Climbing or winding roses: varieties, cultivation


A climbing rose is able to decorate any personal plot. This garden culture can be seen in the park.

Its popularity is due to the velvety texture, alluring smell and high decorativeness. Contrary to popular belief, caring for a climbing rose is fairly straightforward.

Description of climbing roses

Among the distinctive features of this culture are:

  • impressive length of shoots. Thanks to this, the support located nearby is quickly braided by flexible branches. If everything is done correctly, the summer resident will receive a harmonious garden design;
  • varied colors. Plants resemble ground cover and park species. Roses begin to bloom in June;
  • delicate aroma. Its intensity is largely determined by growing conditions and varietal characteristics.

Groups and varieties of climbing roses

Climbing roses are divided into several groups. The determining factor is the height of the plant. Semi-braided varieties reach no more than 5 m, curly - up to 15 cm.

Roses can bloom both once and several times. It depends on the varietal characteristics.


The ramblers are called climbing roses, which are planted as a decorative decoration for gazebos, facades and other garden buildings. The length of flexible shoots often reaches 6 m. These varieties require support.

The foliage in most cases is painted in a dark green shade. Terry inflorescences are formed from neat roses. They appear only on last year's shoots. The only disadvantage experienced gardeners consider too short a flowering period. Usually it lasts no longer than 7-10 days.

CrimsonUp to 4 m. Blooming flowers in diameter less than 5 cm. Carmine-red roses are collected in impressive inflorescences. The smell is absent.
AlbrightonCream and pale pink cup-shaped buds. Petals are arranged in waves. The closer to the center, the smaller their size. The diameter of the flower is 5 cm. This variety is not afraid of rains.
Manninkton MovDark lilac roses, which noticeably brighten over time. They differ in small size (no more than 3 cm). During flowering, green dense foliage is covered with bright inflorescences. There are practically no spikes on the shoots.
Gold finchSmall leaf blades are painted emerald. On strong flexible lashes, spikes are most often absent.


This category includes re-blooming roses, characterized by high winter hardiness. Many of these varieties can be grown in the middle lane. Climbers were obtained as a result of the selection of climbing species with floribunda, tea, hybrid and repair roses.

The features of the varieties included in this group include elongated branches and intensive growth. Beautiful openwork inflorescences form from blooming roses.

New dawnThe height of the bush reaches 2 m. Thin shoots branch out in different directions. Due to the abundance of blossoming roses, the branch bends down during the flowering period. The leaves are greenish-gray, the color intensity depends on the lighting.
Breath of lifeThe bush is formed by powerful shoots. The diameter of large delicate apricot flowers varies from 10 to 11 cm. Each inflorescence is formed of three buds. Rainy weather makes the delicate buds turn brown.
Golden showersHeight varies from 2 to 3 m. On vigorous shoots, leaf blades painted in a deep green hue. Half-double buds are collected from wavy petals. At the beginning of the flowering period, they are bright yellow. Later, the roses become cream.
СompassionBushes are not higher than 3.5 m. They are formed by erect stems, on the surface of which there are many thorns. Terry delicate apricot buds emit a strong sweetish aroma.
Rosarium uetersenGreen leaves become the backdrop for large flowers formed from terry petals. Flowers are characterized by good winter hardiness.


The braided branches of these roses are harder than other varieties. The length of the shoots is usually 2-3 meters. Gardeners often arrange fans in the form of fans.

The obvious advantages include resistance to illnesses and frost resistance. Through this garden culture, pergolas, arches and other vertical surfaces are decorated.

City of YorkHeight - up to 7 m. Flexible shoots are covered with thorns, white-cream flowers are decorated with golden dots. The foliage is bright green. From roses comes a pleasant aroma.
Gloria DayNot higher than 3 m. Saturated green leaves, yellow-cream terry flowers. Their diameter varies from 11 to 15 cm. There are thorns on the branches.
Coral dawnTerry spherical inflorescences of pink-coral shade. Long and plentiful flowering, high winter hardiness.
Cecilia BrunnerHeight - more than 4 m. Branches are covered with green foliage. Roses collected from terry petals.
Grade Gloria Day


Roses from this category are characterized by the following features:

  • powerful bushes;
  • repeated flowering;
    shoots, the length of which is from 1.5 to 3 m.

These flowers are often classified as semi-paramorous.

QuadraThe height of the bush reaches 1.8 m, the width is 1 m. Bright red flowers can be located both separately from each other, and together.
Ilza Kron SuperiorFlowers have a goblet shape. The height is 2-3 m. The brushes are collected from beautiful white roses.

Winter-resistant varieties of climbing roses

Frost-resistant varieties are especially popular.

Their list is quite extensive.

