Rosa William Morris - Cultural Characteristics


Rose is the decoration of any garden. William Morris is one of the favorite varieties of gardeners. It has a special frost resistance and endurance, which is especially important in an unstable climate in Russia.

Rosa William Morris (William Morris): what kind of variety, the history of creation

This species was bred in the 1900s by English breeders in the D. Austin nursery. The flower got its name in honor of W. Morris, a designer and art critic from Great Britain. He is the one who, when designing the wallpaper, applied a print with roses that grew in the garden.

Rosa William Morris in the Garden

Short description, characteristic

William Morris is a climbing, bushy rose. William Morris rose flowers are large, reaching a diameter of 10 cm. They are very lush due to the large number of petals. The shape of the bud is cup-shaped, standard for classic roses. In height, the flowers grow up to 1.5 m, and grow in width up to 90 cm. At the same time, the stem is firm and erect. Sometimes, due to the large number of buds, it can bend slightly, but this does not spoil the appearance. The aroma is bright and pleasant.

The leaves are gray-green in color, terry to the touch. Pink apricot flowers. Shrub in a classic English style, looks great on any garden plot.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Rosa Maria Theresia - cultural description

A distinctive feature of roses William Morris is frost resistance. The flower is resistant to high temperatures and cold. Although the first time after planting, additional care will be required, in the second and subsequent years the bush will grow perfectly and become stronger and more powerful.

In addition, this variety is resistant to disease and pest attack. All this perfectly distinguishes the rose variety William Morris from other species

How to bloom

Use in landscape design

Rose William Baffin - Descriptions of the variety

This variety is readily used by designers to decorate the landscape. Flower gardens adorn them, hedges are created from it. Flowers are suitable for decorating gardens of any style: from classic English to rural country.

How to plant in open ground

Rosa Angela (Angela) - characteristics of the variety

In open ground planted seedlings. In this form, they will take root and will soon begin to bloom.

Important! Before planting, it is recommended to place the seedling for a day in a special solution to stimulate the growth of the root system.

Before planting, you should choose a suitable place and prepare the soil. An open area with sufficient lighting is ideal for planting a seedling. But it should be remembered that an excess of sunlight can be detrimental to the delicate rose petals. Therefore, it is better to choose a site that is in partial shade.

You should not choose lowlands, because too much cold air accumulates there, and plants will be more susceptible to disease.

The soil should be fertile and breathable, as well as light and deep so that the roots receive enough moisture and oxygen. If the land is clayey, it must be improved with peat and manure compost.

Important! On a site with groundwater that runs close to the surface, roses can become black spotted. This is due to the fact that the roots of the bush go deep and are saturated with moisture.

Spring is perfect for planting roses (April-May), but autumn is also acceptable, but early so that the bush has time to take root before winter.

Landing procedure step by step

After the seedling, place and soil are prepared, proceed directly to planting:

  1. dig a hole up to 50 cm deep and with a similar diameter;
  2. prepare the soil mixture from the earth and humus in equal proportions;
  3. put the mixture in a pit and pour a bucket of water;
  4. in a day, put a sapling in the recess, while spreading its roots evenly and gently;
  5. the vaccination site should be placed in the soil to a depth of 7-10 cm;
  6. after planting, the plant should be carefully watered, and then repeat the procedure after 1-2 days.

Important! It is recommended to mulch the earth around the plant in order to avoid drying out and cracks.

Plant care

Proper care after planting is the key to the health and beauty of the future bush.

Pruning roses

In order for William Morris rose to feel comfortable, it is necessary to provide timely and sufficient watering, pruning, top dressing, disease prevention and timely treatment. In principle, caring for this variety is not very difficult, but still, some nuances should be taken into account.

English rose William Morris suffers a lack of moisture, but within reason. The maximum depth to which the soil can be dry is 2-3 cm, if more, then the bush needs to be urgently watered. Water consumption per average shrub is about 1.5 buckets. Water should be at room temperature.

It is recommended to feed the plant in three stages:

  • in spring, nitrogen should be used, which helps to build stems and leaves;
  • during the pruning of buds, phosphorus is needed, which ensures the quality of flowering;
  • with the advent of autumn, the bush should be fed with ash, which serves as an excellent antiseptic, and prepare the rose for winter.

Important! Feed should be applied after watering.

Roses also require pruning. So that the bush can grow healthy and beautiful, all dry, weak and broken branches should be removed. After the procedure, the bush should be fed.

It is necessary to prepare a rose for winter, especially in regions with low temperatures. The shrub is able to withstand lowering to −10 ° C, under other conditions, roses should be covered. Before that, raise all the stems and secure. After around the plant lay a 30-cm layer of dry leaves.

Rose Shelter

Flowering roses

The period of active growth of the variety is quite long. The bush begins to bloom in early summer and pleases the eye until late autumn. During flowering, the plant should be regularly watered and fed. In addition, in time to loosen the soil and remove weeds. In winter, during rest, the main thing is to prevent the bush from freezing.

Flower propagation

To preserve varietal characteristics, William Morris rose is propagated only vegetatively. At home, gardeners plant roses of this variety by cuttings. To do this, take shoots from strong and healthy shrubs.

Important! Take cuttings from the bush should be after flowering.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

In principle, roses of this variety are resistant to diseases and pests. But even under such conditions, one should observe the shrubbery. Due to an excess of moisture, powdery mildew and black spotting may appear on the flower.

To prevent the disease, you need to monitor the amount of moisture. If necessary, systemic fungicides can be used.

Roses William Morris are favorite among gardeners. Resistance to frost and disease only increase interest in this variety. The main thing is to choose the right place for planting and water in a timely manner.


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