Zygopetalum orchid: description, types, home care


Zygopetalum - a plant imported from the tropical zone of South America. This genus from the Orchid family includes 14 varieties. The most common flower received in Brazil.

Description and Features

The plant has oblong leaves with sharp tips covered with longitudinal veins. During flowering, a stem up to 60 cm long is formed, on which an inflorescence of 12 buds is located (more in hybrids). They open in large flowers with a strong aroma. Mostly inflorescences are variegated, painted in purple and green shades with white inclusions, monophonic petals are less common. Flowering lasts up to 9 weeks.

The near-earth part of the stem, pseudobulb, oval, grows to 6 cm in length. It is surrounded by lower leaf plates, which die off as the zygopetalum grows.


There are 14 main varieties and many hybrids. Breeders are constantly introducing new hybrid orchid combinations.

LuisendorfValued for its strong sweet aroma. It blooms for 3 months, the petals are burgundy brown with a green base. Buds on one stalk up to 8 pieces.
Blue angelThe color of blue inflorescences with hints of lilac and cream splashes. Difficult to care for variety. The aroma resembles the smell of black pepper.
Trozi blueThe leaf plates are long, the flowers are yellow-blue or white in a burgundy speck. Petals are diverse, moving from thicker to thinner.
MackayEpiphyte, bright throughout all seasons. The flowers are delicate, light green in a brown speck, and the lip is white with spots of red.
MaxillareInflorescences are brown with a green border, the lip turns into a purple or white hue.
MaculatumLettuce petals with chocolate spots. The white lip is covered with purple strokes.
PabstiaThe largest variety, height up to 90 cm. Buds up to 10 cm in diameter.
PedicellatumIt features a narrow white lip, covered with lilac dots.
MicrofitumIt blooms longer than other varieties. Height is no more than 25 cm.
ShaggyInflorescences are fragrant, with wavy light green petals. The lip is covered with longitudinal violet strokes.
Alan greatwoodThe buds are large, painted in a chocolate shade. The lip is broad, purple at the base, white with purple dots below.
Arthur elle stonehurstThe petals are dark cherry in color, and the lower part of the flower is burgundy with a white border.
Merlin's magicIt differs in light green color of inflorescences with merging chocolate spots.

Zyzygopetalum care at home

LightingBroken, on the western window.Away from the windows (or shade).South or west window, shade at the beginning of the season.South window, if necessary, turn on UV lamps.
TemperatureDuring the day + 20 ... +22 ° C, at night + 16 ... +18 ° CDuring the day + 24 ... +25 ° C, at night + 18 ... +19 ° CDuring the day + 18 ... +21 ° C, at night + 13 ... +16 ° CDuring the day + 18 ... +21 ° C, at night + 13 ... +16 ° C
Humidity70-90%Not lower than 60%, use a steam generator.70-90%, while not allowing a drop in temperature (rotting is possible).60-90%, it is recommended to remove the pot from the battery or install a container of water next to it.
WateringWatering once every 1-2 days.Morning spraying, daily watering.Every 2-3 days.As the topsoil dries up.
Top dressing1-2 times a week.Two times per week.Once every 2 weeks.Once a month.

You need to water the plant by immersing the pot in water, since the liquid harms the leaves of the orchid. The container should be kept in water for 15 minutes, then raised and allowed to pour out excess. Water should be warm, not colder + 18 ° C.

Regardless of the season, a warm shower is required 2 times a month. As top dressing, you can use nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus fertilizers.

Planting, transplanting, pot, soil

The plant is demanding on the substrate, with poor soil selection it slowly grows or rots at the roots. After purchase, zygopetalum needs to be transplanted into a more suitable soil.

The flower mixture should consist of the following components in a ratio of 2: 3: 3: 2:

  • large-sized pine bark (lower layer over expanded clay);
  • pine bark of the middle fraction (upper layer);
  • peat (mix with medium pine bark);
  • sphagnum moss (finely chop and add to both layers of the substrate).

If we take as a basis for the calculation a 1 liter pot, to fill it you will need 200 ml of large bark, 300 ml of peat and medium-sized bark, 200 ml of moss.

Bark can be used not only pine, but also any other coniferous trees (larch, spruce, cedar).

