Description of tomato Ursa Major


Tomato Ursa Major surpasses many others in its characteristics. One tomato Big Dipper is enough to cook a dish for the whole family. The weight of its fetus reaches 500-800 g.

There are champions weighing up to 1.5 kg. Fruits are rounded, more elongated in width, slightly ribbed. The cut is fleshy, the flesh is even, pale pink, there are few seeds.

Description and characteristics of tomato Ursa Major

The variety is universal, suitable for greenhouses, grows well in unprotected soil, has proven itself in Samara, Moscow region, the Urals and other regions of Russia.

It has unlimited height of stem growth and, accordingly, great opportunities for productivity. Bushes in the greenhouse reach a height of 2 m, on the street - up to one and a half meters. The development of the stem ends only with the end of the growing season.

Stop growth in height by pinching. Tomato Ursa Major has high productivity. From 1m2 You can get up to 15 kg of tomatoes with proper care and favorable environmental conditions.

The variety is early ripe. Fruits grown under the film can be harvested already in July - about 100 days after emergence.

In the open field, the Ursa Major is grown as a medium early tomato, it begins to bear fruit a little later.

Pros and cons

  • High yield. Prolonged fruiting.
  • Great taste. Fleshy fruits with a delicate texture.
  • Early ripening.
  • Shelf life, stability during transportation.
  • Thin skin, not prone to cracking.
  • Resistance to diseases, has good immunity.
  • Universality. It grows in open ground and in greenhouses.
  • It requires a lot of attention. It does not produce a large crop in summer cottages, where the owners are less often several times a week.
  • Important temperature, light and humidity.
  • The greenhouse must be ventilated periodically.
  • Ursa Major is very sensitive to these factors, which affects fruiting.
  • Long seedling growth - approximately 2 months.
  • Fertile soil leads to the growth of green mass and lower yields.
  • The need for garter on trellises up to 2m high.

Seedling Care

Seedlings of Ursa Major are less demanding to care than other varieties.

For sowing, they take the usual purchased soil for vegetables or prepare themselves from pre-stored garden soil and humus. If you take the land from the site where the tomatoes will grow in the future, the seedlings will better take root on the "familiar" soil.

Preliminarily, the soil is calcined over a fire to kill insects, animal organisms, fungi and bacteria. Before planting, the substrate is well moisturized.

Seeds do not require additional preparation. After the formation of three full leaves, it will necessarily be dived, otherwise the seedlings will be weak and very elongated. Let this slow down the growth somewhat, but then the time spent and the efforts made will pay off with quality planting material.

More seeds should be sprouted than is expected for planting, in case of an attack - the death of some specimens. The first sorting is carried out already during the dive, without using weak, lagging in development sprouts. Also, when planting in the ground - you should choose the strongest and most developed plants.

Seedling care is regular watering. It is necessary to moisten the soil as accurately as possible, from a spray-spray or douche.

About 10-14 days before planting in open ground, trays with seedlings are placed on the balcony or terrace for hardening. The time spent in the air is gradually increasing, bringing to several hours.


Ursa Major landing rules are simple:

  • On 1 m2 3-4 bushes are planted.
  • The holes are made at a distance of 50 cm in a checkerboard pattern.
  • A handful of wood ash is added to each hole and as much humus is spilled well with water so that the roots of the seedling are immersed in water.
  • Having fallen asleep with earth, they crumple well, so that a small depression forms, and once again water abundantly. Water should stand in the hole.
  • The variety does not like thickening. Therefore, stepsons pinch the entire growing season. Otherwise, yield will fall and the risk of morbidity will increase.
  • When trimming form 2 branches from the trunk. The bushes are carefully fixed on the supports, using thick twine.
  • During flowering and the formation of fruits, plants are sprayed with the stimulator Ovary.
  • Fertilizers are used for top dressing, which contain phosphorus and potassium.

Tomato Ursa Major has earned a huge number of good reviews and has excellent features. Gardeners, having tried it once, grow it every year in their personal plots.

Appreciated for high productivity, beautiful appearance of fruits, delicate taste. The sweet taste is equally good in salads, appetizers and hot dishes.

Due to the especially large size, the fruits are not used whole in canning. But tomato juice with pulp from the fruits of Ursa Major turns out to be thick and tasty. It is harvested for the winter and stored at home.


Watch the video: EMPTIES. vegan & cruelty free (October 2024).