Cinquefoil - types and varieties of plants, characteristics


The cinquefoil is a representative of the Rosaceae family. There are annual, biennial and perennial subspecies. As plants for landscaping, preference is given to long-living varieties.

Botanical characteristics

The maximum growth of the cinquefoil is 1.2 m. The culture is distinguished by thin stems, triple or five leaves. Some species have a small fluff. Flowers of a single type with yellow, pink or red color. After flowering, seed formation occurs.

Appearance of the cinquefoil

White bloodroot

The variety is distributed in the territories from central Europe to the Balkan Peninsula. It can be found in the Urals. Long-lived grass grows up to 25 cm, characterized by long flowering, unpretentiousness and resistance to frost.

Shrubby cinquefoil - how it looks, types and varieties

Buds with five petals, a yellow middle and long stamens effectively combine with dark green palmate foliage. The wild species has large flowers with a diameter of 30 mm, collected in loose inflorescences.


The cinquefoil is also known by the names white oak, five-fingered, five-fingered, five-leafed, etc.

Interesting information! Snow-white varieties include the White Beauty decorative hybrid cinquefoil - grows to 60 cm, blooms from the last week of May until the end of the first decade of June. The bushes retain their shape even after the buds fall.

How white cinquefoil blooms

Shrubby cinquefoil

Bloodroot erect (Kalgan) - description

Kuril tea (Potentilla fruticosa cinquefoil) is a boon for breeders. From grassy varieties, it differs:

  • the formation of a dense and spherical crown;
  • 0.6-1.2 m high;
  • a variety of colors of buds;
  • long flowering - from 3 to 4 months;
  • small, five-fingered foliage;
  • preservation of the aerial parts in the winter.

On a note! Florists can plant varieties with whitish, yellow, pink, orange, salmon, red tones on their personal plots.


A list of shrub varieties is presented:

  • Cinquefoil Tangerine (tangerine) - with a rounded and dense crown, small light green foliage. Deciduous shrub grows to 0.6 m.
  • Goldstar cinquefoil - up to 120 cm wide, up to 0.8 m high. It differs by a pillow-shaped crown, light yellow flowers with a diameter of up to 5 cm. It blooms in July-September.
  • The cinquefoil of shrubby Lovely Pink - grows up to 50 cm. It has a hemispherical crown and pink buds. Lovely Pink cinquefoil (Lovely Pink) has the same color as the Pink Quinca cinquefoil.
  • Cinquefoil Mango Tango is a frost-resistant variety that tolerates cooling down to -30 ℃. The final color of the leaves depends on the properties of the soil and can be either silver-green or saturated. It is characterized by four-month flowering.
  • Potentilla Primrose Beauty (Primrose Beauty) - with bushes reaching a length and width of 1.2 m. The culture of the spherical crown, cream-yellow flowers with a diameter of 2.5 cm. Flowering is observed from June 15 to September 15.
  • Clover Daydaun - differs in a peach shade of petals, grows up to 1 m. Requires moist soil, has high frost resistance.
  • Belissimo is a long-lived shrub up to 40 cm in height, with bright pink flowers up to 5 cm in diameter. Foliage changes from dark green with a silver edge to yellow in the autumn months.

You should know! Potentilla Marion Red Robin is distinguished by its bloody red flowers and flowering from June to mid-September. Even in direct sunlight, its petals do not fade, remaining the original tone.

Cinquefoil shrubby Lovely Pink

Goose cinquefoil

The subspecies refers to ground cover varieties growing near village roads, fences, near ponds and in meadows. Propagated by a mustache. It is famous for its unpretentiousness. When hit on a personal plot quickly captures the free territory. It is determined by yellow petals and cirrus foliage.

What dahlias look like - varieties and types of plants

In Russia, culture is widespread and is often used as an ornamental plant. Can live in places where other green spaces die due to high air pollution.


Potentilla anserina is known by the names: crow's feet, convulsive grass, and gill.

Note! An interesting variety is the cinquefoil. It also captures free territories and prefers to grow along the curbs. It differs in smaller flowers of a pale yellow tone. Flowering is observed in the first two summer months.

Goose cinquefoil

The cinquefoil is erect

Kalgan or cinquefoil grows directly from the western territories of the Russian Federation to the Altai Territory. The herbaceous perennial has thin and branched stems with triple or five-fingered leaves and a serrated border. It begins to bloom in May. On the golden corolla there are 4 petals.

