Indoor palm: types, rules of care


The homeland of palm trees is considered the island of Madagascar and Colombia. Some species grow in Spain and southern France. Their application is diverse - from eating to use in the construction industry. A palm tree is also good as an ornamental plant.

The palm family includes over a hundred genera, including: Coconut palm, Sabal, Date, Bismarck. Large shiny leaves, like a fan, look very exotic and expensive indoors. Palm - a symbol of wealth, joy, testifies to the good taste of its owner.

Palm trees and false palms

Not every palm-like plant will be its species. Not all indoor flowers with a spreading fan-shaped foliage and a central trunk are representatives of the areca family. These false palms include yucca, dracaena, nolin or cicada. Real tropical beauties have no trunk and top. They consist of leaves of various types and forms.

Choosing a palm tree for home breeding

You should not buy a palm tree in the catalog, as this will not allow you to fully get acquainted with the state of the instance. In order for the plant to bring joy as long as possible, or at least not to infect its relatives with floral ailments, it is better to buy it in a specialized store or nursery.

When choosing, it is worth paying attention to the condition of the flower. The following signs should alert:

  • completely or partially dry leaves;
  • the presence of an unpleasant musty smell;
  • too long plant (usually this is due to lack of sunlight);
  • stickiness of leaves or growths on them is a sign of a disease;
  • abnormal leaf size or violation of the integrity of the surface of the sheet, which is due to a deficiency of trace elements.

When buying a flower, it is better to choose a shoot or a small strong specimen - a young plant adapts better to environmental changes. An adult, falling into unusual conditions, can get sick and even die.

What are indoor palm trees

There are many types of palm trees for growing at home. They differ in the structure of branches and the presence or absence of a trunk. In the form of branches are fan and cirrus. The leaves of the first are attached at one point of the petiole, forming a kind of umbrella. Palm trees with fine delicate greenery are called cirrus. They are located along the stem on both sides.

Typically, home palm trees have the appearance of a bush, which over time can develop into a single trunk, but this is extremely rare.

Types of indoor palm trees

KindsDescriptionCare Features
Howe ForsterDark green leathery leaves adorn the trunk. At the first stages of growth, the branches seem to “shoot” out of the ground, and eventually become larger and leaning under their own weight create a framing effect.It can even adapt to poor lighting conditions, although it loves bright diffused light.

The flower is thermophilic, prefers plentiful watering and fresh air.

Howe BelmoreIt does not grow fast. With proper care at home, it can be about 3 m in height. The trunk is slightly thickened below, the leaves are different from Forster’s Howea — narrower, smaller and curved. Petiole short to 45 cm.

Twigs are arranged vertically, are sparse are rare.

He loves heat, light and water. Moisture is a prerequisite for normal growth.

Timely uniform watering and spraying is the secret to the health and beauty of the plant.

Lycula (palm umbrella)It grows to 2 m. The trunk is thin. Beautiful, spectacular large-sized leaves look like a fan. The foliage surface is pleated.Somewhat whimsical regarding water: likes watering and spraying, but if you go too far, its roots will begin to rot. To prevent root decay, add alcohol to the spray water.
Hamedorea graceful (bamboo palm)The trunk consists of dead leaves. This palm tree is not in vain called graceful: in a few years it grows to just 1.2 m.

Cirrus leaves oblong-elongated.

The thermophilic plant is capricious - it does not like direct sunlight, but at the same time it needs warm conditions. The optimum air temperature is at least +18 ℃. Needs plentiful watering.
Cat palmCan be recognized by a cascade of spreading delicate foliage.Unpretentious in care, likes spraying and a warm temperature.
KaryotaRefers to the species of cirrus. It is distinguished by amazing asymmetric carved leaves, lush greenery and compact size: in room conditions it reaches no more than 2 m in height. Some species, for example, burning karyota, have one trunk. Others (Cariota tender) - the shape of a bush.Hardy, thermophilic, but defenseless in direct sunlight.

It is important to observe the regime of watering and spraying greens.

Do not overheat the root system, a pot with a plant is best placed on the floor.

Date RobelinaIndoor tree 2.5-3 m tall with a thick tuberous trunk, which is framed on top by a bunch of lush leaves. They are cirrus, curved on a short petiole in length can reach 1 m. Color from dark green to greenish-silver.It prefers moderate temperature, sunlight and regular watering.

To prevent dry greenery, the plant should be sprayed daily.

RapisRapis low grows to 1.5 m. This variety is more popular with gardeners.

Rapis is usually used to decorate the interior of shopping and office centers.

A group of tubular, bamboo-like trunks. The leaves are shiny, hard, fan-shaped. The leaf plate is cut into 7-8 shares.

The optimum temperature is + 20 ... +22 ℃. Loves ambient light or partial shade. Proper watering without stagnation of water and dry soil. In the summertime should be sprayed.
ChrysalidocarpusA single-stemmed or bushy plant with high shoots. Refers to the appearance of cirrus palms. The foliage is lush, light.It tolerates heat, but direct sunlight harms delicate foliage. He does not like drafts. For uniform crown growth should be rotated around the axis 180 ° every 1-2 months.

