How and when to plant a lilac and how to care for it after?


Lilac - a garden multicolor shrub that does not require special care. There are over 2000 varieties of this tree. He is rarely attacked by diseases, insects strike. And its advantage is rapid growth.

When growing shrubs, problems may arise: seedlings do not always take root. This happens due to improper land, failure to comply with the timing and rules of planting. Regardless of the variety, in order for the lilac to take root, you need to know when to plant a tree. The usual dates are August-September.

Outdoor landing

When landing, the following factors must be considered:

  • climate of the region of growth;
  • features of the root system in seedlings.

Landing time

The most favorable time is August-September. Spring in the central region is late, and summer is short. Planting in August allows the bush to take root and strengthen before the arrival of winter. In the suburbs this time is even preferable. In late summer and early autumn, it is recommended to plant shoots with an open root system.

In autumn, it is preferable to plant in the southern regions of the country. In August, there is still heat, the bush does not take root well, especially with a lack of moisture. In autumn, the heat subsides, rains begin, this favors the growth of the plant. Before winter, it manages to get stronger. The most preferable month is September, its first half.

The cuttings take root well when planted in the spring. Proceed as soon as the ground completely freezes and the risk of frost return will be minimal. At this time of the year there is an active sap flow: the growth of the bush is accelerating. Over the summer, the lilac root system develops well. The plant is covered with dense foliage. For the winter, it leaves completely strong.

In spring, shoots with a closed root system take root well (this means that the shoots grew in the container before planting). From a pot, a seedling with an earthen lump is transferred to a prepared hole in the plot.

It is important to transplant the lilac until it begins to bloom (until May). After that, you can not touch it. Landing is delayed in the fall.

Selection of planting material

Planting and further care of lilacs in the open field will be successful with the right choice of seedling. It should have a developed root with a large number of thin roots, have green branches.

Characteristics of a seedling suitable for planting:

  • age 2-3 years;
  • he must be root;
  • vaccinated;
  • seedling growth from 50 to 70 cm;
  • root lobe circumference 30 cm;
  • bark, if scratched, has a light green tint;
  • the seedling should be elastic, not to break when bent.

Such shoots are easier to tolerate transplant, better rooted.

Location and soil

The soil and planting site should have the following characteristics:

  • the earth is moist and temperate;
  • groundwater at a level of 1.5-2 m from the top layer of the earth;
  • neutral or low acidity of the soil with a high content of humus;
  • the sun illuminates the place most of the day;
  • lack of strong wind (for example, between perennial tall trees).

It is recommended to plant the shrub on a hill or plain with a good drainage system. The plant does not like shady places. Without the sun, it grows more slowly. Flowering becomes less lush and colorful. In the shade, the lilac loses its decorative appearance: the shoots are very long, the leaves are thinning.

Landing rules

  1. The distance between the bushes is at least two meters (if they are planted nearby, they will be grouped into thickets).
  2. Planting pits should be several times larger than the pot in which the young bushes were.
  3. The recess for planting must be filled with a mixture of superphosphate, compost, ash.
  4. Damaged roots from the root system are eliminated, the branches are shortened.
  5. When planting in spring, the root system is soaked in “Kornevin” in order to better take root.
  6. So that the bush looks neat, does not let out additional shoots, a couple of centimeters should be retreated from the soil to its neck.

Step-by-step process

Planting lilacs in spring, summer and autumn - technology, step-by-step description:

  • a hole is dug in size corresponding to the length of the roots (usually 30 cm is enough);
  • laid out a drainage layer of pebbles or pieces of brick;
  • a nutrient substrate is poured on top of the drain;
  • a bush is placed in the pit, the roots are straightened;
  • earth is poured and rammed, lilac is watered;
  • after water absorption, the soil is sprinkled with peat mix or sawdust.

After landing care

So that the lilac has a beautiful appearance and does not die, care for it must be carried out after planting. It is quite simple and takes a minimal amount of time.

Feeding, cultivating and watering

If the bush was planted in compliance with all the rules, lilacs do not need to be fed for two years. During this period, the plant needs only to be watered when the earth dries, to loosen and weed. Cultivation is carried out to a depth of five to eight centimeters. The frequency of the procedure is three to four times a year.

Two years later, in the spring, the tree is fed with nitrogen fertilizers. Subsequently, this is done every twelve months.

When the bush reaches the age of four, it must be fed with organic fertilizers. Specialists recommend using a solution of mullein in a proportion of 1 to 10. To do this, a couple of buckets of the product usually goes to the bush. The solution does not pour directly under the tree, but at a distance of 50 cm from it.

Shrub is recommended to fertilize with wood ash. It can replace fertilizers that are bought in stores. Before dressing, it is diluted in a bucket of water in an amount of 200-300 g.

Lilac is resistant to drought. Watering adult specimens is not necessary. Water procedures are needed for young bushes under the age of two. Watering is carried out in the summer, in a drought.


Lilac is grown in the form of a bush or tree. In the first case, to give the foliage splendor, in the third or fourth year after planting, only eight to ten of the most beautiful branches are left. All others are cut off. The base is also shortened.

When the lilac is grown as a tree, it is also pruned. Only one of the strongest branches is left. The processes that are 60-70 cm below the apex are removed from it. Only seven to eight pairs remain. After that, they are plucked, only seven branches are preserved. To make the buds lush, flower buds are pruned.

The event is recommended to be held in early spring. If this is not possible, you can manipulate the entire season. You can not trim in the autumn season. Before winter, the cut on the branch does not have time to heal and freezes.

Beautiful and well-groomed lilacs will decorate any land. In addition, many good signs and superstitions walk around her. For example, a lilac flower with five petals brings happiness and good fortune.


Watch the video: Gardening Tips : How to Care for Lilac Trees (October 2024).