Fuchsia - home care, photo


Photo of flowers

Fuchsia (Fuchsia) is an evergreen shrub, quickly reaching a size of 30 cm to one meter. Larger specimens are also found.

The birthplace of fuchsia is Central and South America, in particular Peru, Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Guatemala.

Oblong leaves with serrated tips. Located on the bush opposite. Flowering is plentiful, from May to October. Flowers of the most varied colors: white, pale pink, red, bright raspberry, purple. There is a combined coloring of the petals.

The plant is perennial and requires periodic updating of the root system. Propagated by seeds, flowers form a fruit or cuttings. It requires adequate lighting, regular watering and moisturizing.

High growth rate. For one season, the plant adds 35-40 cm in growth.
It blooms from spring to autumn.
The plant is easy to grow.
Perennial plant with periodic renewal.

Beneficial features

It is believed that fuchsia, grown at home, helps to improve well-being in case of digestive disorders, diseases of the thyroid gland and endocrine system. It awakens the creative principle among households, we improve our well-being. Promotes the development of intuition. Parents quickly find a common language with the children, the general background in the house is harmonized.

From the practical purpose, it is worth noting the edibility and excellent taste of the fruit. They can be used in the form of jam, liquor. Cooking pies.

Features of growing at home. Briefly

Decorative fuchsia in room conditions needs careful care. At room conditions, it is rarely possible to grow a flower more than 30-50 cm in height. Particularly attractive plant is considered during flowering. Content Criteria:

TemperatureIn summer, the temperature is considered to be 18-25 degrees, in winter around 5-10 degrees.
Air humidityA high percentage of moisture should be maintained, sprayed daily.
LightingLoves the bright diffused light. Avoid direct sunlight, which can cause burns to the plant.
WateringAbundant from the pallet. In winter, prune, avoid leaf moisture.
PrimingLow acid soil with good drainage is suitable.
Fertilizer and fertilizerDuring the flowering period (spring-autumn) apply fertilizing with mineral fertilizers every 2 weeks. In winter, do not fertilize the soil.
TransferIt is carried out as the roots fill the pot, in early spring. The plant is perennial and requires periodic renewal.
BreedingApply two methods - seeds and cuttings.
Growing FeaturesIt is necessary to take the pot out into the open air in summer and avoid drafts. In winter, growth slows down, pinch buds, reduce watering.

Care for fuchsia at home. In detail

Let's analyze the main points.


Bringing fuchsia from the store home, you should immediately start planting it in a new pot. When landing, we carry out the procedure:

  • choose slightly acidic loose soil;
  • we fill the bottom of the pot with one-third of the drainage mixture, then fill it with earth to the middle;
  • we plant a plant, sprinkle with the remaining soil;
  • pour plenty of water at room temperature. You can fertilize the soil with mineral complexes.

On a note! Fuchsia transplantation is carried out in a similar way.


The flower stalk period begins from May to the end of August. In winter, the plant should be protected from growth, pinch, so that next spring it again pleased with lush inflorescences. Exotic fuchsia flower at home can take a different color: white, pink, bright red.

Withered flowers should be picked immediately. In its place, a new bloom. Pruning stems should be carried out during flowering very carefully so as not to damage the bud buds.

Temperature mode

The temperature should be kept fairly cool. In summer, no higher than 25 degrees, in winter the ideal temperature is up to 15 degrees. In a cool room, fuchsia can relax from summer flowering.


The flower is a tropical resident, so the humidity in the room should be as high as possible. Buy a humidification system, spray fuchsia daily from a bullet machine. Keep the pot away from batteries, stoves.


The place for the pot should be well lit. However, avoid bright sunlight. Protect the flower from drafts and sudden changes in temperature, otherwise the flowers may fall.


Water, which is watered by a flower, must necessarily stand. There is a misconception that a flower likes excessive watering. This is not true. Waterlogging should not be allowed. The plant may die due to rotting of the roots. Better to do as follows:

  • arrange several times a week for a plant of souls;
  • daily spray the flower. Vitamins and top dressing can be added to water.
  • water from the pan, drain excess water;
  • watering is best done either early in the morning or after sunset.

