How to plant cabbage for the winter? Old and new methods


Cabbage - a valuable crop, belongs to the cruciferous family. Her landing in the winter is an old recipe that has not been deservedly forgotten. But it is not complicated and will delight in the quick ripening and excellent taste of cabbage. It is only necessary to follow some recommendations.

Location, soil preparation

The sowing area must be fenced off from the north and east, in order to protect young seedlings in spring from frost.

In advance (late September to early October), beds are being prepared for planting. To do this, dig the ground, remove weeds, fertilize.


  • ground limestone - 200 grams per square meter;
  • manure - 9 kg;
  • superphosphate - 200 grams;
  • wood ash - 1 kg per square meter.

Seed selection

Various varieties of late ripe and mid-ripe cabbage are suitable. Early ripening cannot be sown, since they begin to grow at low temperatures and their active growth will be due to spring frosts and an unstable temperature, which will damage the crop.

Timing and landing technique

It is necessary to plant cabbage when a steady night cooling appears. The soil should not be above + 3 ° C. At a higher temperature, it will begin to grow and freeze.

In dry weather, you can begin to land. For sowing, the seeds must be dry, it is better to sift more than during spring planting, taking into account that fewer will survive. They are simply scattered around the bed, deepening with a rake into the soil. Do not water. Cover with spruce branches, sawdust, non-woven material.

Spring landing care

When sprouts appear in the spring, it is necessary to remove the shelter, but only when the weather improves, let the cotyledons breathe.

With thickened landings, thin out. Under young cabbage fertilizers are applied: compost; potash - 20 grams; nitrogen - 40 grams; phosphoric - 10 grams.

Watering at this time is plentiful. Top dressing is carried out during initial watering and no later than a week before harvesting.

Mr. Summer Resident: tips

  1. If sprouts capture frosts - in the morning they need to be poured with cold water and covered so that direct sunlight does not fall on them. Then they will not perish.
  2. When attacking the caterpillars - sprinkle cabbage with ash. She will save the plant and fertilize the soil.

Before winter, you can plant a number of vegetables. For example: radish, lettuce, dill, parsley, carrots, beets.


Watch the video: Growing Cabbages from Sowing to Harvest (October 2024).