Corn: varieties and features of cultivation for different regions


Corn cultivation is especially popular in the southern regions, which was the reason for the myth that it does not take root anywhere, but this is far from the case.

Naturally, in warm places it will be much easier to deal with this issue, but in a harsher climate, you can grow a sugar vegetable that children love so much, the differences in care are not very large.

Popular varieties of corn

The first step in planting planning should be the selection of suitable varieties. There are a huge variety of different types on sale, however, far from all are suitable for a particular region. Among the large list there are universal, proven options.

It should be borne in mind that the shorter the summer in the region where the planting is supposed, the sooner the varieties should be selected early.

The best options for the middle band:

  • Dobrynya;
  • Icy nectar;
  • Spirit
  • Jubilee;
  • Sundance;
  • Gourmet
  • Pioneer.

Consider in more detail the most common.


Early ripe hybrid, up to 170 cm.

Any soil is suitable, well resistant to disease.

Gourmet 121

High yielding, very resistant to disease.

The growing season takes up to 75 days. In height up to 150 cm.


It became famous due to its good resistance to low temperatures, high productivity, which is not affected by the weather.

Dates of sowing and planting seedlings of corn in open ground for different regions

As mentioned above, differences in cultivation in different regions are small. The process differs only in the time when the seeds will be planted.

Let's analyze the features of growing corn for the regions:

  • For the middle lane landing is not prohibited immediately in open ground. In terms of time, planting is carried out around the middle of May, the soil has already warmed up well, and frosts are not expected for the next 3 months. When choosing a variety, it is worth giving preference to those that tolerate cold well. They can be landed even in early May, only in this case it will be necessary to build a special film shelter.
  • In the southern region, landing can be carried out already at the end of April, since by this time the temperature is stable from +10 ° C. When choosing a variety, you can completely not limit yourself, anyone will take root.
  • Siberia and the Urals for corn are the most difficult. Sowing in open ground is highly not recommended, cultivation is done using seedlings, which can be planted only in mid-June, not earlier.
  • In Ukraine, the conditions are almost the same as in the southern region. For steppe regions, landings can be made in mid-April immediately into the open ground. The climate there is mild and warm. They are planted in the forest-steppe zone at the end of April, and in the forest zone in mid-May. The option with seedlings is also relevant for her, since the climate there is more severe than in the steppe zone.

Preparation of corn grains for sowing

Before planting grains, they must be prepared:

  • First, careful selection is made, you need to give preference to the largest seeds, they should not be damaged.
  • The next is a germination test. Selected specimens are placed in 5% saline for about 5 minutes. Some grains will sink to the bottom, they are the most suitable.
  • Next is etching. It is necessary to protect against diseases. For this, a special solution is taken - a powder pesticide, hydrogen peroxide or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After that, you need to disinfect the seeds, alternately immersing them first in hot water (no more than +50 ° C), then in cold. Not more than 20 minutes.

Choosing a place to plant corn

In general, corn can take root in virtually any soil. However, keep in mind that she is very fond of moisture. Therefore, it is better if the soil will hold it well. Drained soil is most suitable for growing seeds.

The site should be well warmed up by sunshine, without a draft.

Crop rotation, predecessors and followers of corn

It is better to plant corn where root vegetables, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, and melons grew earlier.

After corn, it is good to plant dill, basil, sage, zucchini, and beets.

Soil preparation for corn

The landing site must begin to be prepared in the fall. Dig the soil to a depth of 30 cm, while simultaneously introducing manure, peat and compost into it. The application is made at the rate of 8 kg of fertilizer per 1 sq / m.

In order to increase the plant's resistance to dry periods, special microfertilizers are introduced into the soil. They contain molybdenum and zinc.

Then, in the spring immediately before planting, the land must be treated with herbicides, they are needed to prevent the appearance of weeds. After the soil is re-digged, applying fertilizers based on potassium, based on the calculations of 20 g per 1 sq / m.