Pot size

When choosing a pot, it should be borne in mind that fuchsia does not like excessively free or vice versa small pots. The process should be planted in a simple glass. As rooting, transplant into a small pot. In total, for the first year, fuchsia is recommended to be transplanted 4-5 times. After the first year of life, the flower is usually replanted no more than once a year. It is advisable to plant in a ceramic pot, not a plastic one.


To make home fuchsia take root and blossom as quickly as possible, the soil should consist of land, peat and sand. Expanded clay provides good drainage at the bottom of the pot. The soil should be loose, periodically you need to loosen the earth. This will provide oxygen access to the roots.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

To achieve lush flowering, regularly feed your fuchsia. The most useful fertilizers:

  • Nitrogen. Preferred for young plants, as it promotes intensive growth. Gives the leaf a bright green color.
  • Potassium and phosphorus. Promotes abundant ovary of flowers in the plant. During flowering, it is advisable to spray the buds with a mixture of water and fertilizers.
  • Organic and mineral fertilizers. Feed once every few weeks, excluding the winter period. Helps strengthen the root system, a high growth rate.


Propagation by cuttings

This type of vegetative propagation of fuchsia is more suitable for beginners. The best time is the beginning of spring or late summer.

  • The cuttings should be harvested on a healthy plant.
  • Inspect fuchsia for yellow leaves, pests in the soil and on the stems. Young stems that have at least a few pairs of leaves and a flower bud are suitable.
  • A shoot cut off at an angle of 45 degrees, placed in a glass with water and put in a well-lit place, we wait for the roots to appear.
  • Or immediately plant in a pot of earth, moisten the soil.
  • As they grow, we cut off the leaves on the lower part of the stem. So the infection from the ground does not spread to the plant.

Growing fuchsia from seeds

When choosing seeds in a store, pay attention to their expiration date. It should not exceed 3 years. Remember - the fresher the seeds, the better their similarity.

Sown in soil from late February to April. Earth should be light. It is better for these purposes to buy the finished mixture in a flower shop.

The sowing pot selects wide with low sides to provide faster heating of the soil. Exposes to a lit place. Periodically water, moisten the air. Time later, emerged and strengthened seedlings, transplanted into a pot.

Diseases and Pests

  • Yellowness appeared on the leaves - such an effect may occur when the content of fuchsia in a too dry room. Remember that in winter, watering the plant is moderate. After all, the leaves turn yellow from waterlogging of the soil. Drying the root system can help fix the problem. Place the pot for a short time near the heat source. Then water from the pan, avoiding excessive soil moisture.
  • Brown spots on the leaves Fuchsia - the problem occurs due to violation of the regime of irrigation of soil with water. Watering may be insufficient, or vice versa too intense. If the roots of the plant are waterlogged, and the total volume of leaves with brown spots exceeds 70%, emergency measures should be taken. Take the plant out of the pot, dry the roots, cut the decayed. Transplant into a new land, then fertilize with vitamins and special top dressing. Reduce watering in the first two weeks.

On a note! The root system can rot when watering from the pan of the pot. Make sure that the water does not remain for a long time, if necessary, irrigate the pan.

  • Blooms badly - This problem can especially upset flower owners. Why is fuchsia not blooming at all, either rarely or briefly? There may be several reasons.

Firstly, the amount of sunlight affects the flowering period. If in the summer, during the growth period, they do not have enough light, besides, if they are not watered enough and poorly fed, the flowering period can be significantly reduced.

Secondly, the unnecessarily high indoor temperature in winter has a bad effect on the flowering time. It should not be in the winter, with the onset of short daylight, water the flower abundantly and often. Observing simple rules, you can achieve long flowering plants:

  • In winter, watering infrequently, arrange the flower in a bright place, maintain air humidity at least 70%. To do this, place the pot away from heating systems.
  • In summer, put a pot of fuchsia in a well-lit place, water more abundantly. Every week to feed with fertilizers.
  • Fuchsia leaves fall. The reason for this phenomenon may be the lack of long daylight hours, lack of watering. Dry air also causes the plant to drop foliage. All of these conditions are typical for the winter period of time. Do not be upset! Arrange the flower for extra electric lighting. Use a spray gun or room humidifier to maintain humidity. Feed and water your flower in time, and it will survive the winter safely.

