Perennial garden sour - growing in the garden


Oxygen or, as it is also called oxalis, is widespread in nature, and some varieties are actively used by gardeners for landscape design. The plant has a completely different appearance, which is determined by the shape and color of the leaf plates. Oxygen is not used as a flowering plant, since the buds are small and dull compared to other garden crops.

Garden perennial perennial - what kind of flower

Kislitsa belongs to the Kislichny family and has about 800 species. Distinguish between annual and perennial options. Among such a variety, garden acid is considered particularly popular. It has healing properties and also has an attractive appearance.

One of the varieties of oxalis

Short description of what it looks like

Perennial street Kislitsa has a very unremarkable appearance. Usually grows in tubers. The buds are small and have 5 round petals. Flowers may have different colors, but usually it is pastel warm colors. Dark red streaks are clearly visible on the petals.

Additional Information! In bad weather and at night, buds, like leaves, can close.

The perennial has the same appearance. The leaves of the flower are three-fingered, but there is also a four-leaf version of the structure. The color of the plates may be dark green or light green. There are varieties in which the leaf plate has a rich burgundy color or two-tone color.

The appearance of the plant

What types of acid are best suited for gardening?

Gerbera garden - how to grow in the garden

Among the variety of varieties there are several that are especially "convenient" to grow in the garden. The most popular varieties of garden oxalis:

  • Violet acid in the garden in the garden is the most popular variety of this culture. Leaflets have a triangular shape. Platinum is painted in a deep purple color with a clear transition of tone from dark to lighter.
  • Four-leaf acid has an original color of sheet platinum. In the center of the sheet formation there is a dark brown spot, which gradually turns into green.
  • Carob variety is perceived by many as a beautiful weed. The bush tolerates the unfavorable growing conditions quite persistently. The leaves are brown. The flowers are very small light pink.
  • Red oxygenate in the garden stands out from the rest of the plants with its unusual color of leaves. Flowering occurs almost all summer, so the variety is actively used as a decoration for flower beds.

Planting in the garden

There are other popular varieties that are widespread among amateur gardeners. These include ordinary, tuberous, ferruginous acid.

How to plant in the country

Fuchsia cultivation and care in the garden, in the open ground

Garden acid, planting and care in the open ground for it are not difficult. It can become a real decoration of any flowerbed. Although the flower is not whimsical during the growth period, it is worth taking care of the correct planting of an instance from the very beginning. Particular attention is usually paid to temperature indicators and soil composition.

Temperature at different times of the year

The cultivation of the species is possible only if the temperature is selected correctly. But it is even more important to choose the correct temperature indicators during the landing period. It is produced at the moment when the air temperature will be no lower than +10 днем ​​day and night.

Landing is made in the autumn and spring. The main thing is that the weather be good. In autumn, you can plant bushes in mid-September, and in spring at the end of April.

Soil features

The flower loves well-fertilized soil of medium acidity. As a basis, it is worth using a mixture of turf land, humus and ordinary garden soil. The proportion of these components is represented by such a ratio of 1: 1: 1.

Mix all parts of the substrate and place in a pre-prepared well. After this, you will have to feed the land more than once.

Rules for caring for garden acid in the open ground

Perennial garden geranium - planting and care

So that the sour acid develops normally and does not die in the open ground, it is worthwhile to properly care for it. The flower has a very important property - it is quite frost-resistant, but still requires proper preparation for wintering.

Plant care

Important aspects of care are proper watering and timely top dressing. The bushes, although low, bloom luxuriantly for a long period. This means that a huge amount of nutrients from the soil is consumed.

Fertilizer and watering

The flower loves moisture, so in the summer period you need to water every 2 days. It is necessary to carefully monitor the state of the earthen coma around the stems. If the soil is waterlogged, then the acid can die.

As for feeding, the plant has a special schedule for this procedure:

  1. The first top dressing is done in the spring, after removing the winter shelter.
  2. The second - at the time of the appearance of the buds.
  3. The third - 1 month after the second.

Note! Complex and mineral variants of nutrients can act as fertilizers. Organic types of fertilizers are considered ideal - mullein solution, humus.

Reproduction of street acid

The plant can be quickly bred in the garden, if you choose the right method of reproduction. Street acid can reproduce in several ways:

  • by seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • bulbs or tubers.

In order for acid to appear in the country in large numbers and in a short time, it is better to use reproduction by the method of division of tubers. More problematic and time-consuming are methods of sowing seeds and cuttings.


Sowing seeds is usually done directly in the open ground. The procedure for laying planting material is already in late March or early April. It is necessary to prepare a garden bed in the garden, namely to dig up the earth and process it with a rake, to form small sides along the entire perimeter.

Seeds are placed on top of the soil, you do not need to sprinkle them with earth. Sowing is covered with glass. During seedlings, you do not need to open the garden bed when the temperature returns to +17 ℃ on the street, you can remove the glass and start diving seedlings.


Perennial garden acid can be propagated in a vegetative way. The principle of reproduction by division of roots has the following algorithm:

  1. Dig up an adult bush. Determine where the root root is. Around it are sprouts with clear tubers. They need to be separated from the main instance.
  2. Prepare the ground. Sprouts are planted in open ground at a distance of 10 cm from each other. You can plant sprouts in separate pots.
  3. Sprinkle the roots with earth and irrigate. It is advisable to irrigate young plantings with a spray gun. When the shoots take root, you can start watering from a watering can.

Tuber propagation

Usually, after 45 days, lush bushes are observed. During this period, flowering begins. The first time a huge amount of flowering buds is observed on a plant.


You can propagate the plant and cuttings. It is necessary to cut the stem with a leaf. You can temporarily install in a container of water and wait for the formation of roots, or immediately plant the cuttings in soddy ground mixed with humus and ordinary garden soil.

During the rooting period, the stalk is carefully watered and its condition is monitored. When the plant is rooted normally, it is transplanted to a constant place of growth.

Possible diseases and pests

Although acidic is a street flower, pests rarely attack it. In some cases, insects such as:

  • spider mite;
  • whitefly;
  • aphid;
  • scale shield.

Diseases should be treated early.

A big threat in terms of disease can be fungal diseases that affect the root system. The cause of such troubles can be abundant watering off schedule.

Note! You can get rid of any kind of pests and diseases through proper care and special preparations.

Oxygen in signs and superstitions

There are many signs and superstitions that are associated with this type of plant. People know that acid in the garden has the following meaning:

  • a flower growing in the garden brings success and good fortune to the residents;
  • Oxalis is an excellent amulet for loving couples;
  • if such a flower appears in the garden, then the family will profit;
  • in addition, sour acid protects the house from gossip and failure.

The leaves of the flower contain a lot of oxalic acid. In some cases, the aerial part is eaten. The people of the plant have a good reputation.

Sorrel on the flowerbed


Oxalis is a popular variety of garden flowers that are actively used in many countries to decorate flower beds. The culture is unpretentious in care, it is easy to propagate in large quantities. Thanks to these indicators, gardeners choose oxalis for breeding in areas.


Watch the video: Sorrel - Easy, Amazing, Fast Growing Perennial For Home Garden All Year Long (October 2024).