Seedlings and seedlings for growing corn

This culture is grown exclusively with the help of seeds. One way or another is suitable for different regions.

Sowing seedlings involves planting seeds in special cassettes with cells, or in peat pots. Filling cassettes and pots of turf land with rotted humus.

Sowing is carried out approximately at the beginning of May, but before that they need to be germinated in gauze or paper at a temperature not lower than room temperature.

In one peat pot, up to 4 seeds are placed, while in a cell up to 2. They are placed in the soil to a depth of no more than 3 cm, then the earth is moistened with a solution of Fundazole at the rate of 4 g per 10 liters of water. After that, the pots and cassettes are placed in a place well-lit by the sun.

Growing corn seedlings

Seedlings tend to grow slowly. It is recommended to organize additional lighting at the time of emergence of sprouts. For these purposes, a phytolamp or fluorescent lamp is perfect.

1 time it is necessary to top-up with Polyfid (a fertilizer that completely dissolves in water does not contain sodium and chlorine).

After the appearance of several leaves, leave only one seedling in the cell, the strongest. In peat pots, reduce their number to 2. Local acceleration is observed after the development of leaves.

When there is only a week left before planting in open ground, it is necessary to begin to temper the sprouts, taking seedlings into the shade in the open air. You need to start with 10 minutes a day.

Planting corn seedlings in open ground

Landing is carried out when the threat of frost passes. On average, it starts in mid-May, the soil has dried up and warmed up enough.

It is worth considering that if the temperature drops to 0, this will lead to a complete halt to the growth of seedlings, and soon to its death.

The technology of sowing corn seeds directly into the soil

Planting seeds should only be in prepared, fully compliant soil. It should be enriched with fertilizers, treated from weeds.

Then, special marking is done on the site. It designates places of future landings where holes will be dug. The interval between them should be at least 70 cm, while the depth of the hole should be at least 9 cm. This is done so that the root systems of seedlings are not intertwined, thereby not interfering with each other's full development.

Corn Care Features

Corn requires careful care, constant watering, weeding, top dressing and processing.

In addition, if neglected, the damage can be caused not only to the culture, but also to the soil, which will lead to its depletion. We will analyze important aspects in more detail.


Culture is very fond of moisture, however, overdoing it with watering is also not necessary. In the soil flooded with water, the roots will begin to die, which will lead to a halt in the growth and death of the plant. Humidity should be no more than 75%. One plant should have at least 1.5 liters of water.

If it is not possible to systematically water, it is necessary to loosen the soil regularly.

An easy solution to this issue is the drip irrigation system, it can significantly save water, and the drops at the same time penetrate the roots of plants.

Top dressing

Fertilizing should be regular throughout the growth period. It’s better to use universal ones.

However, if some elements, such as manganese, are missing in the soil, it should be added.

Diseases and pests of corn

As a prevention of the appearance of various ailments, it is recommended to carefully monitor the soil and do its regular analysis. Based on the results, fertilize in order to stabilize the soil. Grains before planting must be processed in accordance with all the rules indicated above.

The most common diseases of corn are bladder smut, fusarium and red rot. If signs of the disease are detected (plaque on the leaves, the appearance of rot, a strange smell), it is necessary to isolate the affected specimen and destroy it. This is the most effective and less expensive method, in addition, it protects healthy plants from infection.

Mr. Summer resident advises: the rules for the collection and storage of corn

The maturity of corn is divided into several stages: milk - the grains are soft, the leaves are difficult to separate, the tips of the panicles darken, biological maturation - the leaves turn yellow, the grains are orange.

The collection must be carried out either in the dairy period or in the biological. If you are supposed to eat fresh, it is necessary to harvest at the dairy stage. For other uses, the biological maturity of the plant is suitable.

It is worth collecting very carefully, breaking off at the very base, first those that are closer to the top. Corn is stored in a dry room, on a hill. Recommended in mesh, suspended bags.


Watch the video: Agripreneur Feature : Crop Economics and Production of Corn (October 2024).