Heritage raspberries: the history of the variety, the nuances of care and trellis cultivation


In recent years, thanks to a wider selection of varieties, many gardeners involved in raspberry cultivation are becoming more and more keen on variegated, large-fruited and maintenance varieties. One of these varieties of berries that have been popular with us for a long time is the Heritage variety.

Heritage Raspberry Story

According to the time of the birth of raspberries, Heritage can be called the great-grandfather of modern varieties of these berries. After all, it was created back in 1969 at Cornell Private University, which is located in Ithaca, New York, USA. They called the new Heritage, which translates as Heritage. For almost half a century, the variety has not lost ground and is still among the leaders in industrial cultivation in the United States and Europe.

Heritage Raspberry Parent Varieties - Photo Gallery

Heriteage is a raspberry remontant, that is, it blooms twice a year and gives two crops. Among such varieties, there are not many with late ripening of the second crop by the end of August or September. Among the popular raspberries along with Heritage include Morning dew, Shugan, Otm Trezhe. The berries of these varieties continue to form and ripen even in the fall after a small first frost. They grow late remontant raspberries in regions where the warm season is long and winter temperatures are not very low.

Recommended Heritage cultivation areas are from fourth to eighth.

Recommended Heritage Cultivation Zones - Fourth to Eighth

Grade description

Herityage - really has the usual raspberry color berries and about one medium size weighing up to 3.5 grams. They grow on long stalks attached to strong slightly raised fruit twigs.

Heriteage compact bushes consist of upright, high shoots up to two meters long and therefore need to be tied up. The number of spikes on them is average, their color is dark.

The compact Heritage bushes consist of erect, tall shoots up to two meters long

In the raspberries of this variety, the grains are small, it is easily separated from the fruit bed without juice. Heritage tastes sweet and sour with an intense aroma. Tasters gave him 4.6 points out of five. When ripe, they stay for a long time on the bush, do not crumble. Harvested crops can be stored fresh in the refrigerator for up to one and a half weeks. For a longer shelf life, the berries can be dried or frozen. They will not lose their beneficial qualities. Heritage raspberries make excellent home-made products - jam, marmalade, jam, stewed fruit.

Taste Herityage sweet and sour with intense aroma

Video: Heritage Raspberries, September 2017

Landing Features

If Heriteage is to your liking and on your site there is a free, unshaded place where the soil is loose and a lot of sun, you can prepare to receive its desired inhabitant. A bush of this raspberry is planted in spring or autumn, but it is better to do this in September. Before the onset of cold weather, he will have time to take root and gain strength. It will feel best if the pH of the soil at the planting site is slightly acidic or neutral.

Preparing for Planting Raspberry Heritage

Not less than a month before the raspberries are planted, they dig a place for it, while applying organic and mineral fertilizers per square meter:

  • 12 kg of humus;
  • 60 g of superphosphate;
  • 35 g of potassium sulfate.

Not less than a month before the raspberries are planted, a place for it is dug up, while introducing organic and mineral fertilizers

The site is kept loosened and free of weeds.

If there are several bushes to be planted, the size of the plot being prepared is calculated taking into account that no more than two Heritage bushes can be planted per square meter.

Seedling purchase

Heriteage is best purchased in nurseries or specialty stores so that there is no doubt about the raspberry variety. Choosing a seedling, take into account such aspects:

  1. These should be plants no older than two years, having 1-2 shoots up to 1 centimeter thick. Their height does not matter, since after planting they will need to be trimmed, leaving no more than 30 cm.
  2. The raspberry root system should be well developed, on the central root more than 15 cm long there should be many fibrous, that is, thin roots.

The raspberry root system must be well developed

Landing - step by step instructions

Before placing the seedling in the ground, it is put into water for two hours, and before planting, the roots are dipped in clay, mixed in water to the consistency of liquid sour cream.

  1. Landing holes with a diameter of 40 cm and a depth of 35 cm are made at a distance from one another of not less than 70 cm. When planting Heritage in several rows, the distance between them should be at least one and a half meters.
  2. Having a seedling in the hole, they track the location of its root neck 3-4 cm above the soil surface.
  3. Having fallen asleep the roots of the plant with soil, they condense it and form sides for irrigation. About 30 liters of water are poured under each planted plant.
  4. After the water is absorbed, the well is mulched with peat, wood shavings, sawdust or other organic materials.

