Nemantanthus: description, types and varieties, care + growing errors


Nematanthus (Hypotsirta) is a genus that includes vines, shrubs and shrubs of the Gesneriev family. The distribution area is the jungle of South America, the tropics of Brazil, Paraguay.

The name from Greek translates as a flower thread, due to the long peduncle of some varieties.

Description of Nematanthus

Epiphytes and semi-epiphytes have creeping stems with small thick shiny dark green leaves of elliptical shape.

The flowers are orange, red, yellow, about 2 cm, similar to small bright aquarium fish. No wonder the plant got another name for the goldfish.

Types and varieties of "goldfish" for indoor breeding

The genus Nematanthus includes about 30 species.

RiverineCreeping epiphyte.Forms of an ellipse with a glossy fleshy green surface, reddish below.Lemon.
FritschaThe bush is about 60 cm, bent under the weight of flowers.Shiny, grassy-burgundy.Bright pink.
AnkleShrub with lowered stems.Rounded light gloss.Coral
VeitsteinFlexible shoots up to 1 m.Dark are small.Orange
Tropical (Tropicana)Ampel bush.Oval-pointed.Sunny, with burgundy stripes.
MonolithicCreeping stems. In a dormant period, drops foliage.Light green, fleecy and rounded.Scarlet, with a lemon limb.
Naked (Bristle)Half-amp.Small thick shiny.Bright orange.
Santa Teresa (Albus)Rare.Elongated green with a burgundy hem.Mottled white fluffy. They have a citrus-olive aroma.
GregariusVarietiesVariegated varieties. Because of this species, the nematanthus is called the goldfish.Small, sparkling saturated with a blue tint.Reminiscent of bright fish.
Golden WestWith a creamy yellow border.Saturated orange.
SirDiffer in a light stripe along the edge.Fiery.

Nematanthus conditions

At different seasons, when leaving at home, nematanthus requires a certain content.

FactorSpring SummerAutumn winter
Location / LightingSoutheast and southwest, in the heat they are placed on a sheltered balcony, shaded from the midday sun.Better south window. With a lack of highlight. Provide 12-hour light day.
Temperature+ 20 ... +25 ° C.+ 16 ... +18 ° C. Not lower than +14 ° C.
Humidity50-60 %.
WateringGenerous, do not allow overdrying of the soil.Moderate. If + 14 ... +16 ° C do not moisturize.
Rain water, melt at room temperature, settled or filtered. Try not to get on the leaves.
Top dressing2-3 times a month with mineral fertilizers for flowers with phosphorus and potassium. Before that, they watered.Do not use.

How and when to transplant nematanthus

Nemantanthus is a slowly growing flower. Young transplant only after 2-3 years, and adults - when the roots will come out of the drainage holes. Do it in the spring.

The capacity is taken small, about 2 cm wider than the previous one. The following substrate options are used:

  • soil for violets:
  • leaf, peat, sand (1: 1: 1) with the addition of crushed bark and moss;
  • leaf, humus, peat, sand (2: 1: 1: 1), charcoal crumbs.

Capacity and soil are disinfected (boiled in a water bath or poured with boiling water). Drainage is important (expanded clay, pebbles, vermiculite).

The transplant is carried out by the method of transshipment, trying not to damage the delicate roots. After the plant is poured with warm water, it is sprayed, put in the chosen place.

Stimulating Nematanthus Flowering Forming Pruning

Each year, before the dormancy period in the fall (October), the nematanthus is cut to stimulate flowering for the next active period. If the plant hibernates in a warm room, the formation process is delayed until spring. It will heal and rejuvenate the goldfish.

Sick, thin stems are removed. Healthy young shoots are shortened by 1/3, half the age.

Reproduction of nematanthus, obtaining new flowers, fish

Nematanthus is propagated by seeds and cuttings.


This method is laborious and long:

  • Prepare a pan and a container with drainage holes, pour peat with sand, moisturize.
  • Ripened seed boxes are opened, the latter are poured onto paper, then distributed over the substrate and covered with a transparent material (glass, film).
  • Watered in a pan, regularly ventilate.
  • After the emergence of the shoots, the shelter is removed.
  • After 2 weeks they dive.
  • In one cache-pot have 3-4 seedlings. Young nematanthus bloom next year.


After pruning, healthy about 10 cm (4-5 knots) cuttings are rooted in peat, moss, water.

  • The lower sheets are removed, the sections are treated with Zircon or Epin, immersing the planting material 1 cm into the solution.
  • The knot of the handle, on which the roots are formed, is deepened into the rooting container, closed with a glass jar.
  • Create + 22 ... +25 ° C and light.
  • After 2-3 weeks dive into small pots of about 10 cm, 3-4 pieces.

Errors in the care of nematanthus, pests and diseases

When grown under the wrong conditions, the nematanthus may become ill and be attacked by insects.


External manifestations on the leaves

CauseRemedial measures

Dropping flowers.

Leaf fall.

Winter: waterlogged soil, low temperature.
Growth and flowering period: lack of moisture in the soil and air.
Reduce watering. Rearrange to a warmer place. With a large lesion, the flower is transplanted into new soil.

Yellowing, twisting. Appearance of brown spots.

Excess direct sunlight. Burns.Put away from the window. Shade. Sprayed early in the morning or evening.
Withering.Overfeeding with fertilizers.Follow the rules of feeding.
Lack of flowering.Lack of lighting, power, dry air, cold. There was no pruning.Create the right conditions.
Drying and yellowing.Heat and dryness.Increase humidity (put in a pan with wet pebbles, place a container of water, a humidifier next to it).
Darkening of flowers, their fadingDrops of water on the buds.Use only a small spray, do not fall on the flowers.
The appearance of recesses.Wrong watering.Observe the watering schedule.

Whitish wet coating.

Death of leaves.

Mealybug.Remove insects with an alcohol wipe.
Light yellow spots, cobweb formation.Spider mite.Sprayed with Actellik, Fitoverm.

Growth retardation.

Warping, silver smudges.

Visible insects.Aphid.Processed by Antitlin, Biotlin
Mold.Gray rot.Remove the affected areas, change the substrate. Use fundazole. Reduce watering, ventilate the room.
Withering, yellowing and death.Root rot.The diseased roots are removed, the plant is dried, transplanted, watered with Carbendazim.
White coating.Powdery MildewStains are removed manually or torn diseased leaves. It is treated with Fitosporin.

Nemantanthus (hypocirrhosis) - flower of good luck

According to popular superstitions and signs, the nematanthus brings happiness and family idyll to the house, good luck in all endeavors.

If you follow the rules for caring for a flower, it will not only decorate the interior, but also clean the air in the room.


Watch the video: 5 COMMON MISTAKES IN CACTUS CARE (October 2024).