Brunfelsia: home care


Brunfelsia is a perennial plant in the nightshade family, when grown in a room, it grows up to 50 cm in height. The root system is branched, the leaves are dense, leathery.

It blooms from February to May with tubular flowers, color and size depend on the variety. In many species, they are odorless. Juice and fruits are poisonous.

Brunfelsia americana, lacteya and other species for indoor cultivation

ViewLeaf shape and sizeFlowers
AmericanaEllipse up to 10 cm in length.Creamy, fragrant, tube lengths up to 10 cm.
MalocotsvetnayaOval up to 10 cm long.White, lilac, without aroma.
Large floweredOval, pointed.White, purple with a diameter of up to 12 cm.
UnifloraOval up to 10 cm.White, purple with a diameter of up to 2.5 cm.
Dairy (lacteya)Oval, 5 cm long.White, light yellow, fragrant 5-7 cm long.

Brunfelsia home care

The flower is sensitive to changes in the environment, prefers bright lighting without direct sunlight. For prolonged flowering, from March to September they support -16 ... -18 ° C, in winter they lower it to -9 ... -14 ° C, thereby stimulating the formation of buds.

Brunfelsia requires high humidity and regular watering without stagnation. In spring and summer, they are watered up to three times a week, using water at room temperature, with a cool wintering, the frequency is reduced.

In autumn and winter, fertilize 1 time per month with reduced doses of complex mineral fertilizers, during the growing season, top dressing is applied 2 times a month.

Transplant, pruning

During the growth period, an annual transplant into a larger tank with a change of soil and drainage is necessary. Adult plants are replanted every 4 years, replacing the top 3 cm of soil.

Ready-made soil for roses is suitable for growing, it is also possible to use a mixture of leafy soil, turf, peat and sand, taken in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1. Stimulate the growth of young branches and the formation of flower buds by cutting the bush after flowering, removing up to 50% of the branches.


Propagated by cuttings or stem processes. At the beginning of spring, 10 cm of the top of the shoot with 3 buds is cut off and soaked in formulations that stimulate root formation.

Cuttings are planted in a common container and covered with a film or a glass jar. Roots are formed after a few months, after which the plants are transplanted into pots.

At home, the features of caring for cuttings are to ensure a constant temperature of +25 ° C and regular ventilation.

Diseases, pests

The plant is resistant to diseases and pests, can be affected by aphids and spider mites. Infection can be determined by the following criteria:

  • the appearance of yellow, deformed leaves;
  • sticky plaque, lumps similar to cotton wool on leaves;
  • black or green bugs on stems.

To control pests, a soap or alcohol solution is used, applying the composition to a cotton pad, pests are collected manually, and then treated with insecticides.

The most common diseases are chlorosis, as a result of improper selection of soil and various rot resulting from excessive watering.


Watch the video: Brunfelsia australis yesterday today and tomorrow (October 2024).