Saponaria or saponaria: description, care tips


Mylnianka (saponaria) is a perennial belonging to the Carnation family. Distribution area - south of Europe, central Asia.

Description of soap dish

In nature reaches 1 m. Erect, but highly branched trunk. Smooth, occasionally slightly pubescent. The foliage is oblong, the tips are pointed.

The buds are connected in corollas of 5 petals. Color - from pale pink to purple.

Types and varieties of saponaria

The following varieties of saponaria are suitable for indoor cultivation:

Medicinal (Ordinary)Reaches 90 cm. Stems are numerous, densely leafy. Leaves are oblong-oval. Buds - all shades from white to red. It has a pleasant aroma.Flora PlenoTerry, color - creamy pink.
Betty ArnoldSnow-white buds, pedicels elongated. Terry type.
VariegataFoliage has a patterned green pattern.
DazlerVariegated foliage, the color of the buds is pink.
Rubra, Alba and Rosea CaptivityOrnamental plant, has compacted inflorescences. Color - from white to purple.
Basil leafIt grows to 20 cm. The shoots are elongated, soft, spread on the ground and form a green pillow. The foliage is elongated, rich green. The flowers are pink-red.Rubra CompactSaturated pink flowers, densely cover the shoots.
LuxuryPale pink buds. Flowering is plentiful.
Snow topThe foliage is deep green. The buds are snowy white.

The following species are also popular for decorative cultivation:

OlivanaHybrid dwarf species, grows up to 10 cm.Large, grow from a bowl that resembles a glass in shape. Color - pink or purple.
TurfyPerennial, with a height of 7 to 15 cm. The foliage is smooth, slightly elongated.Oval petals are pale pink.
LempergeeA hybrid growing up to 40 cm. The trunk is straight, highly branched. Foliage narrowed at the edges, elongated.Light pink or bright purple.
BressinghamCreeping appearance, used for rockeries and alpine slides.Large light raspberry.

Planting methods for saponaria

In the situation with saponaria, growing from seeds is very popular. Immediately placed in the open ground, do it in May or October. But before that, the earth is carefully dug up, the seeds are distributed and carefully planted into the soil using a rake. Further, planting material is covered with a film, this will reduce the germination time. During autumn planting, beds are mulched with dry leaves to prevent freezing of seeds.

But in order for the flower to grow strong and healthy, they still recommend planting seedlings in the soil. For this, in March, prepared soil mixture is poured into prepared containers, seeds are distributed on it and lightly covered with earth. After this, the soil is sprayed from the sprayer, do it extremely carefully so as not to provoke leaching of planting material. The containers are covered with a film and provide a temperature of +20 ° C, the light is diffused. Daily film is removed for 10-15 minutes to air seedlings.

The first sprouts occur after 2-3 weeks. After the formation of two true leaves, the saponaria is transplanted into a separate pot.

Saponaria care

Mylnyanka needs moderate watering, since the flower negatively relates to stagnation of water. Overmoistening leads to the fact that the root rots.

After applying moisture, the soil around the saponaria is gently loosened. This ensures that the root system is saturated with oxygen. In this case, all weed is removed. To reduce the frequency of weeding, stones are laid out near the soap dish.

When the flowering is over, all dried up sections of the saponaria are removed and the shoots are shortened by a third. Top dressing is performed once in April; mineral-type fertilizers containing a large percentage of phosphorus are used.

Flowering, shaping and pruning

Saponaria is able to bloom during almost the entire summer season. In order to form new beautiful shrubs and stimulate flowering, faded shoots are removed in September, and the rest are cut after frosts.


The winter hardiness of a soap dish depends on its variety, but possible damage is prevented by the fact that they cover the flower during cold weather. For these purposes, fallen leaves or spruce branches are used.

Pests and diseases

Saponaria is highly resistant to insect attacks and diseases. The only parasite that causes trouble is a garden scoop. The pest lays eggs on the trunk and seeds. To destroy pests, they are manually collected from the soap dish.

Among the diseases, only the fungus provoking leaf spotting is noted. And excessive watering leads to rotting of the root system. In both cases, the affected areas are removed, and the flower is transplanted into a new pot.

The healing properties of soapwort

The roots of saponaria contain triterpine saponins, providing soap properties. But if you make a decoction from them, then this is an excellent remedy for eczema, dermatitis, and liver diseases.

Used as an expectorant for bronchitis and cough. It has a laxative and diuretic property.


Watch the video: Saponaria officinalis - grow & care Wild Sweet William (October 2024).