Medlar - growing and care at home, photo species and varieties


Medlar (Eryobotria) - a perennial fruit tree or shrub of the Pink family, is part of the subfamily Apple trees. In open ground, it grows in a warm subtropical climate, where flowering occurs in autumn and fruiting in winter or spring. The homeland of medlar or Lokva is Japan and China.

In our conditions, it is grown in the form of a decorative indoor plant, from which a low tree is formed. In greenhouses, it can reach 3 m. Hard, leathery, large sheet plates with a length of 20-25 cm and a width of about 8 cm.

The fruits are edible, pear-shaped, slightly sour, tied with tassels at the ends of the shoots. The pulp is juicy, sweet or with a slight acidity and a touch of pear and cherry. The number of large seeds is from one to five.

Also see how to grow fruit plants such as lemon and pomegranate at home.

High growth rate.
It begins to bloom in November until the end of January.
Easy to grow plant.

Medlar: home care. Briefly

Temperature modeModerately warm in summer and cool in winter are preferable.
Air humidityIt is required to constantly maintain air in a moderately wet state.
LightingWithout sun, medlar does not bloom at home, but on the hottest days it is required to slightly shade.
WateringAbundant watering is required without overdrying an earthen coma and stagnant water.
PrimingSoil for medlar is chosen fertile, permeable, with a neutral level of acidity.
Fertilizer and fertilizerSolutions of complex mineral or organic fertilizers are used after 3-4 weeks.
Medlar transplantTransplantation before the age of five is performed annually, after which - after 2 years.
BreedingUse seed growth and rooting of cuttings.
Growing FeaturesTo obtain fruits indoors, artificial pollination is required.

Care for medlar at home. In detail

Flowering medlar

The plant in open ground grows only in a warm, subtropical climate. Depending on the conditions, the flowering period falls on September - January. Inflorescences in the form of a panicle are collected from small (1-2 cm) flowers and are located on the tops of the shoots. Petals are white or cream colored.

The flower consists of five sepals, pubescent outside, five petals. In the center there are 2-3 columns and from 20 to 40 anthers. Flowering is accompanied by a strong, fragrant smell. The medlar plant at home practically does not bloom and does not bear fruit.

Temperature mode

The plant develops well in the summer, at a temperature of +18 to 25 ° C. In winter, medlar is transferred to a cool room (+ 10-12 ° C).


In order to increase air humidity, it is better to spray not the plant, but the air around it, install next to the tank with water or wet materials. Care for medlar at home is useful to supplement once a month by holding a warm shower for the plant.


Loves bright light very much. and even, basking for a while under the sun, although too active the sun can lead to burns. The pot is placed closer to the south or southeast windows. The length of daylight should be at least 12 hours.

In the conditions of a short day, when the fruits are tied, artificial illumination may be required.

With a lack of sunlight, in the shade, the medlar does not bloom.

Watering medlar

The plant is hygrophilous, so the soil is constantly kept moist. Regular excess water can also hurt. In the active phase of growth, they are watered in a day or two, in the dormant period - as the soil dries. Water is pre-sedimented and warmed up to room temperature whether a couple of degrees higher.

Loosening the soil after watering will improve the respiration of the root system. To preserve moisture and prevent overflow of water, the pot is installed in a tray with wet material (expanded clay, pebbles or moss).

Medlar pot

Bones are germinated in small containers (4-5 cm), then transplanted into pots of 7-9 cm in size. Increase the size of the pot with age, adding a couple of centimeters at each transplant.


Use purchased or prepared independently nutrient soil, which is based on peat, turf and leafy soil. Perlite or coarse sand is used to improve water permeability.

Nutrition of the soil is increased by the addition of humus. The ingredients are taken in approximately equal parts.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Home-made medlar in the period of active vegetation needs a sufficient amount of nutrients. Top dressing should not be frequent, but contain a complex of nutrients. For young plants, one feeding in 3-4 weeks is enough, for adults - 2-3 per season. They are fed with a solution of mineral or organic fertilizers.


A signal indicating that a medlar transplant is needed is the root system, abundantly sticking out of the drainage holes of the pot. The best time for transplanting is at the end of fruiting or in the spring, if the plant is grown at home.

The root system, along with a lump of earth, is transferred to a more free capacity, the integrity of the lump is not violated. In the early years, the lobster is transplanted annually, with age, the period between transplants is lengthened, but more often the topsoil is renewed.

How to prune a medlar

Japanese medlar at home is not prone to increased branching. If you remove the growth point, then the side shoots will give only the two upper axils of the leaves. In order to give the plant the appearance of a pretty tree and prevent it from stretching, it is necessary to pinch the top in a timely manner. As necessary, cut branches with signs of disease or dried.

Rest period

When grown as an ornamental plant in winter, the frequency and intensity of irrigation are reduced and kept at a temperature not exceeding + 15 ° C.

Growing medlar from bone

The seeds of Japanese medlar are large seeds that resemble peanuts. Pre-seed material is kept for several hours in a solution of "Kornevin" or a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

One or several seeds are planted in a small pot filled with peat - sand mixture, with drainage holes. They arrange a mini-greenhouse and keep it at a temperature not lower than + 18 ° C.

The process of germination is quite long. It is necessary to constantly maintain humidity, ventilate, protect from sunburn. In a looser pot, the plant is transplanted in a phase of 3-4 pairs of leaves.

Medlar propagation by cuttings

For propagation, semi-lignified cuttings are used with horizontal slices, without leaves or with two upper leaves, half cut. The length of the shank is 10 - 15 cm, it is buried to a depth of about 3 cm, previously dusted with wood ash.

Drainage material is poured into the bottom of the pot, then - peat - sand mixture. To create a greenhouse effect, the pot is covered with a film or a plastic container. Contain in darkened conditions at a temperature of + 25 ° C, maintaining constant humidity. When new leaves begin to sprout, they begin to open the shelter little by little, gradually accustoming the sprout to drier air.

It is possible to root the cuttings in ordinary water at room temperature, previously treated with a root growth stimulator. The container is glued with dark paper for shading.

Diseases and Pests

Medlar is not a very capricious plant, but systematic microclimate disturbances and improper care can lead to the disease:

  • Root decay occurs with excessive soil moisture, water stagnation, especially in cold conditions.
  • Medlar leaves curl and fade with a bacterial burn disease. A problem may occur when the plant is kept in conditions of low temperature, excessive soil moisture and a high level of nitrogen in the soil.
  • Medlar is slowly growing in low light or soil depletion.

Medlar can attack aphids, sooty fungus and scale insects.

Types of medlar home with photos and names

The genus medlar includes about 30 species, of which two are widely cultivated. German medlar plant deciduous and grown in open ground. Evergreen medlar Japanese or lokva (Eriobotrya japonica) is cultivated in apartments.

Medlar Japanese

The leaves of the plant are large, like walnuts, pubescent. Blooms in autumn on the shoots of the current year. Fruits, about 5 cm in size, pear-shaped or rounded, with a dense skin and juicy pulp ripen in the spring. The peel is easily removed, the flesh is sour and sweet.

Fruits contain a large number of various vitamins, minerals, folic acid, calcium, strengthen the immune system and protect the body. Fruits contain a tiny amount of cyanide substances, so you can eat them in limited quantities. In room conditions, medlar practically does not bloom and does not bear fruit.

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