Light in the hands of people: about the Zarnitsa grape variety


Many winegrowers and gardeners have heard about this grape variety. He is really very good both in the appearance of weighty bunches, and in the honey taste of poured berries, and in the practical absence of growing problems.

Who lit the Zarnitsa

Like the lightning, illuminating the nightly August sky, grapes of Zarnitsa flare up with berries in the middle of the month. It was “lit up” for the first time in Novocherkassk in 1995 thanks to the selection work of amateur Viktor Nikolayevich Krainov.

Creator of the variety Zarnitsa

For growing on its lowland wet plot, grapes were needed that would not crack or rot in these conditions. The winegrower chose the varieties Kishmish and Talisman as the parents of his brainchild. The first of them - the father of Zarnitsa - has excellent taste, although capricious. The maternal origin was given by the Talisman variety, which is highly adaptable to growing conditions, and which does not lend itself to decay.

Daughter of Talisman and Kishmish

The resulting table grape variety obtained by crossing is called Zarnitsa or Arkady early, as it ripens two weeks earlier than the variety Arcadia.

The bushes of this grape have great growth power. The flowers of the Zarnitsa are bisexual and perfectly pollinated.

Massive medium-density clusters of early Arcadia, ripening, acquire a golden, amber-yellow color, have a conical shape. They almost never have peas. When transporting, they perfectly retain their presentation and taste.

Large berries of the Zarnitsa are shaped like an egg or oval with a dense juicy pulp. It tastes very sweet with barely noticeable acidity.

Large berries Zarnitsa in the form of an egg or oval with a dense juicy pulp

Of course, the size of the berries and the taste of the fruits directly depend on the place of growing grapes and the correct care for it.

Details about the variety Zarnitsa

Zarnitsa, as a rule, matures in mid-August - 110-115 days from the time the kidneys begin to open. By this time, the weight of its clusters can reach 0.7-1.5 kg, and the weight of berries - 8-10 grams with a size of 28x23 mm. Sugar content in fruits is from 16 to 18%.

Ripe bunch

Early Arcadia is not afraid of frosts to -23 ºС. It is very resistant to gray rot and mildew. Oidium resistance is average. Experts estimate the index of resistance of the variety to diseases at 3-3.5 points. Rarely, Zarnitsa berries damage wasps. The variety has a high stable yield. One bush Zarnitsy can produce 6 kg of fruit.

Zarnitsa will thank for the care

Grape cluster Zarnitsa on a bush

Although in general the Zarnitsa variety is unpretentious, it gives a larger and better quality crop with careful cultivation and careful care.

Despite the frost resistance of the variety, whose buds do not die and at -23 ºС, Zarnitsa does not like drafts, otherwise the opened buds can still freeze. And shelter for the winter will not be superfluous.

During the growing season, grapes should be watered regularly. Watering begins during the opening of the buds, and during flowering and the formation of ovaries, their frequency is increased.

Zarnitsa is a vigorous grape, therefore, to get a good harvest in the summer, they break out excess green shoots. In addition, normalization is carried out, leaving no more than three clusters on the fruiting branch.

Shoots on Arcadia early ripen well. Usually less than a third of the length of each of them remains green. During autumn pruning, 22-24 shoots can remain on the bush, vines are cut for 8-10 eyes, and 30-35 buds are left on the bush.

The variety Zarnitsa is propagated by vaccinations and cuttings. Both methods are quite effective. The grafted shoots take root well and grow quickly, and the chubuki root easily.

Reviews of winegrowers about Zarnitsa

Everyone chooses from what he saw, stayed at home or elsewhere. But I know the situation in my own area; we leave with my wife in July - Incense 2, Raisin, Valek, Nadezhda Rannaya, Jupiter ... At the same time, it says the most delicious. 10 days pass Rosmus, Rochefort, Veles, Laura, ... Libya ... Anniversary of Novocherkassk, Gourmet Early, Ksenia - another week Sofia, Dashun, Kodryanka, Frumoasa Albe, Rafinad, Ruslan, Academician and again the most delicious. Another week, Buffet, Bazhen, Dozen, Zarnitsa, Blagovest, Volodar ... and Anuta, Centennial, Ninel, Svilena, Nadezhda Azos, Aramis, reached the autumn again ... the most delicious. Today we sit, took out from the basement Red Globe, Great and again I hear the most delicious. And to say that is not true? true, but what about the most each time .There probably a proverb fits- A spoon is the way to dinner. And then the truth seems.



Planted a bush Zarnitsa root-owning in 2008 with vegetative greenery. I liked the strength of growth and stability (not a trace of mildew despite the fact that the year was painful). And in August I was viewing a vineyard of a source of seedling: On a two-year-old with 4-7 meter shoots there was a signal bunch of 700 grams !!! I liked the taste of the berry: harmonious, and the flesh is cream. I look forward to the first harvest! Here is a photo with a description and my photos from the phone



I grow 2 completely different Zarnits and both are very early ripening. The first is similar to the Long-awaited, but the berry is yellow and the taste is a little crispy, the flesh is denser and the shape of the bunch is different from the Long-awaited. The second is similar to the Transformation, but only yellow. I took it, like Aksinya, but it turned out that Zarnitsa that I wanted to get. As Krainov said in the last film shot by Livarenko. Zarnitsa is UN only white. Photo from the Zarnitsa signalization July 12, 2010 Last year there were 3 berries

Sergey Dandyk


Zarnitsa is a wonderful and almost problem-free table grape variety. But he will thank with a full-fledged rich harvest only for the labor, care and attention that he has invested.


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