Common godson Senecio vulgaris


People are unlikely to think about the fact that under their feet grow herbs that can be used for medicinal purposes - such as the common godson. This herb has many beneficial properties. It is found not only in the natural environment, but also in suburban areas.

Common godson - description of the plant, to which family it belongs

The plant belongs to the Astrov family. Its genus is extensive - according to official figures, there are about 3,000 species of grass. About 50 species grow on the territory of Russia, among them the most popular is the common godson. It is a herbaceous plant. It can be two years old, but more often one year old. The bush reaches a height of 50 cm. In summer, oblong fruits of gray, brown or dark red appear.

Godson at home

Additional Information! Propagation occurs with the help of wind, which spreads the seeds in different directions.

Other names for the cross

In Latin, the plant is called Senecio vulgaris. Its description is found in ancient manuscripts and books. The plant was used to make ointments and decoctions. It used to be called a cross, but in the 20th century the modern name was fixed.

Senecio translates as "bald". When the flowering is completed and the seeds are scattered, the tops of the flowers become like bald patches.

Interesting information! Among the people, the godson has many names. It is called Jacoben, ram, golden grass.

Healing properties

Spring Yakubenya is widely used in folk medicine. It is harvested throughout the summer and dried in a warm, dry room. The flower contains many useful elements:

  • alkaloids;
  • vitamin C;
  • mineral salts.

Medicines containing a cross-hair, help fight bleeding and promote wound healing. The plant has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. It is recommended for people suffering from ulcers, gastritis, inflammation of the gall or bladder.

Dried cross

It's important to know! The use of decoctions based on herbs leads to the excitation of the nervous system. Excessive amounts of the drug have the opposite effect. It is important to correctly determine the required dose.

Grass godson in the wild

In the natural environment, the plant is found throughout Eurasia. It grows everywhere:

  • meadows;
  • parks;
  • afforestation;
  • landfills.

Any soil other than chernozem is suitable for weed growth.

Harm to crops and people

The river godfather is riverine, like the pseudo-oranium is a weed. It is dangerous for crops that need regular processing between rows and a large planting area. If measures are not taken in a timely manner, then the weed can seriously harm the crops.

The godson is dangerous to humans. If used in large quantities, it can harm the nervous system and liver. The composition contains a large number of alkaloids. Therefore, before use, it is better to familiarize yourself with contraindications.

Senecio vulgaris - home growing and care

Godfather Rowley Senecio rowleyanus - what a flower

Because of their beneficial properties, the godson is often grown in garden plots. Since it is wild grass, certain requirements must be observed.

Lighting and temperature

Flat-leafed, common and other varieties of the godson love good lighting. Growing them under direct sunlight is not worth it - leaves and buds can get burns. Planting in the shade will cause the bush to stretch up. It is best to grow a flower on the east or west side of the house.

Plant a plant in the penumbra zone

The temperature regime required by the plant changes throughout the year. In the summer - 25-30 ℃. By winter, the temperature is gradually reduced to 8-15 ℃.

It's important to know! If you do not comply with the requirements for temperature conditions, the plant will age ahead of time and begin to drop leaves.

Watering and humidity

The godfather tolerates drought well, so there is no need to spray it. Carried out only for medicinal purposes. In this case, the flower pot is placed at a remote distance from the batteries and heaters.

Ordinary, riverine, and pseudoaric crosses are succulents. They can accumulate moisture in their leaves. Too frequent watering leads to rotting of the bush. In spring and summer, it is recommended to moisten the soil 2 times a week, in autumn the number of procedures decreases, and in winter it stops completely. Water the flower with settled soft water.

Top dressing and soil quality

It is best to plant a flower in a substrate intended for succulents and cacti. The soil should be slightly acidic, nutritious, with a large number of useful elements, loose, water- and breathable.

The substrate can be purchased at the store or made independently from the components:

  • turf land;
  • sheet earth;
  • coarse sand.

Charcoal is added to the finished mixture. Fertilizing under the bush is recommended from early March to early September. Complex compositions with a low nitrogen content are suitable for this. Top dressing is applied no more than once a month.

Additional Information! Fertilizers suitable for orchids and cacti are suitable for the baptist.

Fertilizers suitable for the baptist

Pot selection

For planting a cross, it is important to choose the right capacity. The pot should be wide and shallow. The material from which it is made must be porous so that sufficient air exchange is present in the root system. It is preferable to choose ceramic pots coated with glaze, with a drainage hole at the bottom.

Plant transplant

Godson Rowley: home care and methods of reproduction

The first step in transplanting is choosing the right capacity. Pebbles or expanded clay is laid in the first layer in the pot to provide drainage. Then the root system with a lump of earth is placed. It is the most vulnerable part of the flower, so proceed carefully. At the end, the roots are placed in the center of the pot and covered with earth.

Flowering and dormancy

Flower ivy indoor variegated ordinary

The blooming buds of the godson look like a daisy with yellow petals. At home, the plant can bloom from early January to late March, after which there comes a dormant period. The number of irrigations is minimized, and top dressing is completely eliminated.


The method of propagation of the godson depends on the duration of his life. Annuals breed by seed. Perennial - layering or cuttings.

Seed propagation

Propagation by seeds is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. To increase the chances of seed germination, they are pre-germinated. To do this, place in warm water for several hours, then spread on a cloth or paper and cover with a film. It is necessary to maintain a high level of humidity and a temperature within 20-25 ℃ above zero. After about a week, the seeds will germinate.
  2. After that, they are planted in a container and covered with polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect.
  3. Regularly spray the seeds from the spray gun. When the cotyledons begin to develop, the seedlings dive into separate pots.


In this way, the plant is propagated only after flowering is completed. For this, a 10 cm long shoot is cut off and the lower leaves are removed from it. The cutlery is planted in a small pot and placed in a warm, lighted place.


Young bushes are regularly formed at the base of the cross. They are separated from the mother bush and planted in a pot as a full plant. You can simply bend a long shoot to the ground, fix it and sprinkle it with the ground. When it gives roots, it is separated from the main bush and planted separately.

Possible problems in growing

If the plant does not provide proper care, then it can be infected with various diseases:

  • with insufficient moisture of the flower and too dry air, the leaves may dry and fall;
  • if the leaves are yellowed and brown spots appear on them, then the plant is kept at too low a temperature or it is often watered;
  • a small number of leaves indicates a lack of sunlight, and brown spots about its overabundance;
  • if the godson lacks nutrients, he can change color.

Additional Information! If a problem occurs, immediately determine and eliminate the cause of its occurrence. The plant may be exposed to aphids, spider mites and mealybugs. Get rid of them by regular treatment with insecticides.

If weed is found in the summer cottage, do not immediately remove it. The best solution is to plant it in a pot and use it as an unusual indoor plant.
