Violet Blue Dragon - description and characteristics of the variety


Violet Blue Dragon - one of the most beautiful varieties. It can be found in almost every grower who is fond of growing Saintpaulias. Such a popularity of the species is due to the high decorative qualities of the plant. To achieve lush flowering, you should familiarize yourself with the features of growing this variety.

What does the violet Blue dragon look like

The variety has characteristic differences, due to which it is impossible to confuse it with others. First of all, this applies to the outlet itself, as well as bright colors.

Blooming Blue Dragon Violet

Plant characteristics

Saintpaulia The blue dragon is large in size. The diameter of the outlet varies between 35-40 cm. Its height in the form of a vase in some cases can reach 45 cm. Leafy cuttings of the flower are directed upwards. The upper surface of the plates has a dark green hue, and the bottom is a red tint. There are small denticles along the edge of the leaves.

Blue Dragon Leaf Rosette

Which family belongs to

Violet Blue Dragon is a saintpaulia (saintpaulia) and one of the representatives of the Gesneriaceae family. The culture is a small herbaceous plant, forming a basal rosette of leaves with a shortened almost imperceptible stem, rounded plates, numerous flowers and a creeping sprouting root.

Sometimes you can find another name - the Uzambara violet, which is also correct.

Briefly about the history of the appearance

The variety was obtained thanks to the efforts of the American breeder Lyndon Lyon. It was he who was able for the first time to bring out terry and star-shaped species of senpoles of complex tonality.

In 2005, Blue dragon took 11th place among 25 possible in the nomination "Best variety bred this year." The violet received its name in honor of the mythical animal, which personifies wealth and wisdom.

Blue Dragon Violet Care Features at Home

Violet Blue fog - description and characteristics of the variety

This cultivar of Saintpaulia is demanding in terms of maintenance and conditions. If the basic rules are not followed, it is unlikely to achieve lush flowering.


Senpolia of this species prefers cool content. Favorable for her is a temperature of 18-22 ° C. It is under this regime that the best decorative qualities of the variety are manifested.

When the temperature rises, the flowers fade, the lilac border on the petals disappears, and the buds are noticeably smaller.


Light is very important for this type of violets. Bluedragon needs good lighting. The daylight hours should be 14-16 hours. In the evening, lamps should be used in addition.

For lush flowering, lighting should be uniform

Over time, the outlet may tilt toward the window, so it is recommended to turn the flower pot periodically.

Important! With a lack of light, the flowers lose their color, and their general appearance becomes dull.


Such a senpolia does not suffer from a lack of moisture, and is able to develop normally in dry periods. This is one of the benefits of the variety.

Watering is recommended twice a week, and at a low temperature - 1 time in 7-10 days.


To increase humidity, the outlet can be sprayed. It is necessary to dissipate moisture in small droplets resembling fog at a distance of 30-35 cm from the plant. It is important that water does not fall on the flowers, as this will lead to the appearance of brown spots.


The blue dragon needs moderate humidity within 60%. If the air is too dry, then additional containers of water are placed near the flower to increase the evaporation area.


For the full development of the flower, soil with a high level of acidity is needed. You can buy balanced soil in the store or cook it yourself. To do this, you need to connect:

  • turf soil (30%);
  • sheet land (20%);
  • sand (15%);
  • perlite (10%);
  • charcoal (10%);
  • peat (15%).

Note! For the Blue Dragon, it is important that the soil is well-drained.

Top dressing

The blue dragon needs proper nutrition, but reacts negatively to excess fertilizer in the soil. To feed it, it is necessary to use mineral fertilizers for violets, but it is recommended to reduce the indicated dosage by 2 times.

In the active phase of growth and flowering, the frequency of fertilizer application is 2-3 times a month. In autumn and winter - 1-2 times in 30 days.

When and how it blooms

According to the description, subject to growing conditions, the violet Blue dragon blooms for a long time and magnificent. This variety is classified as bouquet. A hat of flowers forms in the center of the outlet, completely covering its middle.