After the water is absorbed, the well is mulched with peat, wood shavings, sawdust or other organic materials

Raspberry Care

Compliance with the agrotechnics of raspberry cultivation will make plants healthy and strong, they will have excellent resistance to diseases and pests.

Raspberries love water: the nuances of watering

Herityage, like all raspberries, loves moisture. Watering is especially important during the period of growth, flowering and fruiting of the plant. When watering, water should not fall on the leaves of the plant.

It is good if it is possible to organize drip irrigation, which will provide constant uniform soil moisture.

It is good if it is possible to organize drip irrigation, which will provide constant uniform soil moisture

Otherwise, raspberries should be watered at least twice a week so that moisture is absorbed to a depth of 15 cm.

In late autumn, before the first frost, the soil under raspberries is soaked to a depth of half a meter. This will allow the plant to lay growth buds and better tolerate frost in winter.


This raspberry variety can be grown as a remover and harvest two crops, or as a regular crop only in summer.

In the first case, raspberries are trimmed twice - in spring and autumn. In the spring, branches damaged during the winter or diseased are removed. In the autumn pruning after harvesting, two-year-old shoots are cut, not even leaving a stump.

In the second variant of cultivation of Heriteage at the end of October, all branches are completely cut. In the spring, among the grown shoots, 4-6 strongest are chosen, the rest are removed.

Cut out two-year-old shoots without leaving a stump

Using trellis

Although the shoots of Heritage are erect, but quite high. They have to be tied to supports of various types:

  • supporting stakes in the center of the bush, to which all shoots of the plant are tied;
  • supporting stakes between bushes, each half of which is tied up with the shoots of neighboring bushes;
  • trellis, to the cross wires of which each shoot is tied.

Tapestry, of course, is the preferred option because:

  • the ventilation of the bushes improves, which reduces the likelihood of diseases and damage to raspberries by pests;
  • the sun illumination of each shoot increases, and, accordingly, the ripening rate of the berries, their taste, as well as the yield of the bush;
  • easier plant care and harvesting.

Tapestry is the preferred option for supporting bushes


An important point in the care of Heritage raspberry is its timely nutrition. Raspberries will be tastier and the harvest will be higher. For raspberries, only root dressing is used. Mineral and organic fertilizers are added annually under raspberries:

  • in March - complex fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, in accordance with the instructions for them;
  • before flowering - based on 1 m2 10 liters of a solution containing 3 tablespoons of double superphosphate, 2 tablespoons of potassium sulfate;
  • after harvesting - compost or a humus layer of 5 cm is scattered under the bushes.

An important point in the care of Heritage raspberry is its timely nutrition

Winter preparations

The shoots of repairing raspberries left for spring fruiting are untied from the support, bent to the ground, tied in bundles, and on top of them are placed arcs of thick wire on which the covering material is fixed - agrofibre or ruberoid.

The shoots of repairing raspberries are untied from the support, bent to the ground, tied into bundles

Gardeners reviews raspberries Heritage variety

I really liked the Heritage! It gives 2 crops per year, steady, drought-resistant and winter-hardy. And also fruitful and tasty. I started it on my site 6 years ago, and not a year did he let me down, although the yield is certainly different, depending on the climatic conditions of each year - but mostly high.

Vladimir Starchenko


Try to make a real one - it will not disappoint. It is a pity that here in the topic is mainly presented not Heritage. We have the same picture - they are joking under this name in a completely different way. But if you can try and get the real one - it’s worth it. He keeps the heat perfectly, rains him for nothing, the berries are sweet with a rich raspberry flavor until now, but tomorrow is already November.

Alexey Torshin


Here is such a Heritage with me. True, I thought for a long time that it was Hercules, because I bought it just like Hercules. And she always wondered why they write that Hercules is sour? And I have a tasty, sweet, large, beautiful berry ... And then with the help of the members of the forum I found out that it was not Hercules at all, but Heritage. Very pleased with this grade.

Nadezhda Vladimirovna


The many years of experience in cultivating Heriteage raspberries in private households and industrial plantations clearly indicates the high advantages of this variety and indicates the possibility of its cultivation by any gardener in their summer cottage or garden.


Watch the video: Heritage Raspberries (October 2024).