Advice! Avoid winter blooms, which can further weaken your beauty. To do this, pinch the buds that appear on time.

  • Buds and flowers fall. This problem can be observed in plants for many reasons. Let us consider in detail the sources of occurrence and methods of solving the problem.
  • drafts and temperature changes - one of the unfavorable factors that negatively affects the conditions of the plant. Do not open the window for ventilation, if the pot with the plant is on the windowsill. Choose a place with a stable temperature: away from doors, balconies, open windows.
  • changing the location of the pot. He does not like changes in climate. If you often carry a flower pot from place to place, be prepared that sooner or later the buds will begin to fall off. Therefore, during the period of bud formation or flowering of a plant, do not carry the pot even for watering.
  • irrigation - very often buds fall when over-irrigated in winter and lack of moisture in the soil in summer. It should be remembered that you need to water from the pallet. After absorbing moisture, the tray is drained in order to prevent further decay of the root system.
  • lack of lighting. To avoid dropping leaves and flowers, choose a room with diffused bright lighting for the flower. In summer, you can take the pot with fuchsia to the balcony. In winter, when daylight hours are reduced, install a lamp near the plant.
  • temperature violation - if the air is too dry or, on the contrary, humid, the plant may have problems with flowering. Therefore, maintain the average temperature (24-26 degrees) in the room where the flower is located. Humidity level of at least 70%, for this practice daily spraying with a bullet machine.
  • Leaves lose turgor and sink to the bottom - This is a characteristic sign of insufficient watering of the plant. In order for the leaves to again take upright position, you should place the flower under a cool shower. Leave the pot in a pan with water for several hours. In the future, you should regularly moisten the air in the room where fuchsia grows.
  • Leaves turn yellow fuchsia. Withering of the leaf and flowers may indicate a possible difference in humidity. If you do not spray the fuchsia flower daily and put the pot next to a heating source, this problem will certainly arise sooner or later. Also, the tips of the leaves may turn yellow and dry when the root system is damaged. The culprit may be mechanical damage or pest activity.

Other diseases can be caused not so much by careless care as by the action of pests. The plant may be attacked by:

  • scale insects;
  • thrips;
  • aphid;
  • spider mite or whitefly.

Types of fuchsia home with photos and names

Fuchsia graceful

Elegant fuchsia - a small shrub up to 1 meter in size. Flowers drooping bell-shaped, with a pronounced reddish tint. The calyx is formed by four concave petals of a reddish hue. Corolla much shorter in length than calyx. The color is usually a bright purple hue.

Fuchsia Magellan

The shrub reaches a height of five meters. However, as a rule, there are specimens up to 2-3 meters. The native land of the Magellanic species is South America, in particular Argentina and Chile. The leaves are elongated, reaching a length of up to 5 cm. The veins are purple, the tips of the leaf with notches. Flowers grow solitary, more often 4-5 pieces are collected, drooping. An oblong shape, resembling a funnel, with a slight reddish tint. Petals at the base with a light blue tint.

Fuchsia is brilliant

Evergreen shrub up to 1-2 meters high. Halo Habitat - Mexico. The leaves are large, oblong in shape. They reach a length of up to 20 cm, a width of 10-15 cm. The corolla is an elongated narrow tube up to 10 cm long. Inflorescences are racemose. It blooms profusely from June to August.

Fuchsia Bolivian

Branched shrub, evergreen. Homeland - South America. Often found in Ecuador, Guatemala, Bolivia. The maximum height is 1-1.2 meters. Egg-shaped leaves reach 15 cm in length. The flowers are tubular, large, bright red.

Now reading:

  • Hoya - care and reproduction at home, photo species
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Watch the video: Fuchsias (October 2024).