Types of flowers

Violet Fairy - description and characteristics of the variety

The Blue Dragon variety has semi-double and double flowers. They are bright blue with a blue eye in the center and a purple border. The edges of the petals are corrugated, painted in a light green color.

Important! The lilac border on the flowers appears only with a cool content, in the case of an increase in temperature, it disappears.

Flower shapes

A distinctive feature of the Blue Dragon are large bright flowers, in appearance resembling a star. Their diameter reaches 7-8 cm, and in some cases 10 cm.

Peduncles are strong, easily withstand the load. On each of them from 3 to 5 buds are formed.

An adult outlet is capable of simultaneously forming up to 50 colors

Flowering period

Subject to the basic care requirements, the senpolia of this variety can bloom continuously throughout the year.

With a lack of light in the autumn-winter period, the plant grows foliage. In this case, flowering begins with the advent of spring and continues until the end of summer.

Changes in flowering care

During the formation of the buds, the Blue Dragon variety must be kept cool. In this mode, a bright lilac border appears on the petals, which is typical for this species. Do not allow the soil to dry out, as this will lead to wilting of flowers.

How does the blue dragon dragonfly breed

Violet Magenta - description and characteristics of the variety

The senpolia of this species can be propagated by leafy cuttings. They must be cut from 2-3 tiers of the socket with a sharp knife. The length of the handle should be 2 cm. The slice must be done obliquely.

Root cuttings can be in water or soil. In the first case, planting is carried out after the appearance of the roots, and in the second, the container is covered with a film. Young outlets will grow at the base of the stem after 2-3 months. It is necessary to separate them when they are old enough and strong enough.

Transplant after purchase and during reproduction

The senpolia has a branched surface root system. Wide but shallow pots with drainage holes are best suited for them. The diameter of the containers should differ depending on the age of the flower. For young seedlings, 5 cm is enough, for teenage starters - 7 cm. Adult plants need a pot with a diameter of 9-12 cm.

Important! If the pot is too large, this will lead to an excessive development of the root system to the detriment of the growth of the outlet.

Transplant Algorithm:

  1. At the bottom of the pot, lay a drainage layer of 1-2 cm.
  2. Sprinkle it with a layer of soil.
  3. Place the seedling in the center.
  4. To fill the formed voids with earth.
  5. Deepen the plant to the first leaves.
  6. Lightly compact the surface.
  7. Pour the violet.

Possible problems in growing

When raising the Blue Dragon, some difficulties are possible. Most often, this occurs as a result of a decrease in the plant's immunity when non-compliance with the requirements of care.

Leaf problems

During the formation of buds, the edges of the leaflets of the Blue Dragon can be folded down, and during flowering they are completely leveled. This is a feature of the variety. No need to do anything.

Sometimes brown spots appear on the leaves. This may be due to improper watering or spraying, as a result of which moisture remains on the leaves. Direct sunlight, which burns violet leaves, can also provoke such a defect.

Brown spots on leaves are a sign of improper care.



Saintpaulia may suffer from spider mites and mealybugs. When infected with pests, the rosette slows growth, the plant looks depressed, young leaves are deformed.

To control pests, it is necessary to spray the violet with such preparations as Fitoverm or Actellik. Processing is repeated every week until plant growth resumes.


The Blue Dragon variety is susceptible to powdery mildew and gray rot disease. A provoking factor in the development of diseases is stagnation of moisture in combination with a cool content. For treatment, such drugs are used:

  • "Topaz";
  • "Speed";
  • "Fitosporin".

Signs of improper care

When growing senpolia, it is important to monitor the condition of the plants and respond in a timely manner to any negative changes.

Key signs of improper care:

  • slow growth;
  • small colorless flowers;
  • deformed sheet plates;
  • short flowering period or its absence;
  • dried leaf tips.

Caring for the Saintpoly Blue Dragon is slightly different from other species. This variety is more demanding, and does not forgive mistakes to the grower. In order for the flower to be healthy and enjoy flowering, it is necessary to carefully follow the care rules when growing it.


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