What soil is needed for begonias - selection and preparation


Begonia is an unpretentious beautiful plant that does not require supernatural care. Initially, the correct substrate is prepared for growing the flower. There are several criteria as to what soil should be for begonias. Adhering to the recommendations and knowing the proportions, you can get high-quality soil for planting begonias in the garden or flowerpot.

What soil does begonia like?

You can accurately formulate what soil begonia "loves". The earth must pass air well, not be too acidic and have good fertility. To achieve all this, it is not enough to use only peat or humus - the substrate must be multicomponent.

Special soil for begonia

Essential components and minerals

The soil for planting begonias should have a number of minerals and trace elements that help the plant in development. Such components will support it during the period of violent flowering. The composition of the soil should contain components:

  • nitrogen;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus.

Soil mixture for planting

If the soil does not have enough of these trace elements, then the leaves of the plant will turn yellow or discolor. During the active growing season, buds may not form. Often there are problems with the coloring of the leaves and during the period of active growth.

What are all the elements of the soil for?

Depending on what kind of soil is needed for begonia, its qualitative composition is determined. Each trace element in its own way affects home plants:

  • nitrogen helps to develop the root system, accelerates the growth of the aerial part;
  • iron prevents the development of chlorosis, which affects the color of leaves and flowers;
  • magnesium strengthens the immunity of the flower, preventing the development of many diseases;
  • potassium improves metabolism in the aerial part and the root system of the flower;
  • calcium strengthens the individual parts of the flower;
  • phosphorus helps to improve the characteristics of the plant as a whole.

Note! Such a composition is especially important for flowering specimens with a large aerial part.

Coconut fiber, which also provides good soil breathability, can become an additional source of nutrients in minimal quantities.

Choosing the ground for begonia

Soil for dracaena - which one is needed and how to choose

To plant a plant, you need to choose the right substrate. Begonia grows in different ways in soil mixtures with different compositions. Which option to choose or cook is determined by the variety of flower.

Land selection is a crucial step in leaving

What soils exist

Beginning gardeners have a question regarding what begonia is, what land to plant and how to prepare the substrate with your own hands. There are several options for soils:

  • leaf soil + peat + coarse sand in a ratio of 2: 2: 1;
  • deciduous land + peat + sand + humus in a ratio of 3: 1: 1: 1;
  • sheet earth + coniferous earth + coarse sand + charcoal in a ratio of 1: 1: 1: ½.

Substrate Preparation

It's important to know! Each soil composition has its own color and characteristic features. A quality substrate is distinguished by the correct proportions of the active components.

Preparation of soil components for begonia

Land for room begonias can be made independently. It is enough to take the necessary ingredients and properly prepare them before use:

  • it is forbidden to take leafy soil from under such trees as willow and oak - they contain a lot of tannins;
  • all components of the soil must be carefully sieved, removing large particles, debris and stems;
  • land must be decontaminated before use.

Soil calcination

The rest of the preparation of the components is the correct process of connecting all the components for each soil option.

Proper land sterilization

Gatsaniya flower - how it blooms in a club, what kind of soil is needed for growing

Soil for begonia should be disinfected. Deciduous land can contain many pathogens that adversely affect the plant. There are 4 methods of disinfection: calcination in the oven, freezing, washing with a solution of manganese and treatment with boiling water (sterilization).

Additional Information! Effective methods of soil disinfection are freezing and calcination.

It is enough to put a sheet of earth in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180 ℃. When processing with boiling water, you need to decompose the earth and pour it with boiling water. The same principle is used when processing a solution of manganese. You can freeze the soil for several weeks.

Major mistakes in preparation

What should be the land for indoor flowers - acidic or alkaline

Not all components may be suitable, even if they are compliant. Sometimes flower growers use the right ingredients to prepare the soil mixture, but forget about some of the nuances:

  • deciduous land should not contain tannins, therefore it is impossible to take material from under any tree;
  • any soil must be pre-cleaned to avoid the development of harmful microorganisms;
  • if humus is used in the process of compiling the soil mixture, then it should already be rotten or semi-decomposed.

Soil must be processed without fail.

Each preparation condition must be met, otherwise the substrate will harm the plant. If you make at least one mistake, the material for planting can be considered damaged.

Landing process

In the process of disembarkation, ready-made or home-made soil is used. This in no way affects the rooting and development of the plant in the future. How to plant a flower? Begonia landing algorithm:

  1. Prepare a pot of earth. At the bottom of the tank to sleep small expanded clay, which will become a drainage. Then on ⅓ fill the pot with a ready-made substrate.
  2. Dip the roots of the plant in water to wash away all the rest of the earth. If necessary, remove dead root sections.
  3. Treat the cut sites with activated carbon powder to prevent reinfestation.
  4. Make a small depression in the soil mixture into which the root system of the sprout will be placed.
  5. Having established the sprout in the fossa, you need to sprinkle it with a substrate to the very base of the leaves. Gently press the ground at the base of the stem.
  6. After disembarkation, irrigate abundantly using settled water at room temperature.
  7. If the sprout is small, you can cover the container with glass for several days, creating a miniature greenhouse. After 2-3 days, the glass can be opened.

Begonia planting

It's important to know! For a quick rooting of an instance, it is necessary to provide it with normal care after planting.

What to do with the old land?

Begonia soil during the growth period almost completely deprives the useful components, since at the time of flowering it especially needs trace elements. But even this development option may come in handy. Florists often use this primer to plant indoor green manure. These are oats or wheat. Thanks to green manure, the soil mixture improves its performance, in the future the material is used as an additive to other soil mixtures.

Siderat in the old land


While green manure is growing, it is used as a decoration for window sill. Oats are often grown in pots to feed pets. Therefore, in a hurry to throw out the soil after transplantation is not worth it.

Land for begonia must have a certain vitamin composition, which contributes to the development of the flower. Each component performs its function. Moreover, the substrate consists of simple elements, which is why you can prepare it yourself.


Watch the video: Starting off begonia tubers (October 2024).