Prefers high humidity and plentiful watering.

The maintenance of indoor palm trees and care for them at home

Despite the diversity of palm trees, in the care of any of them should be guided by the general principles:

  • Lack of drafts.
  • Average temperature - palm does not like heat and cold.
  • Quality drainage. To prevent stagnation of water in the ground, you can use large gravel or expanded clay.
  • Proper watering at room temperature. In summer - plentiful, in winter - moderate. The soil should be moist, but not moist. After watering, it is better to loosen the soil.
  • Protection against direct sunlight.
  • High humidity. Indoor use a humidifier and do not forget about spraying and wiping, you need to do this regularly.

Palm transplant

It is necessary to transplant once every 2 or 3 years (depending on the species). If the plant is large in size and it is not possible to transplant it, it is necessary to change the top layer of the earth annually, but so as not to damage the roots. Carriota

At the bottom of the tub you need to pour a layer of expanded clay at least 2 cm. It is better to choose flower pots high, corresponding to the size of the indoor tree.

For planting young plants, light soil is best. For adults - dense soil with a small clay content. Immediately after transplanting, the palm should be kept in the shade for better adaptation.

In order for the palm tree to please people around as long as possible, in the spring-summer period it needs to be fed with organic-based preparations or mineral complexes.

Palm leaves care

In caring for leaves, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • Careless rubbing, removal of wax coating, pubescence is unacceptable - the palm crown will acquire an unpleasant brown hue and an ugly appearance.
  • The plant loves showering, plentiful spraying, but only with warm water. Water procedures are an effective prevention of spider mite disease. Before washing the palm trees, you should cover the ground with a film so as not to overmoisten the soil.
  • Do not interfere with the natural dying of greens. If the leaf begins to turn yellow, you need to wait until it is completely dry, and only then cut it.

Reproduction of indoor palm trees

Such palm trees as chamedorea or karyota form root shoots and have a bushy structure. This allows the plant to propagate vegetatively using root offspring.

Other types of plants, for example, lycual, hovea, can be propagated only by seeds, this method is considered the most time-consuming.

Diseases and pests of palm trees

Disease / pestManifestationTreatment
Rotting rootsActive yellowing, and then darkening of the leaves.Perhaps only at an early stage.

Remove the diseased flower from the pot, remove rotten roots, put in fungicide for 20 minutes. Then plant in a new vessel with steamed soil. After the first time, pour fungicide.

Rotting stemsDark spots on the sheet plate with a whitish coating.Remove infected leaves, treat with fungicide. Transplant into steamed earth.

In addition, you can use folk remedies - infusion of horsetail or an aqueous solution of laundry soap.

Fungal infectionSpots are rounded in various shades (brown, yellow, gray, light green).Remove the affected foliage, treat the flower with an alkaline solution, spray with fungicide.

Since the causes of infection can be excessive watering, hypothermia, too dense soil, eliminate any of them by organizing competent plant care.

Spider miteThe insect is very small, it is not easy to detect. It has a different color (green, red).

A thin spider web is visible on the underside of the sheet. Light yellowish spots on its entire surface. The plant dries quickly.

Treat with tick-borne drugs (Actellik, Neoron, etc.).

From folk remedies, you can use onion or garlic infusion, a solution of water and laundry soap. Spray once a week until the tick is completely destroyed, for example, Sunmayt or Aktofit.

MealybugHas a white oval body. It lives on petioles, veinlets and ovaries of young leaves.

Palm growth becomes slow, leaves turn pale, the flower weakens.

If the infection is at the initial stage - the leaves can be removed. In the case of extensive lesions, it is better to spray the palm with anti-mite drugs until complete recovery.
Bubble ThripsThe parasite is black with an elongated body and a pair of wings. It can live without a plant: on window sills, flower pots.

Under the influence of the pest, the leaves turn pale, and eventually fade completely.

Eliminate errors in care (normalize watering, temperature, loosen or change the soil).

Spray Agravertine with the insecticide once a week. The substance is toxic, therefore it is important to observe precautionary measures and to use individual means of protection - gloves and a respirator.

Useful properties of palm trees

The peoples of different countries of the world believe in the healing and magical properties of palm trees. So, for example, the use of a plant branch in the form of a talisman or decoration protects the wearer from adversity and failure, gives them the ability to find a reason for happiness, sets up inner harmony, and restores strength.

In the house where the palm tree grows, good energy is felt.

But even if all this seems superstition, medicine and cosmetology also use the beneficial properties of the flower. Palm oil has established itself as a fighter against ailments - it contains vitamins A and E, so necessary for our body. Skin care products protect it from the harmful effects of UV rays, fight wrinkles and age spots, give freshness and a flowering appearance.


Watch the video: Tree & Plant Care : How to Grow a Palm Tree (October 2024).