Orchids have drops on the leaves - reasons


Orchid growers sometimes notice that the plant is “crying” - sweet, sticky drops appear on the leaves. This phenomenon is discussed at forums, various assumptions are put forward. It is worth finding out why the orchid has sticky leaves and what to do about it.

Sticky drops on an orchid: what is it

If the orchid has drops on the leaves, it may be extracorporeal nectar released as a result of reaction to external conditions. There is no cause for concern. Such nectar is a bait for pollinating insects, but nevertheless it is necessary to remove plaque so that it does not become a breeding ground for pathogens.

Beautiful orchid

Note! Sticky flower nectar on the leaves does not pose a danger to the plant.

If a sticky and sticky coating appears at the bottom of the leaf, then this is a signal for the owner of the orchid. The conditions of detention are not suitable for Phalaenopsis, or pests have settled on the shoots. If no action is taken, the flower may die. The plant must immediately be isolated from others.

The main reasons for the appearance of drops

Sticky drops on orchid leaves: causes and treatment methods

The disease of the beloved plant always causes anxiety among gardeners, so they seek to identify the pest, find out the cause of the disease, in order to again admire the blooming orchid. It is necessary to inspect all plants, analyze the state of humidity, temperature in the home greenhouse.

Sick orchid

The reasons for the appearance of sticky transparent drops can be:

  • Watering. The flower is watered abundantly. Water constantly shines in the pan, which does not have time to evaporate, stagnates in the ground. A white coating appears on the topsoil. This condition can contribute to low room temperature. It is necessary to dry the top layer of soil well or replace the soil with fresh soil, pour drainage from small bricks to the bottom of the pot.
  • The sun. Bright sunny color can also cause a sticky coating. An urgent need to rearrange the pot from the windowsill.
  • Fertilizers With an excess of fertilizers, brown spots appear on the leaves. They can be covered with sticky coating.
  • Gluten. Pest insects that settled on the orchid can leave a sticky substance.

It's important to know! When insects (ticks, scale insects, worms, aphids) appear, urgent measures are needed. They can cause stickiness of orchid leaves.

Powdery mildew can also appear as drops on the leaves. Small droplets grow and the leaf becomes completely stained. Treatment should be started immediately, otherwise the specimen will dry out.

Sticky coating on the leaves

Signs of illness

Any houseplant can get sick. The return of the flower to its former appearance should be done by the florist

Peduncle of an orchid: causes of diseases and methods of dealing with them

If black spots are visible among transparent drops, it is worth raising the alarm: powdery mildew develops. The causative agent of powdery mildew is present in any soil, but the activation of activity occurs only under the conditions:

  • if the soil has a high nitrogen content;
  • violation of watering - the flower is watered often;
  • flowerpots are too crowded - the orchid does not have enough air;
  • the causative agent is the host itself.

Additional Information! First of all, on a diseased plant, all damaged leaves must be removed.

Comprehensive measures against stains on leaves:

  • isolation of the flower from other species, the choice of a permanent sunny place;
  • refusal during the treatment period from fertilizers, after the illness, orchid recovery will require phosphorus-potassium compounds, but not nitrogen;
  • a sick plant does not require a large amount of moisture;
  • it is necessary to replace the soil, since fungal colonies spread in the upper layer;
  • during transplantation, the stem and healthy ones should be sprayed with drugs, keep the roots in the solution of the medicinal product;
  • processing of a flowerpot and the pallet will not interfere.

When phalaenopsis needs help

Possible pests

Why orchid buds fall: the main reasons for dropping

The cause of sticky drops on the leaves of the orchid may be external manifestations of pests:

  • Mealybug. It can be confused with a scale shield. It can appear not only on the plant, but also nearby, on the soil. Larvae and adults bite into leaves and stems and suck out the juice. Sticky marks remain after them. Toxic toxic enzymes secreted by the insect enter the blood vessels of plants. The plant weakens and may die.
  • Aphid. It can be recognized by a twisted sticky leaf, faded peduncles. Aphids suck juice from leaves, which is why they gradually die. If measures are not taken, secondary infection with soot fungus may occur. It is better to destroy the pest with insecticides, but before that, wash the shoots with a solution of soap and tobacco.
  • White miniature butterfly - whitefly. She gnaws at the top layer of orchid tissue and sucks out the juice. After it remains transparent nectar and streaks of yellow. Many flower growers save orchids by hanging Velcro around it from flies, but if you do not have time, then the butterfly, which has settled on the plant, lays eggs, and the struggle with it becomes more complicated. Any insecticide will help against whiteflies. After spraying, the plant is placed under a film so that not only adults die, but also the pest larvae.
  • Shield. The pest breeds very quickly, the females store their eggs under the shell. Hatched larvae are able to move. They creep along the shoots, looking for a place where you can attach with your proboscis and be in adulthood and egg laying. Scale food - sweet phalaenopsis juice. If you water the soil in a pot with an enteric-contact insecticide. The shield will suck out the poisoned juice, which will provoke its death.

Orchid Pests

What to do if there are sticky drops on the orchid

Noticing sticky droplets on the orchid what to do? First of all, you need to identify the active pest. It is possible to treat an orchid from powdery mildew with the help of fungicides:

  • Topaz, Fundazole, Vitaros destroy the spores of the fungus.
  • Sometimes flower growers apply treatment with strong poisons of contact action, for example, Fozalon.
  • Actellik, Actara is classified as intestinal poisons. A pest eating ground shoots is poisoned.
  • Phosphamide is a systemic poison. First, a toxic solution enters the plant. Insects that suck out the juice become infected and die.
  • Promanal AF Neu - an oil-based product used against the worm. The pest dies within 24 hours.

