8 plants that scare mice from your garden for a long time


Rodents are a natural disaster for gardeners. They gnaw on tubers of vegetable crops and flower bulbs, spoil the stocks of vegetables in pantries and basements. To combat mice, in addition to chemical means of protection, you can use plants that will help get rid of pests in the garden.


As protection against rodents, he uses not the flowers, but the bulbs of a daffodil. With their help, you can secure the beds with potatoes, carrots and beets, which mice like to feast on. To prepare the product, you need to mix the small onions with the coriander stalks and arrange them in the aisles. To protect the longer, the mixture is covered with a layer of mulch.

To protect flower beds with tulips, crocuses and hyacinths, low varieties of daffodils are planted in autumn around the plantings.


This perennial herbaceous plant of the buttercup family is one of the most poisonous. Its chemical composition is not fully understood. It is known that anemone contains a large amount of tannin, resins and protoanemonin, which is an oily liquid with a sharp unpleasant odor. To scare away rodents, a decoction of stems and leaves is prepared, in which the grain is soaked and then scattered in the possible habitat of rats and mice.

In the manufacture of the product, care should be taken, since the juice of the plant can cause severe poisoning in humans.


This is a poisonous plant of the buttercup family. In the people it is often called "blue eyes", "lumbago-grass", "wrestler", "black root". However, another name was also attached to aconite - the “queen of poisons”. Aconite contains aconitine - an alkaloid that affects the nervous and respiratory systems.

The whole plant is poisonous, including pollen and nectar, which is produced during the flowering period. A large number of toxic substances are found in tubers, stems and leaves.

To combat rodents, a powder prepared from dried aconite tubers is used. It is mixed with any food, grain or flour.


Datura is a perennial herbaceous plant in the nightshade family, which has the shape of a shrub. Datura contains tropan, scopalomin, atropine, hyoscyamine - alkaloids that make it poisonous. A large number of toxic substances are found in seeds and flowers. As a bait, grain soaked in broth from the ground parts of the plant is used.


A biennial or perennial plant grows in the southern regions. The most toxic substances are found in digitalis leaves. They have a strong effect on the cardiovascular and digestive systems of mice. The use of the drug is fatal for rodents.


The plant is found in regions with a warm climate - in the Krasnodar Territory and the Caucasus. Tubers and seeds are toxic. They contain colchamine, specosamine, colchicine, which affect the digestive tract of rodents.

To protect the beds from rats and mice, the plant is planted in the gardens. To prepare the bait, seeds are used, which are mixed with cereals or grains and scattered in the places of movement or habitat of rodents.


Mice try to avoid places where shrubs grow. Elderberry roots contain hydrocyanic acid, which in a small concentration has a repellent effect on rodents. For humans, the plant poses no danger.

To protect plantings, elderberry branches are used in the fall as a covering material. Often, bushes are planted near farm buildings, where harvested vegetables or grain are stored or laid out in the basement and underground.

Black root

Black root or mouse has a specific odor that people do not feel, but cannot tolerate rodents. The mice leave the place where the blackroot branches are laid out.

To protect the garden, you can plant several bushes near the house or next to fruit trees and shrubs. Also, freshly cut shoots of the mouse are laid out in the attic, in the basement or in the pantry. To enhance the action, the leaves and stems of the plant are poured with boiling water for several minutes.


Watch the video: If You Get This Plant at Home, Youll Never See Mice, Spiders, or Ants Again (September 2024).