How to reanimate an orchid without roots


The content of orchids at home scares beginner gardeners because of the fear of plant death. With a lack of experience in the care, the root system of the flower really undergoes rotting or drying out. And since it plays an important role in the life of the plant, its damage directly affects the state of pseudobulbs, leaves and flowering.

But it is possible, even with the loss of the maximum number of orchid roots, to grow them using several methods.

How to understand that the roots of an orchid are rotten

Rotting of underground and aerial roots is a common disease of domestic plants with improper care or damage by harmful insects. This process begins, most often, in the winter, with a decrease in daylight hours and a decrease in temperature.

If the lesions are not severely neglected, they can be treated. To understand whether a flower is sick or not, it is necessary to distinguish between healthy roots and those prone to decay. There are several principles for their recognition.

By external signs

The first method is determination by general appearance and to the touch. Healthy (left) and diseased (right) orchid roots

The root system of the orchid should be:

  • dense consistency;
  • silvery color in the normal state and green when moistened (chloroplasts, the main participants in photosynthesis, begin to shine through), in old plants it is yellow or simply brown;
  • smooth and elastic.

If putrefactive processes have begun, then the following symptoms appear:

  • dark color, almost black;
  • fluid, mucus;
  • mold;
  • putrefactive odor;
  • threadlike form.

Experienced method

The vitality of the roots is determined not only by external signs, it is also possible to extract the plant from the pot, immerse it in water and leave it for 3 hours. Healthy roots are nourished, gain elasticity and saturation, if the processes are still limp and pale, then they are infected.

Causes of rotting orchid roots

  • Excessive humidity if watering rules are not followed.
  • Wrong location, lack of light.
  • Fungal diseases affecting the root system.
  • Lack of oxygen supply due to poor-quality soil or its strong compaction.
  • Burn caused by excess fertilizer.

Orchid has dry roots: causes

Sometimes the opposite happens and the roots dry out. The reason is also the non-observance of irrigation rules, but only when the plant does not have enough moisture. If the situation is not corrected, the flower stalks will begin to dry, and then the leaves.

Orchid resuscitation options

It is important to detect diseases at an early stage, in which case it will be easier to reanimate the flower.

First you need to determine the level of decay. Based on this, choose the method of returning the orchid to life.

Damaged minor portion

If only some small sections of the roots have undergone disease and new processes are formed, the method of changing the regime is used:

  • The orchid is removed from the pot, carefully liberated from the ground by washing.
  • The affected areas are determined, they are removed, the sections are treated with charcoal or fungicides, Kornevin.
  • Stand for drying, as a rule, it takes 3 hours.
  • Place the plant in a small pot (6-7 cm) with a substrate consisting of moss and expanded clay, and create conditions that differ from the previous placement. They put in a more lighted place or provide backlighting, extending the daylight hours (at least 12 hours). They also increase the temperature regime (+ 22 ... +25 ° C).
  • Humidify as the soil dries. You can do this by immersing the container with the plant in water for half an hour, making sure that the top layer is moist, but the water does not remain at the bottom.

Severe damage

When decaying a large part, a method of growing orchid roots in greenhouse conditions is used.

The initial stage of rehabilitation is the same as in the first case:

  • The plant is removed from the pot, rotted roots are cut, very carefully. The remaining affected areas can nullify all efforts, causing a new wave of decay.
  • After the sections are treated with fungicides or charcoal. If mold is detected, the flower is placed in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes.
  • Then the flower is placed on a special vessel with a convex bottom, soft filtered water is poured there so that the rosette of leaves does not touch it, and the lower part is immersed in it. Often sugar syrup or honey is added to the water, and the plant itself is treated with a growth stimulant, Kornevin.
  • After 6-7 hours, the plant is released and dried.
  • The method itself consists in creating an enclosed space for a sick flower, where the accumulated carbon dioxide stimulates chloroplasts to form new cells. At the same time, they provide a comfortable temperature of +25 ° C and a constant humidity of at least 70%. Such conditions can be created using any glass container. Periodically air the greenhouse. Dosed watered.
  • Be sure to arrange an orchid with good lighting for at least 12-14 hours a day.
  • Once a month, they are fed with fertilizers (Epin, honey solution).

Orchid revival terms and actions after resuscitation

The plant recovery period can last from a month to a year, even if everything is done correctly.

The best time to resuscitate a flower is spring or autumn. In winter, the chances of salvation are much less.

When the external data of the orchid improves, when the leaves turn green and new aerial roots begin to grow, they stop feeding with fertilizers and reduce watering.

Compliance with the rules of care is not a very time-consuming process, especially if it is an unpretentious Phalaenopsis orchid, you just need to more closely monitor the plant in order to make corrective actions in time.

Mr. Dachnik recommends: root growth in orchid children

The methods of resuscitation and root growth in orchids can be applied in case of a long non-emergence of roots in children during reproduction.

To do this, use the method of a home greenhouse using sphagnum moss. As well as swimming on polystyrene over water.

Growing roots in orchids is a fairly easy and not very time-consuming process, even an inexperienced beginner grower can cope with it, observing only the rules.


Watch the video: How to Save Orchids With No Roots (October 2024).