DIY flower beds


The garden is a place of rest. It is impossible to imagine it without flowers. Beautiful flowerbeds significantly transform and decorate it. But you can make them yourself, without inviting a landscape designer. Ideas are mass. Flower beds can be very diverse in shape. Craftsmen build tall, miniature, multi-tiered. What opportunities and options for this are, I will tell in this article. Source:

Materials for the manufacture of stone beds

When choosing a stone you need to consider a number of nuances.

A natural stone

In the garden, the ideal option is natural stone.

It looks natural and goes well with any plants and trees. But dwelling on some material, it is necessary to know its effect on the soil. For example, shell rock oxidizes it and makes it unsuitable for some plants.

What stones are best for flower beds:

  • Porous limestone that blends well with moss. It comes in various colors - from cream, yellow to pink.
  • Tufa, well suited for plants. They usually make out terraces or places near ponds.
  • Sandstone is very beautiful, there are many shades, but it is short-lived.

You can also make a flower garden from:

  • Basalt. He looks very interesting.
  • Gneiss - stone plates of green, purple, blue colors.
  • Quartz is a bright, transparent mineral of various colors.
  • Granite is a durable material that can withstand any temperature.

For alpine slides, granite is ideal.

Spread flower beds from small pebbles of gravel. They can decorate individual sections of the flowerbed.

Fake diamond

Flowers in the country can be planted not only in flower beds made of natural stone, but also artificial. Self-made, it imitates natural breeds.

The advantages of such products is that it is possible to make stones the same in size and color. It is also convenient to work with them, making the internal docking in the flowerbed. Cons - they wear out quickly, unlike natural ones.

Varieties of stone beds for creating do-it-yourself

The most common ideas for flower beds are as follows.


It is created on a flat surface. They lay small and large stones one at a time and several each. A large number of small stones or gravel are added as decoration.

Terraced slope

It looks like a mountain landscape. Usually chipped quartz, granite, and necessarily sandstone or limestone are used for it. From precipitation: wind and rain - the stones are abraded and become picturesque.

Japanese garden

For it, stones of different sizes are used. In such a garden, small plants, moss are planted, and the surface is decorated with pebbles. You can fence the Japanese garden with a fence or hedge.

Alpine hill

The most popular type of flowerbed imitating a hillside. On it, stones located randomly form a hill and are adjacent to various plants.

Let's consider in more detail how to create such a masterpiece:

  1. First of all, draw on paper what the flower garden will look like. Decide where you want to place the flowerbed and which plants to put there.
  2. If the flower bed is low, then you can do without cement. If there is a desire to make it on a platform, use a cement base.
  3. For many flower beds, sand and gravel drainage will be needed. He is poured into a hole along the borders of the flowerbed. This will allow excess water not to stagnate.


Such a flower garden looks simple and at the same time cute. The stone is laid out in the form of a rectangle, circle or oval in one or more rows. Can be held together with concrete or simply pressed into the ground.

When the structure is poured with cement, then holes must be made in the lower layer where excess water will flow.


A feature of such a flowerbed is the use of a two-layer mesh for a metal frame. It is filled with stones or other material. Source:

Stone flower garden: master class

A long-lasting and attractive flower garden can turn out this way.

  1. It is necessary to mark its shape, dig a hole along the perimeter with a depth of 20-25 cm.
  2. Pour a layer of gravel or small broken brick to the bottom.
  3. Then make a thick cement mortar and pour into a pit.
  4. Put the first row of materials, pour concrete on top of them.
  5. Fasten the following rows with cement.
  6. Lay the stones carefully and tightly.
  7. Leave the finished flowerbed for several days until it hardens.

When it froze, you can plant flowers.

Creating a high flower garden

Such a flower bed can be built even on a concrete surface. Inside it is placed the soil in which you can plant flowers.

The principle of creation is the same as with ordinary flower beds. Only the walls are made high, up to 1 meter. They must be cemented. Source:

The flower bed is built on a concrete base, a boot is laid inside. Then gravel, sand and the last layer is earth.

It is important to leave gaps between the stones in some places so that excess water leaves. You can plant flowers.

What plants to choose

You can choose any plants to decorate your flower beds. For example, the universal option is coniferous dwarf trees (pine, spruce, thuja), willow, barberry, quince.

You can choose any flowers. Winningly look cloves, bell, thyme, and miniature.

Ideas and placement of stone beds in the garden

  • The flowerbeds of a rectangular shape look interesting. Strong stones are used for them, for example, granite.
  • From the round flower beds located pointwise, a beautiful Japanese garden is obtained. It is good to plant such flower beds in small flowers, and put a sculpture, a vase or an interesting composition in the center.
  • Oval flower beds look good in open spaces, and semicircular - in buildings. (For example, gabion can be placed near a wall or fence, and an alpine hill - in an open place.)
  • Tall flower beds in several rows can be made in the form of curls, baskets, wells.

On alpine hills, in addition to plants, lanterns can be placed. The idea of ​​arranging a flower garden in a large stone looks interesting. In general, there are many options for using stone beds in the landscape. Choose yours!


Watch the video: DIY Garden Bed Edging anybody can do (October 2024).