French strawberry Darselect: the history of the variety, characteristics and cultivation secrets


Almost every gardener is engaged in the cultivation of delicious strawberries on his garden plot. Restless kids, deep old people and serious adults love her. One of the popular varieties of this berry is Darselect. Its advantages are large-fruited and original taste.

The story of the creation of strawberries Darselect

Strawberry Darselect first appeared in 1998. The country of her birth was France. Originators have created a new variety by choosing Yelsant and Parker as parents. Darselect is not a repair species. Currently, this berry is one of the three most common varieties of commercial strawberries in France. Well known throughout Europe, gradually conquers the hearts of Russian gardeners, summer residents.

Grade description

Originators call amazing performance when collecting Darselect berries - up to 20-25 kg per hour. And this is not a publicity stunt: the truth lies in the characteristics of the variety.


Darselect fruits grow almost the same shape and size. The surface of the berries is red with a brownish or orange tint. Inside, red color remains, but lighter. The pulp is dense and fairly elastic. This prevents the darkening and wateriness of the fruit. The peduncle is not solid, so it is easy to put on. For a long time, the berries retain their presentation, do not lose it during transportation.

Large fruits are the main advantage of the Darselect strawberry variety

Darselect berries are distinguished by such varietal characteristics:

  • impressive size (reach 30-35 g, some fruits grow to 70 g);
  • elongated-conical shape rounded on the tip of the berry;
  • moderately sweet taste of fruits with an inseparable sourness, which only brings diversity to the gamut;
  • the smell reminding aroma of wild strawberry.


Originators claim productivity from one bush from 700 to 1000 g of aromatic fruits. Gardeners claim that with intensive care, you can increase this figure to 1200.

One Darcellect strawberry bush can produce more than a kilogram of berries

Darselect - a variety of short daylight hours, mid-early ripening. When grown in open beds, the crop ripens from June 10 to June 20. If Darselect is cultivated under a film coating, then the crop can be harvested after May 20.

Bush description

The plant stands out for its appearance among similar varieties. Twigs are tall, grow straight. Moderate leafiness does not lead to thickening of the bush. The number of antennae is below the average norm, which also does not provoke thickening of the landings. A powerful root system increases as you grow older. In the second and third year, the bush shows the highest yield, then there is a decrease. For the fourth to fifth year, planting should be renewed.

Bush Darselect grows straight, does not thicken

Gardeners recommend applying a "barbaric" way to increase productivity - cut off all the flowers in the first year. This procedure allows you to achieve maximum productivity in the next season.

With improper care, as well as at the end of fruiting, the berries change shape. They can become corrugated, i.e., heart-shaped, accordion-shaped or with ugly ridges.

Characteristics of strawberry variety Darselect

The variety is hygrophilous, although it tolerates 40-degree heat. At temperatures above 30 ° C, strawberries need drip irrigation. When approaching 40 ° C, the plant should be shaded with a net or reflective film. Without such measures, an attack of berries can occur.

Strawberries Darselect easily tolerates heat, but when the temperature rises to 40 ° C, bushes must be shaded

The frost resistance variety is not different. Snowy winters and frosts below 20 ° C force gardeners to cover plantings to protect them from freezing.

Grade Advantages:

  • large fruits;
  • rich dessert flavor;
  • high transportability;
  • resistance to heat;
  • suitability for commercial cultivation.

The disadvantages of the variety:

  • reduction and deformation of the fruit at the end of fruiting;
  • the need for constant watering, especially in dry summers;
  • with a lack of moisture - separation of the stalk with pulp, the appearance of voids inside the berry.

Video: Darselect - guest from France

Features of planting and growing

Strawberry Darselect requires compliance with only a few nuances in planting and care.

Seed preparation

Strawberries propagate in three ways - by dividing the root, seeds and rosettes:

  • When dividing the root, the following rule is used: take two or three shoots with a strong root system. Division is performed immediately before landing.

    Strawberries are divided into parts of several shoots, preserving the root system

  • Preparation of seed material with rosettes begins in the summer.
    1. The antennae in the place of formation of the outlet are rooted. To do this, they are pressed close to the ground with wire or sprinkled with soil.
    2. Rooted sockets are planted in a permanent place. Gardeners advise placing 2-3 outlets in one hole.

      Strawberry tendrils with rosettes bend to the ground or sprinkle with soil

  • Propagating Darselect with seeds is very difficult. It is easier for gardeners to purchase seedlings in pots grown by specialists in nurseries.

It is difficult to grow Darselect seeds, it is better to buy ready-made seedlings in a specialized nursery

Planting strawberries

It is best to plant Darselect strawberries in an open, well-lit area. The sunny side and the absence of shading will have a good effect on increasing yields. Shading will result in the growth of small and sour strawberries.

