Rosemary - growing and care at home, photo species


Photo of rosemary

Rosemary (Rosmarinus) - evergreen shrub. The plant belongs to the family Lacock. It is developing rapidly, growing by 0.2 m per year. Under natural conditions, over many years it can grow up to 1.5 m, home specimens are three times lower, but otherwise not worse than wild counterparts.

Appreciated for its rich - green twigs dotted with small needle-like leaves reminiscent of needles. Blooms in late spring with small flowers, the color of which may be different. In nature, distributed in the mountains of Crimea, the steppes of North Africa, forests of southern Europe.

Dense plantings are often used as hedges. The homeland of rosemary is the Mediterranean coast.

Also see how to grow a salt plant and muraya plant.

High growth rate, up to 20 cm per year.
Blooms in late spring with small flowers.
Easy to grow plant.

Beneficial features

Plant cells contain substances that purify the air, as well as:

  • improve metabolism;
  • normalize hemoglobin and glucose levels;
  • increase immunity;
  • strengthen the nervous system and blood vessels;
  • stopping inflammatory processes;
  • normalize pressure;
  • wounds heal.

Healing all parts: shoots, roots, flowers, seeds. Decoctions, infusions, extracts are prepared from them, essential oils are extracted. Spicy greens are widely used in cooking.

Features of growing at home. Briefly

If there is a lot of heat and light in the room, rosemary at home is comfortable. The rest of the plant is unpretentious, needs basic care:

Temperature modeIn winter they are kept at + 8 - 16 ° C, in summer - at + 25 ° C.
Air humidityMedium, placed on a pallet with wet expanded clay.
LightingBright, located on a south or southwest window.
WateringIn the summer - plentiful and frequent; in winter - up to three times a month; Prevent drying of the soil and stagnation of moisture.
PrimingUniversal for flowers; soil mixture of equal doses of turf land, peat, leaf land, sand.
Fertilizer and fertilizerTwice a month with twice-diluted universal mineral fertilizer.
Rosemary transplantYoung bushes - every spring; adults - every 3.5 years.
BreedingCuttings or seeds.
Growing FeaturesThe plant needs frequent ventilation to avoid the appearance of the main problem - powdery mildew.

As with growing any plant, there are growing characteristics.

Care for rosemary at home. In detail

Like all living organisms, it has its own preferences and moods. Having decided to grow a bush at home, you need to get to know them better.


In late March - the first half of April, flowering occurs. rosemary. In the axils of refined small leaves, resembling fir needles, two-lipped small flowers are formed. They are attached to the shoots with short petioles. Coloring of flowers can be different: lilac, white, blue, lilac or pink. It depends on the plant variety.

The flowers of indoor rosemary, like leaves and shoots, contain essential oils that give them the noble aroma of marine freshness and vigor. After flowering, a small fruit is formed with tiny seeds.

Temperature mode

The plant is thermophilic. Therefore, when growing homemade rosemary, it is important to maintain the temperature regime. In summer, the bush is comfortable when the mercury column does not rise above + 25 ° C. In winter, the plant is kept at + 16 ° C (the main thing is that it should be at least + 8 ° C).

It reacts poorly to sudden changes in temperature and drafts. Ventilating the room, the container with a bush is removed from the window.


A drought-tolerant shrub that vegetates well with medium humidity. Humidity is poorly tolerated: it quickly turns yellow and dries. Frequent sprinkling of rosemary is not required.

Sprayed on hot dry days and shade from the aggressive rays of the sun. A flowerpot with a bush is placed on a pallet with wet pebbles, an open container of water is placed next to it.


It is crucial to choose the right plant lighting: only then will it develop well. Shrub photophilous. It should be placed in the brightest place - on the southwest or south window. The shrub is very responsive to bright light.

With sufficient light, when the plant is in direct sunlight for 6 - 7 hours a day, it will grow, its green will be evenly and richly colored. But in the hottest time they shade it. In order for the crown to be beautiful and evenly develop, the flowerpot with a flower is periodically turned, exposing one side or the other to the light.

In the winter, for 10 - 12 hours daily include backlight. Lack of light is detrimental to rosemary.


It is important to competently water. They carefully monitor that there is no stagnation of moisture in the soil and a crust does not form on the substrate. In summer, watering rosemary should be frequent and plentiful.

In winter, rarely and sparingly watered, up to three times a month, when the topsoil begins to dry out. To prevent moisture stagnation, create good drainage, use loose soil.


The plant has a powerful rhizome. The rosemary pot should be roomy so that the roots are conveniently located in it and there is enough space for the drainage layer. But too much capacity is not needed: space will contribute to the development of root rot. Drainage holes are required at the bottom of the pot to allow excess moisture to drain.

