Gentian: varieties, planting and care


Gentian is a perennial, sometimes annual, short, beautiful grass with blue and blue hues of its petals. Meet the same with yellow-violet. It gained its popularity a long time ago, even during Ancient Russia. She became famous due to her medicinal properties that nature gave her. Studies have been conducted in many large medical institutions, where they confirmed that gentian can help with some ailments. The plant is unpretentious, it can easily be grown at home in the country. The taste is bitter, hence the name.

The plant itself is represented by a large number of species that are common throughout the world, but in some countries it is rare. They are even in the red book.

Gentian Features

Even the fact that the plant is completely unpretentious to climate and soil, it still has its own characteristics. Most often it can be found in alpine meadows, at a height of at least 1 km above sea level. Below is also found, but much less often. It has good stamina, but does not like direct sunlight.

It best takes root on stony soil, propagated by seeds, through the spread of their wind.

Yellow gentian, narrow-leaved, pulmonary and other species

The plant is large in number, over the whole territory of the CIS you can find over 90 different species.


Height (cm)



SpringShort stature perennial. The stem of the plant is short


Elongated, oval. The color is bluish white, mostly blue.Has 1 bud with a diameter of 2 cm.

It begins in early summer, in June.

Deleluxe (Clusie)Most often found on the alpine mountains. It is also perennial, like most species. It grows best on silty soil, responds well to fertilizers.

Low, not more than 5.

Pointed, lanceolate.They have the shape of a bell, bright blue. Towards the middle of the bud, the color is slightly lighter.

Mid summer.

KolakovskyDecorative appearance, has a large stem height.


Elongated, long and narrow.Very large, in comparison with other species, reaches 5 cm in length. The color is light blue. More common are plant groups, up to 4 buds, but loners are also common.

At the end of summer.

DinarIt has western roots. It tolerates the winter season without additional shelters.

Reaches 15.

Oval-elongated, green tone.The color of the petal is bright blue, with a bluish tint closer to the middle of the bud.

It starts in late spring.

Chinese decoratedThe occupied area on the soil is 30 cm. A dense covering of a stalk by leaves. It does not tolerate the hot season.

Has an average stem height of 15.

Elongated and pointed.5 cm, blue. At the base of the bud has a striped color.
Mid autumn.
Stemless (Kokha)Located in the mountains, gorges. In other places, it does not actually occur only if there are mountains nearby.

10, has no stem.

Sharp, smooth, bent along.Located on the pedicel, blue. Closer to the center of the flower you can see the green color on the inside of the petals. The peculiarity of the species is that its flowers close when the rain approaches, this is often used by tourists who are versed in botany.

Mid summer.

GingerbreadThe stalk is straight, without bends.


It is formed at the end of the stem, has a bell-shaped, pointed shape of the petals. The color is blue violet.

At the beginning of August.

YellowIt is completely different from the previous species. It has a very long stem. It is a long-liver, under appropriate conditions and care, can easily live half a century.


Located only at the base.It has a yellow shape, on one shoot up to 6 buds can grow simultaneously. Being located one above the other.

Mid summer.

Large leafPerennial herbaceous plant. The shoots are a little drowsy

May reach 80.

Most are located at the base. The length can be up to 40 cm, while not less than 25 cm wide.The bell-shaped shape of the flowers is bright blue. Located in groups at the top of the stem.

Toward the end of summer

CiliaryUp to 30.Large. Diameter 6 cm. The shape is special, not like the rest. Grows in the form of ribbons hanging down. At the end of the petals are small processes that resemble eyelashes. The plant is found in two color variations, with a purple flower, and white.

In the beginning of autumn.

DaurianPerennial. The stems are straight in shape, strewn with leaves.
No more than 40.
Pretty long, narrow. Grow on the stem densely.Group type of growth, have a bell-shaped, blue color.

Mid summer.

Large-floweredDecorative look.
Reaches no more than 10.
Elongated.Grow alone, quite large. In length reach no more than 4-5 cm.

It begins in late spring, with a total duration of a month.

PulmonaryAlso aesthetic. The stalk is tall.
High frequency of location on the shoot.They have the shape of a bell. In length reach no more than 5 cm. They are characterized by a dark blue hue. Green stripes are visible on the petals.

Toward the end of summer.

