be replaced. To do this, dig a hole 70 * 70 and fill in the nutrient mixture. The tree needs to be placed in the hole without deepening, a peg must be tied to the trunk for support. The land after planting is abundantly watered with water at room temperature.

You can grow a rose tree in the winter garden. At home, the container with the plant is taken to the basement for the winter and stored at a temperature of 1-3 ° C.

Features of caring for a tree rose to form a tree

All flower growers know the name of the rose, which grows like a tree. But with the peculiarities of growing people only come across after buying a plant. Leaving consists in watering, top dressing, loosening the soil, processing from pests and diseases, as well as the removal of side shoots and old branches.

Rose bush formation

Watering rules and humidity

It is important to achieve a balance in soil and air humidity. Roses are afraid of dampness, and the place for their growth should be well ventilated. No need to place plants in the lowlands. It often gathers fog, which contributes to the development of late blight.

The number of irrigations varies depending on the composition of the soil. Heavy soil does not pass water well, which leads to decay of the roots of the flower. The tree does not like drought, for abundant flowering, you should often water the bush. In arid places, the rose garden is watered several times a week.

You should know! With a lack of moisture, the plant buds crumble.

Top dressing and soil quality

Although the tree-like rose is grown on a wild stock, which is not afraid of poor soils, but feels better in clay mixtures. Acidic soil diluted with sand, depleted fertilize humus.

In the spring, under the bush make mineral fertilizers. High potassium supplements stimulate flowering.

Loosening and mulching

In order to provide aeration of the root system, the earth is periodically loosened in tree trunks. Do this after each watering.

Young seedlings mulch bark, sawdust, coniferous litter. This protects the roots from drying out. For winter, the base of the stem is laid with horse manure mulch.

Mulching the trunks of a rose


Wild growth is actively forming on the stem, which must be removed. Excess branches take plant nutrients.

As the roses grow, they form the crown, getting rid of the growth that grows inside the bush. Trimming the stems is not necessary too short, 6 buds are left on the handle. Also, old branches that have died during the winter are removed, and young shoots are shortened.

The operation is performed by secateurs or delimbers, cutting the branch half a centimeter above the kidney. A slice is made on the floor at an angle of 45 degrees, and an open wound is lubricated with garden var.

Pruning of the bush is carried out after flowering, in late autumn. So until winter, the plant does not have time to let out new shoots. In spring, pruning a bush is done before the sap flow begins.

Caring for a rose in winter, how to winter

After pruning, before the start of frost, the standard rose is sheltered for the winter. As a covering material use a dense spandbond, burlap. The protective layer should cover the entire crown of the plant and the vaccination point. The trunk is sprinkled with earth, the mound should close the base well.

A young seedling can be bent to the ground. Do this carefully so as not to break the trunk. The branch is covered with spruce paws.

In spring, as soon as a constant positive temperature is established at night, shelter is removed from the bush in order to avoid kidney aging.

Shelter roses for the winter

Growing problems, diseases and pests

Caring for a tree rose is more difficult than for its bushy appearance. A strong trunk is difficult to bend to the ground for shelter in the winter, and rodents can damage the bark. When forming the crown of a tree, inexperienced gardeners often cut off excess branches, disrupting flowering in the coming year.

Roses love to attack whiteflies and aphids. In wet conditions, powdery mildew, spotting on the leaves often appears.

Recommended! Preventive treatments for diseases need to be done several times a season.

How to deal with them

Pests are destroyed with the help of insecticides, which are massively sold in garden stores. Affected leaves and shoots are cut and burned.

Preventive treatment with fungicides is carried out in early summer, in the middle of flowering and before shelter for the winter.

Gardeners do not need to be afraid to plant standard roses on their plots. Proper agricultural technology will help create a beautiful rose garden of different varieties. Adding woody pink crops to landscaping will improve its aesthetic qualities.


Watch the video: How to Plant a Standard Rose : Garden Space (October 2024).