Nerin: description, landing and care


Nerin is a perennial flower native to South Africa, from the Amaryllis family. It received its name in honor of the sea nymph Nereis (heroine of myths of Ancient Greece). There are other names - Guernsey lily or spider lily, as well as nerin.

In the regions of the middle zone, the sea nymph is grown at home. Where the winters are mild, they plant it in the garden. Planting and caring for nerin have their own characteristics. With proper cultivation, it will delight you with bright flowering and a delicate fragrance in the fall, when most plants have already faded.

Description of Nerin

Bulb of nerin 3-5 cm, oblong shape. Leaves are linear in shape. The peduncle is thin, stable, grows up to 50 cm.

Funnel-shaped flowers with long narrow petals are collected in an inflorescence of an umbrella. Coloring is white or various shades of red. Elegant flowers exude a pleasant smell.

Types of Nerin

Up to 30 species of nerin are counted. Most Popular:

CurvedHas large bright red flowers.
BashfulGot a name for slightly lowered white flowers.
SarneyIt has a great variety in color.
BowdenIt has high cold resistance, so it is convenient for growing in open ground.

Homemade Nerin Care

Spider Lily has periods of rest and activity. They affect care when growing a plant.

Features of care in different seasons:

Periods / CareWinter peaceSummer restVegetation
ConditionsA cool, dry, lit place.Warm, dry, well-lit place.
Temperature+8 ° С ... +10 ° С+23 ° С ... +25 ° С+15 ° С
WateringReduce gradually, stop after dropping leaves.At the end of the period when transplanting.Moderate, frequent.
Top dressing1-2 times a month.Need notOnce a week.

Nerina needs loose, slightly acidic soil. You can mix soddy soil with humus and coarse sand (1: 1: 1). It is important not to forget about drainage.

When planting, do not drip the bulb head. Use small pots or plant after 3-4 cm. This will help flowering. After 4 weeks, peduncles and buds will appear. With good rooting, all buds will open. Feeding with liquid fertilizers for amaryllis.

Cultivation, care and reproduction of nerin in the open ground

Open ground is grown in regions where the temperature in winter does not drop below -10 ° C. Otherwise, the bulbs must be removed to the balcony for the winter.

A place to choose a sublime, well-lit by the sun, with protection from direct rays.

The soil should be loose, light. You can use sand by mixing it with compost or humus. Planted in late July or early August, after 7 cm. To protect against waterlogging and prevent rot, create good drainage.

Water moderately, but often, preventing waterlogging of the soil. To feed during active growth after 2 weeks with fertilizers for flowering plants.

Reproduction is possible in 2 ways:

  • Seminal.
  • Vegetative.

The first method is not easy and long. Sow the seeds in containers. Vermiculite can be used as a nutrient medium. Cover the crop with glass or film. Grow at a temperature not lower than +22 ° C. After 3 weeks, sprouts will come out. When 2 true leaflets appear, dive into the nutrient ground. Lighting should be diffuse. The first three years of growth without periods of rest.

Vegetative propagation using bulbs is easier. Carefully separate the children from the mother bulb. Land in late July or early August. Water and cover once with a layer of mulch. In October, you can wait for flowering.

Diseases and pests of nerin

Nerin is sensitive to impaired care, but sufficiently resistant to disease. But there are pests from which it can suffer.

Small parasites that feed on the sap of plants are mealybugs, aphids. A soap solution and a special remedy for phytoparasites will help get rid of it. Less commonly, the plant is affected by powdery mildew. In this case, fungicide treatment (Fitosporin) will help.

Mr. Summer resident warns: Nerin - poisonous

When caring for an elegant beauty, you need to be careful, because her juice is poisonous. It is important to use gloves, be careful not to get juice on unprotected skin and mucous membranes. At the end of the work, wash hands with soap. Limit access to the plant for children and animals.


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