Stonecrop prominent - varieties, planting and care


Stonecrop is visible - a plant that will delight you with lush colors until the first frost, when other flowers and bushes are immersed in the gray color of autumn melancholy. Its shades are diverse - pink and white, yellow and cream, purple.

Description of stonecrop prominent

Bush sedum native to Japan, grows in the northeast of China and in Korea. Considering the fact that it grows in the natural environment under rather severe weather conditions, its attitude to low temperatures and drought is good.

Sedum belongs to succulents, it captivates with a variety of its shades

It is a succulent with fleshy stems and ragged leaves. Stonecrop height is from 40 to 80 cm, depending on the variety. The inflorescences have the shape of an umbrella, their diameter is from 15 to 20 cm. The succulent is perennial, with the creation of proper conditions it tolerates winter well.

Description of the most common representatives of the species that are used in the landscape design of plots:

  • Stonecrop Diamond - grows from 30 to 40 cm. Inflorescences are painted in light, delicate fuchsia. The leaves are oval, green. It is characterized by prolonged flowering, which begins from the second week of August and lasts until frost. Brilliant A visible stonecrop is used by breeders to breed new subspecies.
  • Stonecrop Frosty Morne - white petals, the stem grows to 45 cm.
  • Stonecrop Magnificent or Wonderful - one of the tallest bushes, which reaches 60 cm. Inflorescences can be green, light purple and white.
  • Stonecrop Red-leaved or False - the creeping stalk, up to 40 cm high. The petals are painted in purple. It blooms in the period June-August.
  • Stonecrop Burgundy or Purple Emperor is an unusual bush in which buds, leaves and stems are painted in a rich burgundy color.
  • Stardust - low stems that extend up to 35 cm. Color - cream, but there are specimens with white petals.

For the design of flower beds and rock gardens most often used stonecrop brilliant visible

Planting a plant

Stonecrop care and reproduction is not complicated. You can increase the number of bushes by the following methods:

  • cuttings;
  • cut stems;
  • parts of the roots;
  • bush division;
  • seeds.
Panic phlox: varieties, planting and care

Each of the methods has its advantages and disadvantages. Seed planting is rarely used, because it is a rather complex and lengthy process.

Attention! When planting through seeds, grade is not transmitted.

Seed planting

Disembarkation is carried out in March. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Pour a substrate of sand and fertile soil into the box. Seed should be placed in the ground at a distance of at least 4 cm from each other. Do not deepen, sprinkle a thin layer of earth on top.
  2. Moisten with a spray bottle, cover the box with plastic wrap or glass to create a greenhouse effect.
  3. Place the container on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, where the temperature should be in the range from 0 ℃ to +5 ℃. Every day for 30-40 minutes remove the film to ventilate the soil.
  4. After 14 days, transfer the container to a warm room. Temperature range from +18 ℃ to +20 ℃.

Shoots will appear in 2-4 weeks. As soon as several full leaves are formed on each bush, they can be planted on the street.

Planting by seeds is difficult and not always all the seed material sprouts

Planting seedlings in open ground

Planting seedlings in open ground is carried out in the middle of spring, when there is no longer the likelihood of frost return. Succulent is not whimsical to the composition of the soil, but in order to achieve abundant and long flowering, it is recommended to fertilize the earth with compost or humus.

Wells are placed at a distance of up to 20 cm from each other. After placing the bushes in the ground, they need to be abundantly watered.

How to care for a visible stonecrop

Caring for the bushes is not at all difficult. Watering, top dressing and adequate lighting are the main conditions for growth and flowering.


Deciduous rhododendron: varieties, planting and care

Watering should be moderate. Stonecrop does not like heavy moisture. In the rainy season, natural moisture is enough. With prolonged drought, it is enough to water the bushes 2 times a month. Water flows under the root.

Additional Information! Water should be clean and soft, have room temperature.

Top dressing

If when planting seedlings the soil was fertilized with humus or compost, there is no need for fertilizing for 1.5-2 years. If the bushes grow on land that is poor in nutrients, before flowering and after it is necessary to make mineral complex fertilizers intended for succulents.

It is necessary to use top dressing carefully, without abusing its quantity. Due to too many mineral elements in the ground, the bushes will grow too fast and grow sprawl, because of which they will begin to lose their decorative properties.


As such, pruning does not need. The only thing to do is to cut off wilted buds and damaged, brittle or dried branches after flowering.

Trimming bad branches will help to renew the bush and stimulate its active growth.

Breeding methods

Hydrangea Dubolistnaya - winter-hardy varieties, planting and care

Bushes can be propagated in the following ways:

  • Cuttings - before the onset of a hot summer, cut the stalk with a sharp secateurs, immerse in water. After the appearance of the roots, place in nutrient soil.
  • Parts of the root system - dig a bush with roots, divide it into several parts. Treat the cut site with a fungicide. Dry the roots for 6 hours in the air, lower them into the ground.
  • By dividing the bush - carried out on a mature succulent. Dig out the bush, divide the secateurs into several parts so that each part has a root system and buds. Dry for 5-6 hours in the air, bury in a place with sufficient sunlight.
  • The stems of the removed buds - cut the stem, put in water. After the appearance of the roots, plant in the soil.

Additional Information! The most effective and efficient is the Cherenkov method. It is used most often.


Succulents can be transplanted in the early summer, until the heat comes. The bush is carefully scooped up from the ground so as not to damage the roots. If he is already an adult, it is recommended to divide it into several parts. Before moving to a new place, the ground in the prepared hole needs to be fed - wood ash and a small amount of rotted humus are added.

After placing the bush in the hole, it must be covered with earth and rammed.

Diseases and Pests

Diseases of stonecrop prominent occur rarely. Due to heavy watering, fungus may occur. It is manifested by the decay of the root system and the appearance of dark spots on the leaves. Treatment consists in the removal of damaged parts and their destruction. Nearby bushes for prevention are treated with fungicides. If the measures taken have not yielded a positive result, sedum must be destroyed.

Of the pests, aphids, weevils, and green leafworms are found. You can get rid of them by treating them with Actellik, prestige.

Flowering period

Stonecrop flowering is plentiful and long. Depending on the subspecies of the bush, this period can begin from the end of May, the first month of summer, and last until late autumn. During flowering, special care is not necessary, only ensuring sufficient watering.

In order for the succulent to bloom for a long time, it needs sunlight for at least 6 hours a day


Winter preparations

If the bush is annual, it does not need to be prepared for winter. For perennials, wilted buds and damaged, dry branches are cut off before the onset of cold weather. If the winter is very cold, you need to cover the succulent with sawdust or fallen leaves.

Use in landscape design

In the area, flowering bushes are planted both singly and in groups. They look best among stones, as a border for curbs and flower beds.

Beneficial features

Inflorescences and leaves are used for home cooking of various recipes of traditional medicine. Ointments, tinctures and poultices are made on their basis. Beneficial features:

  • relief of headaches, regardless of their etiology;
  • stopping bleeding;
  • wound healing;
  • acceleration of regeneration at the cellular level;
  • normalization of the central nervous system;
  • increased tone and elasticity of the walls of blood vessels;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • restoration of the coordinated work of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • antibacterial effect.

Bright succulents look best in stone gardens, on alpine slides and in combination with tall herbs


Beautiful, colorful bushes that bloom with various colors are a wonderful touch in landscape design. They love them for their unpretentiousness, rapid growth and lush, long flowering. Succulents are useful for human health, they have a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs, and therefore use them as raw materials for the preparation of various traditional medicine.


Watch the video: The Surprisingly Colourful World of Growing Sedum (October 2024).