It has an average size, from 15 to 50 cm, is unpretentious. It is difficult to trample, an erect culture is not afraid of direct sunlight, calmly survives the winter due to the thickened lignified rhizome.


The plant is often referred to as oak wood, galangal grass, or cinquefoil.

Additional Information! Another variety with yellow petals is Norwegian cinquefoil. It grows near ponds, along roads, often mistaken for a weed. It grows from 15 to 50 cm and blooms from June to September.

The cinquefoil is erect

Silver cinquefoil

Refers to herbaceous perennials, the standard number of petals in flowers is five. The name of the plant is associated with a whitish coating of stems, leaves and petioles. The buds of a culture of small diameter, up to 10 mm, are formed into loose inflorescences. Flowering lasts 30-50 days. During this period, the collection of medicinal raw materials is carried out.


Silver cinquefoil has many secondary names. In the people it is called throat, wormy or cold grass, whitish goryanka, silverfish. The variety is practically not grown on personal plots, in natural conditions it grows near roads, in meadows, fields, in quarries.

Silver cinquefoil

Cinquefoil Nepalese

First found in the western Himalayas. Aroused interest among botanists due to its characteristics:

  • non-standard large palmate leaves;
  • the diameter of the buds of a pinkish or red hue reaches 30 mm;
  • in shoots and corollas anthocyanin color;
  • flowering time - 55 days.

It has been used as a decorative culture since 1820. Based on it, varieties with large flowers were obtained, characterized by unpretentiousness, when planting which you do not need to have special skills.


The list of decorative varieties includes:

  • Roksanu - with orange-salmon petals, decorated with dark veins;
  • Miss Wilmont - with a cherry pinkish tint of flowers and long flowering;
  • Floris - attracts attention not only with light salmon buds, but also with orange-red eyes.

Indian cinquefoil was recently added to the family. The variety differs from strawberries in yellow buds and inedible, strawberry fruits. It is grown in gardens in the role of a groundcover decorative culture that adorns the area from the first weeks of spring until the cold snap.

Nepalese cinquefoil

Use in landscape design

Regardless of the variety, culture is always a welcome guest in any personal plot. Rapid growth, mass flowering and minimal requirements for care allowed to grow it in almost all climatic regions of the country. For proper cultivation, you need to pay attention to the following features:

  • the plant requires moderate soil moisture and good drainage;
  • preference is given to sunny areas where he will not be threatened with decay of the root system;
  • You can grow it in the city - the culture lives quietly with a high concentration of dust, exhaust gases, is not afraid of smoke.

Cinquefoil in landscaping

All known varieties perfectly survive the winter cold, especially with a small shelter of the root system. Rarely attacked by diseases or pests. Prolonged flowering and the absence of a strong aroma allows planting bushes near hospitals, schools and kindergartens, in parks and near multi-storey buildings.

Looks good in the gardens of Pink Paradise, Hopliz Orange and others. For the visual alignment of the site, the cinquefoil can be used, with growth, forming a beautiful carpet.

Additional Information! The correct combination of several types will give the homestead an original and unusual appearance. The unique landscape design is guaranteed to the owner, especially when combining long-leaved, golden-flowered and other subspecies of plants.

Useful properties and application in medicine

The positive qualities of culture are widely used by official and alternative medicine. Detailed characteristics are indicated in the description given in the Plantarium, an illustrated atlas of the plant identifier. Some varieties have the following useful spectrum of action:

  • hemostatic;
  • tonic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • painkillers;
  • wound healing;
  • choleretic;
  • expectorant;
  • sweatshops;
  • astringent;
  • decongestant;
  • diuretic;
  • antiseptic;
  • sedative.

Experts emphasize that culture has a beneficial effect on hormonal balance, normalizes metabolic processes in the body. The use of culture is limited by the available contraindications: from intolerance to the component composition to heart diseases. Before using medicines from alternative recipes, you need to pass a test for spontaneous allergies.

Ordinary cinquefoil quickly grows on the site, decorating it with its buds. With proper cultivation, the culture will delight its owner for many years in a row. The plant easily tolerates pruning under the root, is quickly restored. You need to trim it in the fall or spring.


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