SevenDecorative, capable of growing for a long number of years. The stems are numerous and straight.
No more than 30.
Small size.Dark blue, large, up to 4 cm in radius. They grow exclusively in groups of 8 copies.

The total duration starting in mid-summer is up to 1.5 months.

Narrow-leavedPerennial. It grows well on clay calcareous soils.


Very narrow, stick to the whole stem

Blue bells.

The end of spring-the beginning of summer

Three-floweredPrefers marshes and moisture. The roots are creeping.


Located densely near the base, further in pairs.Goblet, collected 3-4 on the stem.

The second half of August is the first of September.

Gentian planting in the open ground

Due to their aesthetic appearance, medicinal properties and the abundance of color variations and shapes, many people grow gentian in their areas.

When to land

The most effective way is the seeds, they are planted in the middle of spring or autumn. Those species that bloom in May and later are not recommended to be planted in areas without additional shelters. Since they do not tolerate direct sunlight.

Autumn species are planted near ponds, in places with high humidity.

Landing rules

Preparation for sowing takes a long time. First, the seeds go through a stratification process. They must be kept for at least 2 months in well-ventilated areas. The duration of the process depends on the species and is not generally accepted. So, seeds growing in the mountains need at least 80 days of treatment.

Before you place the seeds of plants in a box for vegetables, you need to mix them with peat, not coarse sand, in a ratio of 1: 3.

However, if you plan to sow before the winter season, the seeds do not need to be processed. Since after the landing, the temperature will be just right and everything will happen in the natural environment.

An important feature regarding seed size:

  • Small in no case can not be sprinkled on top of the ground, it is enough to sprinkle them on flat soil, slightly crushing.
  • Large ones, on the contrary, need to be covered with soil from above.

Outdoor care for gentian grass

If all territorial features are observed during the landing, taking into account the factor of sunlight, leaving will not be something difficult. It is important that the soil around the planted plants is constantly moist, it is recommended to regularly water it yourself, or using special systems.

After watering, loosen the soil around. Particular attention should be paid to weeds growing nearby, timely remove dry flowers.

In the matter of fertilizers, the plant is unpretentious, it will be enough a little peat in early spring, with the addition of horn flour and calcareous crushed stone.

Gentian diseases and pests

Gray rotThe spots are brownish gray.
Contaminated sites are cut
sanitized tool.
Then the wounds are treated with a solution of Funzol.
Brown spottingBrown spots
with purple rims
small size.
Spray with a copper-containing agent.
Blue vitriol, Bordeaux liquid.
RustChemically resistant mushrooms.
Pustules of a dark orange color.
The infected parts are cut out, destroyed in
without fail. After that, all the district
plants are sprayed with a fungicidal preparation.
ThripsInsects suck out checkered juice
At the puncture sites, colorless
Apply a solution of an insecticidal preparation.

Mr. Summer resident recommends: gentian - a healer in the garden

The plant has gained its popularity due to its medicinal properties, which are widely used in traditional medicine, and in professional one too. Gentian root contains alkaloids, they help suppress cramps, muscle cramps. They also help with cough, have an antipyretic effect.

The roots of many species contain phenolcarboxylic acid. She is endowed with the ability to enhance evacuation intestinal function.

The most popular water tinctures from these flowers, they can be used both externally and internally. In this case, the problem does not have to be serious, a decoction helps for example with sweating legs. The festering wounds are recommended to be strewn with powder. It is prepared from a 1: 1 ratio of plant roots and pharmacy chamomile.

One of the types is a compress. It is prescribed for pain in muscles and joints. It is prepared from the gruel of both types of plant organs (terrestrial, underground). The use of various dosage forms of this plant is carried out with such problems as constipation, flatulence, heartburn, diathesis, achilia, throat disease, tuberculosis. The beneficial effect on the body with cancer, chronic hepatitis is proven.

Naturally, like any drug, gentian has contraindications. The use of decoctions, powders, infusions, compresses is not recommended for pregnant women, with individual intolerance to components such as bitterness. People with diseases of the duodenum, stomach ulcers, as well as hypertension. There is an optimal daily dose of special alcohol tincture - 35 drops. Exceeding the daily dosage can lead to headaches, dizziness, and redness of the face.


Watch the video: Crested Gentian is plant of the day for Tuesday (October 2024).