It's important to know! An orchid treated with poison should be placed away from sunlight, otherwise the leaves will take on a yellow tint.

Alternative options can be biological products that are completely harmless to the environment. Fitosporin, gamair, planriz prevent the growth of fungi.

If all the recommendations for caring for an indoor specimen were taken into account (the number of top dressings and irrigation was reduced, the leaves were washed with a warm soapy solution), and sticky drops continued to form, more effective measures were needed.

Note! Against a specific plant pest, you need to apply your control measures.

Powdery mildew on orchid leaves

Fighting the scale shield

Scabies are the most common pests of phalaenopsis. Measures to combat them are as follows:

  1. Isolation of an infected specimen and creation of special conditions for it for rehabilitation. A gardener who is fond of orchid cultivation at home can put a flowerpot in a plastic bag. Such a measure will create increased humidity around the flower. This "greenhouse" needs to be aired daily.
  1. Rinse the plant under running water using a toothbrush. With a toothbrush, you can remove the sticky pad, remove adult young scutes, which do not yet have their own shield.
  2. After this procedure, the plant must be treated with the insecticide Actellic or Fitoverm.

When working with poison, you need to follow the instructions. You can use folk remedies:

  • Ethyl alcohol can be used to treat plants with thick leaves. Dampen a cotton swab in alcohol and wipe the leaves of the specimen.
  • Peel the stalk and leaves of the cloves of garlic: just wipe the tubercles. This method is used for minor infections.
  • If you mix olive oil with water (2 tablespoons per 1 liter) and apply the solution to the infected areas, the pests will disappear.

Important information! You can not feed orchids simultaneously with pest control procedures. Some remedies can contribute to the propagation of parasites and will not allow the flower to heal.

Scavenger Pest

Fighting aphids

Aphids are a dangerous insect, because in addition to harming the plant, it also serves as a carrier of infections. In the fight against aphids applicable:

  • removal of damaged flowers, buds, leaves;
  • flushing aphids under running water;
  • processing plants with soapy water or diluted dishwashing liquid.

After the upper leaf blades are wiped with soapy water, you need to spray Aktar or Fitover intoxicants and soil with toxicants.

An orchid infected with aphids can be sprayed with a 3% chlorophos solution. To cope with aphids, folk remedies help:

  • Prepare infusion from finely chopped onion (pour boiling water and leave for 8 hours). Strain the solution. Spray a plant infected week 3-4 times a day.
  • If there are dried citrus peels - make a daily infusion from them (take 100 g of the ingredient and pour 1 liter of boiling water). The resulting composition is sprayed with a sick orchid for several days 5-6 times a day.
  • You can spray with tobacco infusion (30 g of tobacco per 1 liter of water).

Note! Before starting treatment, the infected shoot must be kept in Alirina-B solution (2 tablets per 1 liter).

Orchid Aphid

Fight against mealybugs

Worms hide themselves and hide their larvae under a layer of substance resembling cotton wool. The struggle with them is painstaking, daily:

  • The grower will have to collect the worms every evening and wipe the habitat of the pests with a napkin dipped in any detergent.
  • Orchid will help and spraying with Fitoverm lower shoots and soil.
  • From a mealybug save a hot shower and treatment by means of intestinal action, which includes oil. An effective drug will be Dr. Folly. You need to process the lower shoots and soil several times, taking a break for 10 days.

For the destruction of the worm there are interesting folk remedies:

  • A mixture of 2 tbsp. l olive oil and 1 liter of water. After spraying the infected shoots, the pest will disappear.
  • Alcohol solution: 15 g of liquid soap, 10 ml of denatured alcohol and 1 l of water.

Dry citrus crusts can cover the soil in a flowerpot with an orchid. You can try to process the orchid with folk remedies: mix vegetable oil and finely chopped garlic. Wipe the leaves, shoots with a mixture.

Pests of orchids (midges, bugs, insects) are noticeable upon careful examination. You need to start fighting them immediately, otherwise the parasite population will spread and it will be difficult to cope with them.

Orchid worm pest

Prevention methods

Preventive measures against phalaenopsis pests are as follows:

  1. New items should be bought only in specialized stores. Be sure to inspect the shoots so as not to acquire an infected specimen.
  2. A flower pot should be quarantined to make sure it is healthy.
  3. A collection of indoor plants should be inspected periodically.
  4. You should familiarize yourself with the rules for caring for phalaenopsis. To grow a flower at home, you need: a warm, bright room, high humidity (60%), watering and fertilizing with fertilizers.

Additional Information! Parasitic insects do not sit on healthy specimens of indoor flowers, they attack weakened species. Orchid leaves should be cleaned once every 10 days with a damp cloth, and washed once a month under running water.

Beautiful gift - orchid


In order for the flower to please its flowering for a long time, you must follow the rules of care. If suddenly on the leaves of a tropical beauty sticky drops formed, you need to immediately find the reason. Untimely help can lead to the death of the plant.


Watch the video: Q&A - What are these sticky water drops on my Orchid leaves? (October 2024).