Orchid cytokinin paste: instructions for use


Cytokinin paste is a preparation containing phytohormones and vitamins in thick lanolin. The components stimulate the active division of plant cells, affecting the growth, flowering and strengthening of immunity. It is in demand among flower growers engaged in breeding indoor copies that are hard to breed. Finopsis is one of the species of such plants, their babies appear very rarely and grow for a long time.

Product Description

The use of cytokinin paste for indoor plants has the following effects:

  • stimulation of the transport of nutrients to each cell;
  • stimulation of root growth;
  • slowing down the aging process and leaf wilting;
  • extension of the flowering period;
  • the formation of additional kidneys.

The active substance of the drug is the hormone cytokinin

Despite all the positive qualities of the drug, its use is limited by the following contraindications:

  • the use of paste during the period of active growth and flowering of a plant can lead to developmental disorders. With the wrong period, active additives destroy the orchid;
  • a diseased plant damaged by pests or improper care may not tolerate the active flowering caused by the paste;
  • applying the paste should be exclusively on future kidneys. The leaves and roots of this hormone get burned and dry;
  • if the plant has a weak root system, it will not survive the period of artificially induced flowering;
  • the paste is not suitable for stimulating the growth of separately planted children;
  • a plant less than two years old is best fertilized and fed with more gentle means;
  • the use of paste on young shoots or tops of shoots will destroy the whole flower.

Important! The paste will not give the proper result if the orchid is not provided with the necessary humidity, as well as at low or high temperatures.

The effect of the drug on the orchid

Bona forte for orchids: methods and instructions for use

Cytokinin paste for orchids is actively used by breeders to obtain healthy children in a shorter time than during normal flower growth. For the purpose of decorating, paste is used to stimulate the release of new peduncles and extend the flowering period of orchids.

For your information! A suitable period for applying the paste is the end of winter, the beginning of spring, when the orchid just wakes up.

For breeding

Advantages of using the product for these purposes:

  • after applying the paste to a sleeping bud, the plant forms several embryos, which makes it possible to choose the strongest for subsequent growth;
  • when hit on the shoot, the paste is involved in establishing metabolic processes of the whole flower, exerting a general strengthening effect on it and slowing down the aging of the leaves;
  • the mother plant becomes more resistant to possible adverse conditions or to sudden changes in temperature.

The kidneys form quickly, without depriving the mother plant of nutrients (with proper care and additional nutrition)

Note! If you use a paste for the reproduction of offspring on the same plant, the dosage should be increased. The drug is addictive, its active components in the same amount will not have the expected effect.

For flowering

Pros of use:

  • paste is applied to the kidney, which makes it more likely that it will become a peduncle than a baby;
  • the mixture promotes the development of female flowers, which allows you to collect seeds;
  • flowering takes much longer than usual;
  • active buds are formed on the new shoot, soon able to independently produce new peduncles or children.

In addition to stimulating active shoot growth, healthy buds and flowers are formed

For rehabilitation

As a restorative, ointment for orchids is rarely used cytokinin. For these purposes, there are many other means that more sparingly affect the development of the plant. If nevertheless this particular mixture was chosen as a medicine, it should be applied in the usual way on the kidney, but after the shoots appear cut them off. So all the forces and energy charge will go into the plant itself, and not for the development of neoplasms.

Instructions for the use of paste

How to transplant an orchid: step-by-step instructions at home

Before proceeding with the processing of orchids with ointment, you should carefully study the instructions attached to it.

Important! Using expired pasta can kill the plant.

It is important to keep the product out of the reach of children and animals. The storage location should be dark and cold. If the product is put in the refrigerator, a separate container should be allocated for it. During use and storage, do not forget that this is a hormonal drug that causes irreversible processes.

Note! When using paste at home, protect your skin. It is imperative to work with gloves, as it is quickly absorbed and practically does not wash off with water.

Step-by-step instructions for using the ointment:

  1. The paste should be warmed to room temperature two hours before use.
  2. To carry out the procedure, prepare tweezers or a sharp knife, needle and toothpick, having previously treated them with an antiseptic.
  3. For paste processing, choose the lowest or highest kidney.
  4. The upper protective layer of the kidney must be carefully (so as not to damage the embryo itself) to move away from the trunk with a needle.
  5. Next, using tweezers (or for experienced sharp knife) to remove the excess part, so that access to a small green point - the future shoot.
  6. This place needs to be processed.

For processing, take a toothpick and dial a ball of paste up to 2 mm in size

For your information! When using an increased dose for processing, there is an option to get ugly flowers, since bundles of underdeveloped shoots will grow from the kidney. After a while, deformed shoots, leaves, roots will appear, which will lead to the death of the whole flower.

Having smeared the paste on the kidney, the excess should be removed with a cotton swab dipped in water.

Important! To stimulate the growth of children, the kidney must be slightly scratched with a needle for deeper penetration of the product.

After application, the results are checked on the third day. Activated kidneys begin to swell, and after 10 days you can determine what to expect from the embryo:

  • shoot with a sharp tip gives the future plant;
  • the rounded tip of the shoot will become a peduncle.

On one plant, no more than three buds can be processed. Sometimes you can not argue with nature, and the orchid does not activate the second or third processed bud, since it simply does not have enough strength. It also happens that three buds work, fade, but the plant soon withers before our eyes. This is the case when the paste was used on a diseased flower or prone to attack by parasites and stress.

Further care

Orchid Pots: Criteria and Choices

Since the plant was not ready for the active growth of new buds, it, accordingly, does not have reserves of forces and microelements for the growth of new shoots. Therefore, it is very important after the cytokinin top dressing to provide the orchid with proper care:

  • provide a full thermal regime. If this is the cultivation of new plants, then constant heat without temperature differences is required. If stimulation of flowering, a difference of two degrees is possible when changing day and night;
  • wet mode. It is necessary to bring tropical conditions as close as possible, providing full irrigation and irrigation;
  • Lighting is more important than ever. Perhaps, precisely because of insufficient light, the orchid refused to produce new peduncles.

Top dressing is the most important point for further healthy growth.


Two weeks later, for the first soft enrichment of the soil, watering with succinic acid is needed. Two tablets diluted in a liter of warm water will be an excellent option for starting fertilizers. Fertilizer for orchids must be nitrogen-containing. If the plant harvests buds, a potassium-phosphorus variant is needed.

Any top dressing requires adherence to exact instructions for use and a certain measure. If the orchid does not bloom for a long time, it will benefit from comprehensive measures to restore proper conditions of maintenance, as close as possible to its tropical environment. Feeding and stimulating preparations are only helpers in caring for the plant; they are not able to replace full-fledged orchid care.


Watch the video: How to clone orchids with keiki paste (October 2024).