Aphids on indoor plants


Growing flowers in an apartment, you may encounter the fact that they look ugly and have stopped growing. It is necessary to determine the cause and begin treatment appropriate for each specific case. On indoor plants, a parasite such as aphids is often found. To successfully combat it, you need to know the available methods, and it is best to carry out preventive measures and create conditions that will prevent the emergence and reproduction of the pest.

Description of aphids

Aphids are small insects with an elongated body and long legs. His stomach is quite wide with a pointed end. The color can be different: pale, greenish, pinkish, pale yellow, black. Most often found white aphids. All types of harm do the same. The insect sucks the sap of the plants by piercing the leaves. Feels great in any environment and adapts well. Reproductive function is well developed.

Species vary in color and presence of wings. Winged - seeks and captures new habitats, and wingless - multiplies. Each female lays about 100 larvae, which after 2 weeks already become adults. Most often they can be found on young shoots and buds, and on the leaves - on the inside.

Causes of aphids

The parasite can get on domestic flowers in various ways:

  • A winged female flew through an open window in the room.
  • Delivered by a pet or a man on clothes. Larvae adhere very well to people's clothes and animal hair.
  • Was on a recently acquired plant, from which he quickly moved to others.
  • Larvae were present in the mixture used for planting.
  • They brought along with flowers that in the warm season stood on the street, on the balcony or loggia.
  • Dragged by ants that feed on the excess juice produced by this pest.

Signs of damage to a house plant aphids

With periodic inspections of flowers, you can notice in time that the plant is sick. External modifications will be visible on it:

  • Young shoots have withered and coagulated.
  • A syrupy trace appeared (pests secrete).
  • Blackness spread - soot fungus (parasitic).
  • Flowers have decreased or not opened.
  • The shape of the buds has changed.
  • The presence of a massive accumulation of individuals on the outside of the leaf.
  • Outgrowths formed on the trunk.

At the initial moment, when there are still few pests, small punctures and insects themselves can be seen on the leaves. In the future, they will begin to collapse. Parasites cannot bite bark, therefore they do not settle there.

If the aphid attacks young plants, then its death will come quickly enough. A large colony can stop growth and harm even a more mature flower.

Methods of controlling aphids on indoor flowers

If aphid was noticed during the inspection, then you need to immediately begin to fight it, in order to prevent the death of flowers. Depending on the amount of insects found, one of the methods is chosen: chemical, biological, environmental or folk.

The most radical is to completely destroy. Usually the struggle begins with the simplest method - the mechanical one, then they switch to folk remedies. If there is no positive effect, then use chemical preparations.

To achieve maximum results, they process the flower and soil in pots (there may be larvae).

Mechanical method

If there are few pests on plants, then you can get rid of them mechanically. All affected parts are removed and washed with water (preferably every day) until the parasites completely disappear. An effective tool is a solution treatment: water and laundry soap are combined in a 6: 1 ratio. The fabric is moistened and wiped all parts to destroy visible insects, then washed in the shower with plain water. The procedure is best repeated until the aphid has completely disappeared.

Do not allow the product to fall into the ground.

You need to carefully inspect everything so as not to miss any habitat of the pest. You can use alcohol for processing. It will not bring harm, because it evaporates quickly.

Biological methods

Based on natural factors. If home plants are taken outside in the summer, then aphids can be planted in the garden of natural enemies: wasps, ladybugs, lacewings. To attract the necessary insects, flowers are planted that attract them with their smell. In this case, the risk of pests is minimal, and if they do appear, then their reproduction rate will be small.

Aphids do not like the smell of geraniums and marigolds, so their pots are placed in a room next to diseased flowers. Also does not tolerate the aroma of dill, parsley and mint, you can put several branches on the soil near the trunk of the plant.

Folk remedies

Attract with their environmental friendliness. The maximum effect can be achieved at the very beginning, when there are few pests. A variety of folk recipes are known.


Receiving funds


TobaccoCombine with water 2: 1 and mix. Insist 2 days, filter and dilute 1: 1.It is advisable to cover the soil so as not to harm the roots.
Garlic30 g of lobules are ground together with the peel. Add 1 liter of water and insist in a dark place for a day.Before use, grated soap is added. Frequency: 2-3 times after 5 days.
Peel of Lemon (Orange)100 g soaked and insisted 3 days in a warm place.Spray.
Red pepper50 g are combined with 100 ml of water, boiled for 60 minutes, left for a day, then filtered.Use diluted solution: 10 ml per 10 l of water.
Wood ash500 ml, 50 g of soap (liquid or ground) and 10 l of water.Filter and process.
White mustard10 g per 1 liter Leave for 2 days.Filter and dilute (with a large number of aphids not necessary).
Needles0.4-0.5 kg and 2 liters of water. Insist for a week.Bred in a ratio of 1: 7. Sprayed several times with an interval of 3-4 days.
Celandine350 g of fresh (150 g of dry) and 1 liter. Be sure to grind. Put in the dark for a day.Processed three times.
Tops of tomatoes0.5 kg chopped, pour 1 liter. Boil for 30 minutes. Cools in the absence of light.3-4 mg of liquid soap is added before use.
Ammonia2 tablespoons, detergent or liquid soap - 10 ml per 10 l are thoroughly mixed.Spray.
Baking soda75 g per 10 litersSpray. If it does not help, then it will not do much harm.
Furatsilin2 crushed tablets in 1 liter of hot water. Cool.They are processing.


Pretty dangerous drugs. Improper use poses a threat to both animals and humans. You must follow the instructions, do not increase the dose yourself and follow safety precautions. It is necessary to carefully process all the flowers: healthy and sick. You can not miss any site, so that an adult individual or its larva is not preserved there. The used insecticides should be alternated, because the pest tends to quickly get used to them and not die from their effects.

The most common drugs:

  • Aktara: an indispensable tool, causes paralysis of insects. Makes the whole plant poisonous. It can be used for prevention.

  • Fitoverm: safe and does not require outdoor activities. Death occurs on the 3rd day, in a week - the whole colony.

  • Actellik: recommended for severe infections, carried out in a well-ventilated area or outdoors. Toxic Apply as a last resort.

  • Neoron: has a protective effect.

  • Tanrek: insects die on the 3rd day.

  • Biotlin: provides protection for 3 weeks.

Chemicals are used when folk and biological do not help.

Mr. Summer resident advises: ways to prevent damage to house plants aphids

Every gardener knows that it is easier to prevent than to remove pests and treat a diseased plant.

It is recommended to carry out a number of preventive measures to prevent infection of aphids:

  • Newly purchased flowers must be quarantined for a while. Be sure to use a warm shower.
  • The soil before planting is kept briefly in the cold (in the freezer). You can warm in the microwave or calcine in the oven.
  • Perform a systematic inspection.
  • Provide access to fresh air.
  • Moisturize periodically. Sometimes put under a warm shower.
  • Prevent the appearance of ants. If they appeared, then conduct treatment against them.
  • Use folk remedies.


Watch the video: How to Kill Aphids on Indoor Plants EASY in Minutes! (October 2024).