Many gardeners advise planting rosemary in a clay pot so that the roots can breathe. But, choosing a pot of clay, you need to tune in to the fact that you will have to water the plant more often.


In order for the plant to develop harmoniously, it is important for him to choose the right soil. For rosemary at room a well-drained and nutritious substrate is selected. This can be either a universal flower soil mixture purchased in a store, or soil prepared by one’s own hands.

To independently make a substrate, they take in equal proportions turf and leaf land, sand and peat. Vermiculite, brick chips, sphagnum particles and coal powder are added to the soil.

Fertilizer and fertilizer

Rosemary is responsive to fertilizer application: they help the bush become thicker and stronger. Twice a month, fertilizing and fertilizing the plant is carried out with a liquid mineral product for home flowers diluted with water. He loves calcium, so when choosing a fertilizer, you should prefer containing this element.

Sometimes to water a rosemary plant at home, add soda to the water (for a liter of water you need to take soda on the tip of a knife).

The shrub is fed after watering, then shaded for a day. You can’t fertilize in winter.


Rosemary transplants are engaged in the spring. Young bushes are transplanted every year, adults - every 3.5 years. The upper layer of the substrate is replaced every year: the plant quickly expends nutrients from the soil.

Transplantation is a convenient case to replace the pot, soil and strengthen drainage. Fertilize the plant begin after 21 days.


When rosemary shoots at the beginning of spring, anti-aging pruning is performed. To do this, remove branches growing at the soil level. In the first half of June, shaping pruning is carried out to give the bush a beautiful, completed shape. Cropped shoots can be rooted or used for food.

Rest period

In early November, the dormant period of the plant begins. The flowerpot with a bush is rearranged in a cool place. Watering reduces, but does not allow drying of the soil. The plant is no longer fertilized. At the end of February, rosemary begins to be brought out of hibernation. Gradually accustom to light, increase the number of irrigation. Fertilizers resume.


At home, rosemary propagation is carried out easily in two ways.

Growing rosemary from seeds

Giving preference to growing rosemary from seeds, it should be noted that the seeds are small and germinate slowly - over a month. Seeds are sown in a moist non-acidic substrate, slightly buried and covered with a film. Frequent ventilation and spraying are required. When the first shoots appear, the film is removed. After 15 days, the seedlings dive into separate pots.

Propagation of rosemary by cuttings

Propagation of rosemary by cuttings is faster. Strong shoots, the length of which is not less than 10 cm, are cut from the adult bush. They are planted obliquely in moist soil. The fact that rooting is successful, says the appearance of new leaves.

Rosemary also multiplies well by dividing the bush and layering.

Diseases and Pests

With careless care can affect the disease:

  • powdery mildew on pubescent leaves - Powdery mildew damage (radically cut off damaged fragments; replace the top layer of the substrate; spray with fungicide or dip in a fungicide solution; in the future - adjust watering and ventilation, put in a lighter place);
  • brown leaves in winter - improper watering, damage by powdery mildew, insufficient lighting (change the soil; remove damaged parts, correct watering, rearrange in a bright place).

Rosemary is a natural insecticide, so its insects shun. But sometimes insects and spider mites can also harm him. Against them, insecticides of industrial production are used.

Types of homemade rosemary with photos and names

There are five species, the most common of them are two:

Open rosemary (garden)

The height of the spreading shrub is up to 0.7 m. Leaf blades are small (up to 3.5 cm) and thin. In young plants, the leaves are bright green; in more mature ones, they acquire a bluish tint. The flowers are purple, lilac or saturated blue. It has a pleasant taste, widely used in food. Popular varieties include:

  • Corsican open - a sprawling shrub up to 0.5 m high; flowers are deep blue.
  • Rosemary ampelous - a perennial bush with spiral shoots, beautiful cascades descending down. Used to decorate walls and rock gardens. Very thermophilic.
  • Creeping - tall plant; shoots of shrubs spread along the ground.

Rosemary ordinary (medicinal)

Tall (sometimes up to 2 m) erect shrubs. Hard leather sheet plates. Small flowers are painted in pink, white, purple. It adapts well to room conditions. Widely used in cooking and medicine. Popular varieties:

  • Lavender - bush with bright lilac flowers with a purple tint.
  • Tenderness - bushes grow up to 100 cm. Planted seedlings in open ground when it becomes completely warm. Loves sunny places.
  • Dewdrop - a low (up to 0.4 m) bush. Suitable for indoor cultivation. Does not tolerate the shadow.

A valuable plant widely used in cooking, medicine, interior design and landscaping. Planted at home, the bush invigorates with a delicate coniferous aroma and pleases with unusual flowering.

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Watch the video: Pick the right rosemary. Trisha Shirey. Central Texas Gardener (October 2024).