Since this representative of Orchids easily rot at the roots, it is necessary to remove excess moisture. Charcoal is suitable for this. It needs to be added to the lower soil layer. Instead of the indicated mixture, you can use ready-made soil for orchid plants.

When planting, you do not need to dig a flower deep into the ground, pseudobulbs should remain on the surface. They easily rot, once in the ground. It is recommended to use a transparent pot to monitor the condition of the roots.

The transplant should be carried out no more than once a year, otherwise the plant will wither. A new capacity will be needed when 3-5 new shoots appear or the root system becomes crowded. If the peduncle began to form, you should wait until the end of the flowering period.

Flowering dormancy

The flowering of zygopetalum lasts from 2 to 3 months. Sometimes inflorescences do not form: this is due to poor conditions or plant weakness. The flower stalk appears on new shoots when they grow about half. They have not yet formed a pseudobulb.

When the petals of the inflorescence fall off or dry, it is necessary to cut the peduncle. From this moment, a period of rest begins. At this time, the plant is restored, and it is necessary to provide him with the right conditions. To reduce watering, periodically spray the topsoil with warm water. Move the pot to a cooler room, with air heating within + 13 ... +18 ° C. The daily average temperature drop should be between +4 and +5 ° C. When the flower gives new sprouts, you can return it to the previous conditions of detention.

If a ground tuber has already formed at the base of the new shoots, you should not expect flowering this year.


Zygopetalum multiplies by division. It is enough to divide the rhizome and plant the resulting parts in different containers. Exact action algorithm:

  • Pull the rhizome from the ground, clear of the substrate. You can rinse it with water, but after that you must dry it.
  • Remove dried or rotting roots.
  • Divide the plant into several parts. Each individual part must have at least two false bulbs.
  • Dry by immersing the flower in chopped charcoal.
  • Seed pieces in the moss-sphagnum. Wait for the appearance of new processes, daily moistening the substrate.

Seed propagation is practiced only in an industrial environment. It’s too hard to get the right seed germination at home.

Errors and their elimination

Zygopetalum is a moody plant, if improperly maintained at home, it can begin to rot, dry or grow slowly. If spots or rotten patches appear on the leaves, an urgent need to resuscitate.

Peduncles do not form.The weakened state of the flower, excessive heating of the air, lack of sunlight.Provide the plant with the correct dormant period.
Small, stunted buds.Excessive amount of sunlight, overheating.Remove the pot from the windowsill, lower the air temperature to + 20 ... +22 ° C.
Yellowing foliage.Lack of moisture.Monitor the condition of the substrate, moisten as it dries. Install a humidifier or water tank next to the plant.
The appearance of black spots on the leaves.Excess fluid.Stop soil moisture. If there is rot, transplant the zygopetalum into a new pot, removing the rotten roots.

Diseases and pests, measures to combat them

Disease or pestDescriptionDecision
Powdery mildewLight plaque on foliage with a faint pinkish tint.Fungicides Alirin or Quadris with a break of a week until the plaque disappears. Quadris is not recommended without protective equipment.
Black rotDark spots that appear due to pests or excess nitrogen in the soil.Get rid of the root cause of the disease, then add Trichodermin to the soil.
Gray rotBrown spots on the leaves, passing from the old sections of the plant to new sprouts.Remove the affected parts of the plant, with excessive soil moisture, transplant it into a new container. Process with Trichodermin, Alirin or Quadrice.
AnthracnoseDark spots, eventually covered with pink mold.Transplant the plant into a new pot, removing the affected leaves. 2-3 days do not water the flower. Treat it with Quadrice.
Snails and slugsHoles on leaves associated with outdoor or terrace use.Treat with Mesurol, take the plant back to the house.
Spider miteSmall cobwebs on the stems.Hold the orchid in a warm shower, process with Fitoverm. Repeat 2 times with an interval of 10 days.
Fusarium FungiCorking of vessels, dehydration and wilting of a flower. Yellowing of the leaf plate, softening of the rhizome.Improve the conditions of detention: increase the temperature to + 18 ... +22 ° C, reduce watering, change the substrate. Treat with Quadrice with a frequency of 10-12 days until the disease is completely eliminated.