HarlequinShort flowering period.White core and petals decorated with pink outline.Landscaping.
AlchemistThe difficulty of growing, short flowering. Strong aroma and many spikes.Golden yellow.Decoration of garden buildings.
SchneewithhenCreeping shoots of light green color, shiny foliage, sweet aroma.Snow-white, semi-double. Diameter - from 5 to 9 cm.Decoration of tall buildings.
ElfPersistent fruity odor.White, with a greenish tint. Wavy flowering.The buds are medium in size.

Varieties of continuous flowering roses

These varieties require more careful care.

The popularity of varieties characterized by continuous flowering is often due to their high decorativeness.

LagoonThe distinctive features include a strong floral aroma. The bush reaches a height of 2-2.5 m. The plant needs dense shelter.Brushes are made of large velvet roses. They can be light pink and red.
RumbaThe length of the shoots varies from 1 to 3 m. They are resistant to a sharp change in temperature.Painted in golden and pink shades.
Golden PerfumeAttractive smell, lack of winter hardiness.The diameter of the yellow rose does not exceed 12 cm.
MetanoiaLight unobtrusive aroma, the bush is distinguished by splendor.Large orange and salmon buds.
JardinaNo thorns, fruity aroma.Pink pion-shaped buds collected from thick-double petals.

Special varieties of climbing roses

Varieties with winter hardiness and constant flowering are quite popular among gardeners.

ParadeRoses, characterized by a varied color and oval shape. The diameter does not exceed 10 cm. The buds can be located both together and separately.Lush bush, thin leaf blades of emerald hue. Plant height - no more than 3.5 m.
AmadeusRed, impressive size.Intense fruity odor. The height of the bush reaches 6 m.

Varieties of climbing roses in colors

Hue is considered when choosing suitable varieties.

Roses are planted to decorate decorative buildings. Grade Elegance

Thanks to the rich color of the leaves and the brightness of the buds, any garden composition will become unique.

RedsOrfeoScarlet roses, whose diameter does not exceed 10 cm.Pronounced spicy aroma. Needs additional protection.
Meylandina OrangeSmall red buds, a bush whose height is 2 m.Frost-resistant, faint flower smell.
SalitaPetals are painted in salmon orange and red. Buds in appearance resemble hybrids of tea varieties.Saturated fruity odor, continuous flowering.
YellowElegansTerry roses are large in size. Each bud has 40 to 60 petals. The shoots are covered with spikes.High winter hardiness, fragrant aroma. The plant needs shelter.
WhitesSchneewalzerPearl petals are velvety. At the core, you can see yellow glare. The diameter of roses reaches 18 cm.Long stand in cut.
SchwanenseeThe diameter of the rose is from 6 to 8 cm. The length of the shoots is not more than 6 m.Continuous flowering, the need for timely pruning.
PinkLaviniaBright pink small buds.Average frost resistance, prolonged budding.
JasmineRoses are characterized by lilac-pink color.Fragrant sweet smell, a large number of flowers.
BlueIndigolettaLilac velvety buds with a large size.Poorly acclimatized in the middle lane.
Blue moonDiameter of flowers no more than 12 cm.Coloring is dependent on lighting.
Variety Blue Moon

Planting climbing roses in open ground

In order to achieve abundant flowering, the gardener needs to regularly conduct all agricultural activities. Climbing roses are considered to be plants that do not like excessive moisture and drafts. The bed should be with a slope. This is necessary to eliminate excess water. The length of the roots is 2 m.

Climbing roses are often planted along walls and fences. Plants will feel comfortable if there is at least 60 cm between the building and the root system. Cones, fences, poles, nets, arches and pergolas are also used as a support.

The landing algorithm is pretty simple:

  • In the selected area, the required number of holes is dug.
  • A nutrient mixture is placed in each of them, which can become peat compost.
  • Plants are carefully planted in prepared pits and watered with warm water.
  • At the last stage, the soil must be compacted.

Optimal time and place for landing

The site is chosen, focusing on the needs of the plant. It should be well lit and ventilated. Sandstones and heavy clay soils are not suitable. The same can be said of wetland.

In the middle lane, landing is carried out at the end of the first autumn month. In the northern regions, culture is placed in the springtime. Land should be ready two months before planting.

Autumn landing

This method has its advantages and disadvantages. The first include:

  • The stability of the temperature regime.
  • Favorable conditions for faster rooting of the climbing rose and building green mass.
  • A variety of planting material and low cost.

Varieties of roses, the flowering period of which occurs in the spring, are recommended to be planted in autumn.

Spring planting

In this case, a climbing rose is placed in the open ground in early spring. This is due to the following reasons:

  • The kidneys are in a dormant state.
  • The soil is sufficiently moistened.
  • The temperature rises gradually.