Strawberry bushes take root better when planted in the fall. The ideal time for planting this berry is the second half of August - the first decade of September. At this time, the heat is already decreasing, and the seedlings have time to root before the onset of winter. Harvest in the first year will not be so high, but you can still enjoy a sweet berry.

  1. The beds are well dug, add sand and humus (a bucket of one and the other per square meter).
  2. At a distance of about half a meter dig holes up to 15 cm deep.
  3. Pits are shed with water to a liter in each and the seedlings are laid out.

    Strawberry seedlings prepared for planting have a well-developed above-ground system

  4. Observe the following planting scheme for strawberry bushes: with a single row arrangement between seedlings - 35-40 cm, with a double row - 40 cm. Between the rows - 90-100 cm. Thus, no more than four plants are located per square meter.

    Four strawberries should be placed per square meter

  5. Then the roots are gently covered with earth, leaving a bud of growth above the surface.
  6. The soil around the bushes is crushed and again watered with the same amount of water.

During planting, seedlings need daily watering. Later, the plant requires the usual care for strawberries:

  • watering two to three times a week,
  • periodic weeding from weeds,
  • loosening the soil once a week.

Video: three ways to plant strawberries in the fall

Strawberry dressing

The plant needs top dressing during flowering and fruiting. During the season, Darselect should be fed three times:

  • in the spring, immediately after the melting of the snow cover;
  • in the summer, after harvesting the main crop in mid-June;
  • autumn, mid-September.

In spring, strawberries need nitrogen to stimulate growth. For each plant you need to pour about a liter of solution. The gardener may, at his discretion, choose one of the proposed types of dressing.

Table: types of fertilizing strawberries in spring

Amount of waterComposition and quantity of fertilizer
10 l1 tablespoon of ammonium sulfate, 2 cups of mullein
10 l1 tablespoon nitroammofoski
10 l1 liter mullein
12 l1 liter of bird droppings
10 lA glass of ash, 30 drops of iodine, 1 teaspoon of boric acid

In the summertime, flower buds of the next crop are planted, so the bushes need trace elements and potassium. For each root - half a liter of fertilizing.

Table: types of feeding strawberries in the summer

Amount of waterComposition and quantity of fertilizer
10 l2 tablespoons nitrofoski + 1 teaspoon potassium sulfate
10 l2 tablespoons saltpeter
10 l1 glass of vermicompost
10 l1 cup wood ash

After two weeks, this top dressing should be repeated. The plant after fruiting needs to be restored.

To prepare for winter, young shoots need a supply of nutrients. In dry weather, 300 to 500 ml of solution is spent on each plant.

Table: types of feeding strawberries in the fall

Amount of waterComposition and quantity of fertilizer
10 l1 liter of mullein and half a glass of ash
10 l30 g of magnesium sulfate, a glass of ash and 2 tablespoons of nitroammophos
10 l1 liter of mullein, a glass of ash and 2 tablespoons of superphosphate

Video: strawberry care in spring, summer and autumn

Strawberry fruit buds for next year's harvest are laid in August - early September. At this time, there is a decrease in daylight hours to 11-12 hours and a gradual drop in temperature.

  1. Late autumn, strawberries are exposed, cutting off all the leaves.
  2. Plants are covered with straw, dry leaves or non-woven material for a successful wintering.

Reviews from experienced gardeners

Strawberry variety Darselect - I am very pleased. Advantages: taste, aroma, size, transportable. Disadvantages: for me they are not. The fruits are large. The color is beautiful. Transportable variety. We have never complained that strawberries flowed and did not reach the bazaar. True, several times during the harvest period, it must be sprayed with a special preparation, for example, Teldor. The strawberry Darselect smells amazing. If there is sun, then even green berries are sweet. True, this year there is practically no sun and sour strawberries. The first time we have this. Although, maybe we just spoiled already whom we treated, they say that it’s delicious.



But this I defined as Darselect. Bushes and flower stalks are powerful, berries are orange-red and sweet, even in milk ripeness.



Darselect is our second year. Last year purchased 4 bushes. This year we got a small bed for a mother liquor. I liked the taste - a very sweet berry. Even on the bushes in the shade remaining in the raspberry, it is very sweet. The color bothers me a little, it is too light red, it seems immature, but when you try it, you are pleasantly surprised.



Darcellect strawberries are not picky. Caring for it is not much different from caring for strawberries in the traditional sense. Resistance to diseases and pests allows you to grow it on an industrial scale. Darselect can grow even inexperienced novice gardeners. Therefore, a good harvest is a reward for trying to tame a foreign guest and daily work on earth.


Watch the video: Wczesne odmiany truskawek w "Mini projekcie". Test podłoża z węgla brunatnego. (October 2024).