Ficus Kinki - description and care at home


Probably every experienced florist has heard about such a plant as ficus Kinki. He is handsome enough to interest even a sophisticated florist, and that is why he is popular not only among Russian lovers, but throughout the world.

Briefly about the plant

The birthplace of the popular homemade ficus is Australia and West Africa - here plants grow in powerful trees up to 30 meters high! At home, they have a more modest size.

Ficus Benjamin

Ficus Benjamin Kinki got its name from the discoverer, who first decided to grow a shoot from a tall tree in a pot on a windowsill. The experiment was successful, and the plant began to enjoy considerable popularity around the world.

Ficus Green Kinky

Outwardly, the ficus Benji Kinki is quite simple and non-discrete. Leaves are not too large - in length no more than 4-5 cm with a width of about 1.5-2 cm. The surface is smooth, leathery. Their main distinguishing feature is the unusual color. In the center, the leaves are dark green, but at the edges they have a less saturated color, closer to light green. There is also a special variety - ficus Green Kinki. It has already completely green leaves without a graceful light border.

Interesting! If the first part of its name - Benjamin - the plant received in honor of the discoverer, then "Kinki" came from the English word "curly". Ficus petioles are short, but abundantly planted with leaves, so the tree is very fluffy, which fully corresponds to the name.

Features of home care

In general, care for Kinky ficus at home is quite simple. But he will fully reveal his beauty and sophistication with the right approach. Many factors must be taken into account so that the plant looks really refined and majestic.


Flower ficus cumila - description and care at home

The optimum temperature for growing this ficus is considered to be + 20 ... +22 ° C. But he can withstand the cold snap to +15 ° C without harm to himself. The plant also reacts negatively to drafts. They often cause ficus to shed leaves. Ficus Kinky also does not like the high temperature, so in the summer days it is better to remove it from the windows located on the sunny side.

Note! In winter, it is advisable to keep the pot away from radiators and other heat sources to avoid drying out of the leaves.


In the warm season, natural light is sufficient if the plant is on the windowsill. But in autumn and winter, when daylight hours are sharply reduced, you need to use additional lighting in the form of lamps for plants. When applied, the leaves of the ficus Benjamin Green Kinki will acquire a saturated green color, and the crown will become especially thick and fluffy.


In order for the flower to feel good and grow actively, one must not forget about certain rules of watering. It is advisable to use soft water for this - boiled, cooled to room temperature is suitable. It is impossible to fill in ficus strongly - it is enough to moisten the top 2-3 centimeters of soil. After all, the plant reacts equally sharply both to deficiency and to excess moisture. In the first case, it throws off the leaves, and in the second, the root system begins to rot, due to which the ficus can die.

Interesting! Many beginning flower growers are unfamiliar with the name of the ficus Kinki, but they know the plant as a fig tree.

If the pot is large, you need to water the ficus a couple of times a week in warm weather so that it feels great. With small pots it is more difficult - due to the small area of ​​their surface, moisture evaporates slowly, therefore, overmoistening should be avoided.

Also, do not neglect spraying. Ficus leaves can be moistened with a spray, especially if at home the humidity is less than 60% - the health of the plant will dramatically improve.

Spraying ficus


Neutral or slightly acidic soil is best suited for growing ficus. To ensure high-quality drainage, a layer of gravel or pebbles is laid at the bottom of the pot.

Top dressing

Any soil is depleted over time, so do not forget about the timely application of fertilizers. It is best to use mineral nitrogen supplements suitable for most home flowers.

In the spring, when the ficus is most actively gaining green mass, it is advisable to apply fertilizers at least twice a month. The same frequency should be followed in the summer. In the fall, the number of top dressings is reduced to one per month, and in winter you can refuse them altogether.


Is it possible to keep ficus at home - is it good or bad?

Kinky ficus is growing quite actively, the crown becomes less dense, but more elongated. However, not all owners like this change, as many people prefer a compact, fluffy plant. In this regard, cropping can not do without.

Important! In one pot, you can plant two or three shoots of ficus. While they are soft and flexible, their trunks are intertwined, getting a particularly dense and elegant plant, which can become a chic decoration of any home.

Woven trunks

The optimal time for pruning is considered to be autumn, when the growth rate decreases, and the movement of juice in the stems slows down. For the procedure, it is important to use only high-quality scissors, and preferably a sharp pruner. After trimming, the edges should be smooth and not chewed - then the risk of disease is significantly reduced.

Note! When pruning from the shoots, milky juice is secreted, which quickly dries up on the skin and can leave serious burns. To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to do all the work in rubber protective gloves.

Ficus pruning

How ficus Kinki propagates

Ficus Melanie - Home Care

In the wild, ficuses actively bloom and multiply mainly by seeds. At home, propagation by cuttings is better. Experienced flower growers do this in the spring, when the plant develops most actively. Procedure:

  1. Choose a strong, healthy shoot with a length of at least 10-12 cm.
  2. Gently cut it using a sharp knife or pruner. Allow milky juice to solidify.
  3. Dip the shoot in warm water for 10-12 days until the roots appear.
  4. Transplant a young plant into a prepared pot and close it with a jar or plastic bottle, creating optimal conditions for its development and rooting.
  5. After about two weeks, remove the jar. By this time, the ficus is already sufficiently strengthened.

Propagation by cuttings

Care should be taken in the same way as an adult - there are no serious differences here.


Extra transplants are best avoided - this is always a serious stress for the plant. But if the ficus has already outgrown the pot, it's time to move it to a new "housing". How to do it:

  1. Take a pot that is suitable in volume, pour expanded clay or pebbles as drainage.
  2. Moisturize the soil in the old container, wait until it softens.
  3. Carefully remove the plant along with most of the earth, lower the lump into a new pot.
  4. Add ground to make the tank nearly full.

Important! After the transplant, it is advisable to feed the plant with mineral phosphorus fertilizers that contribute to the growth of the root system.

Possible problems in growing and disease

Even an experienced grower may have difficulty growing ficuses. Main problems:

  • Leaves fall from a plant. The reason is most likely in uncomfortable conditions. The temperature may be too high, the watering is insufficient or the water is too cold.
  • Attacks of aphids and spider mites. These insects most often attack the plant when the humidity is too low. The problem is solved by spraying with special means.
  • Infectious disease powdery mildew. Infected leaves must be removed and the remaining treated with a fungicide solution.

Healthy plant


In the cultivation of ficus Kinki, care for it and reproduction there are no special difficulties. You can safely buy it home so that it brings a bit of harmony and comfort to your home.


Watch the video: Pruning Ficus Benjamina (October 2024).