The disadvantages include the weakness and lack of adaptability of the plant. Bushes of a climbing rose planted in the first months of spring lag behind in growth by 2 weeks.

Outdoor curly rose care

Gardening culture needs cultivation and watering. Roses need to be planted near the support. In the absence of suitable buildings, metal arcs can be used. During the autumn transplant, the upper part of the bush must be tied with twine.


During a drought, the area on which the roses are planted should be moistened no more than once every 5 days. 3 weeks after planting from the bush, you need to scoop up excess land. Watering is speeded up during the vegetation phase. The norm for one adult plant is from 10 to 12 liters. The next day after wetting, the soil must be loosened and mulched.

Top dressing

This stage is especially important for climbing roses. Additives containing nitrogen must be alternated with combined mixtures. Plants are fed no more than twice a month. Each preparation is accompanied by instructions for use. Roses need not only minerals, but also organics.

In this case, fertilizers called "Flower" and "Ideal" will be required. They can be purchased at a specialty store. The mixture can be made independently. This will require ingredients such as wood ash and mullein. In July, the soil is fertilized with potash and phosphorus additives.


Arches are especially popular. To achieve the desired decorative effect, at least 2 bushes are planted at their base. In the second year, the construction will be completely braided.

Flowering bushes can be tied up in several ways:

  • fan - side shoots do not tie;
  • horizontally - the branches are neatly attached to the support so that new shoots rise up;
  • in a spiral - the stems are twisted around a decorative device.


It is best done in September. If an agrotechnical event is scheduled for a later date, the plant does not adapt to cold weather. To extract the root system from the ground, a plant is dug up. After removing excess soil from the roots, the rose needs to be transferred to a new hole.


The time of the procedure depends on when the flowering begins. As a result of pruning, the shoots are shorter by 30 cm. The stems are removed during the formation of the crown of the bush. The same is done with branches, thickening the crown, and buds that have already faded. Through pruning, the gardener provides thermal insulation of the plant before wintering. At this stage, foliage and old shoots are necessarily removed.


Climbing roses are propagated by grafting, seeds, layering, cuttings. The latter are used more often than others. Seeds should be purchased at the store. Seeds obtained on a personal plot will not yield the desired crop.


First, the seed is placed in hydrogen peroxide. So mold is warned. Half an hour after the start of the procedure, the seeds are removed and laid out on a cotton napkin. From above they are covered with a cotton layer soaked in the same solution. After the seeds sprout, they are transferred to glasses filled with soil mixture.


They are cut off in the middle of summer. Pre-select the appropriate branches. The next step is to determine the points where the cut will be located. The upper one is made even, the lower one at an angle of 45 degrees.

Treated cuttings are placed in containers filled with a composition of soil and sand. The upper part is closed with a glass jar. To speed up rooting, the stalk is regularly watered.


The cuts on the shoot are made under the kidneys. Humus is placed at its bottom. Fertile soil is poured over it. The next step is the bending of the selected shoot. To fix it, use metal staples. After the plant is added dropwise. The top should remain outside.


A climbing rose is most often planted on a dog rose. The procedure is carried out in late July - early August. The algorithm is pretty simple:

  • Rosehip is abundantly watered.
  • Notch the neck.
  • In the resulting pocket put a peephole taken from the plant.
  • The treated place is wrapped with a special film.
  • Bush spud.


Before cooling, a climbing rose is spared from sprouts and leaves. As a result, healthy shoots remain on the bush.

The branches are carefully removed from the support and covered with spruce branches. To enhance the insulating properties, use a film or agrofiber. Shelter is removed in the spring.

Mr. Dachnik warns: the reasons for the lack of flowering in the climbing rose

If the climbing rose does not bloom in time, the gardener should analyze his actions. It is possible that the malaise was triggered by his mistakes.

CausePrevention and treatment measures
DiseasesTimely spraying with Bordeaux fluid. The introduction of complexes containing potassium and superphosphates. Affected branches are removed.
Extra branchesRegular removal of wild shoots.
Insufficient thermal insulationIf everything is done correctly, the rose will not suffer from temperature changes and dampness. Among the mandatory measures include moderate watering, potash top dressing. From loosening the soil will have to be abandoned.
Excessive nitrogen concentrationThe specified element provokes an accelerated build-up of green mass. To get rid of the negative consequences, nitrogen-containing fertilizers should be forgotten.

Due to the variety of assortment, each summer resident will be able to find suitable varieties for himself. When choosing, you need to focus on the color, size, shape, height and configuration of the plant. Particular attention should be paid to qualities such as resistance to adverse weather conditions and the duration of flowering. Climbing roses are often used for horizontal and vertical gardening.


Watch the video: How to Train Climbing Roses (October 2024).