Calla lilies - how varieties and varieties look and are called


One of the most elegant and unusual colors are callas. Delicate and refined, they are increasingly becoming a symbol of innocence in the hands of the bride. The unobtrusive aroma of inflorescences is remembered, but at the same time does not cause headaches.

Callas are flowers both for open ground and for growing in pots. You can find a wide variety of shades: from classic white to radically black, with a similar description of the structure of the bud.

Elegant bouquet

These flowers spread from South Africa, where calla is a swamp dweller, which is why it requires moisture in the soil and air in new habitats. Today they can be found both in Russia, including the Far East and Siberia, and in Europe. Representatives of garden crops love moist soils, mainly near ponds. Often flowers of various shades are used in the decoration of artificial garden ponds and streams, planting them on the banks.

Garden Calla Species

Having decided to plant callas in your own garden, you can collect an amazing composition from popular varieties that differ from each other in the color of the buds, as well as the appearance of the leaves.

Calla Sunshine

The variety got its name due to the appearance of flowering specimens, it is translated from English as a sunny color. This calla is yellow, bright, like the sun. During flowering, reaches a height of 0.6 m. Foliage is juicy green.

Variety Sunshine

Pleases with its beauty from July to August inclusive, resembling the bright rays scattered under your feet. He loves sunlight, however, direct sunlight can scorch leaves, so it is better to plant a plant under the crown of trees or shrubs, which will protect the garden beauty from direct ultraviolet radiation.

Calla Cantor (Charlotte)

This variety reaches a height of 0.7 m. The leaves are large, light green with white spots of small diameter over the entire surface. Cantor blooms maroon, almost black. They are great for growing under a slice, as it retains a fresh look for a long time. It is often combined with white callas to get a contrasting bouquet, or planted in a checkerboard pattern with white varieties, thus achieving the extraordinary beauty of the flowerbed.

Garden grade "Chameleon"

These plants differ from their monotonous relatives by the variety of peach tones that can be observed on each bud. The leaves, like that of Cantor, are covered with white specks, the main tone is light green. In height, it can reach from 0.7 to 1 meter. Also prefers partial shade or direct sunlight in the evening.

Calla "Amethyst"

This is one of the highest and most expressive varieties. Its leaves are located quite low, almost do not stretch upward, lazily decaying in different directions from the rhizome. The flower stalk, having a very strong stem, is capable of reaching 1.2 m in height, proudly rising above the greenery with a delicate violet petal. The color is not monotonous, the inner surface has a gradient overflow, with increasing saturation to the edge. May die from a single drying out of the soil.

Calla Vermeer

This variety is not tall, the maximum stem height does not exceed 70 cm, even under the most favorable conditions. It differs in the unusual color of the petal - its inner surface is richly purple, contrasting with the yellow cob of the core. The edges and the entire outside of the petal are white. The leaves are spotty, reminiscent of Dieffenbachia.

Attention! Juice of any type of callas contains substances that can cause severe irritation and allergic reactions if it enters the mucous membranes. When cutting pedicels for bouquets, be sure to use gloves.

Calla Ethiopian

The representative of this variety is the classic calla, whose flower is painted in snow color. The petal forms a large bud, tight and resilient. It retains its fresh appearance for a long time after the cut, which is an indisputable plus for those who decide to decorate the hall for a banquet with white callas or choose these flowers for a wedding arrangement (a bride’s bouquet or a boutonniere).

Ethiopian variety

Calla Ethiopian requires simple care at home (the garden princess should only be covered by the penumbra of a sparse neighboring shrub or mesh fence from direct exposure to aggressive sunlight in the summer months).

Tuberous calla lilies

Calla flowers - growing and care at home

Callas germinated from tubers, unlike those that feed on rhizomes, do not need high soil and air humidity, but they do not tolerate drought. It is optimal to carry out regular watering, preventing swamping of the soil and preventing the earth from drying out, forming cracks.

Tuberous varieties

Homeland indoor plants - all the same South America. Thanks to the work of breeders, it became possible to grow a free beauty in pots on window sills, without completely limiting themselves to pure white varieties.


When callas of this variety bloom, one can observe harmonious overflows: the outer surface of the petal is light green, the inside is bright yellow. The variety is abundantly blooming, which cannot but please the growers. The windowsill will be a bright accent indoors for more than one summer month.


The most popular houseplant variety is aethiopica. Flowering is characterized by a dense funnel, expanding to the top. The flower bearer is able to reach a meter height, with the right choice of pot and a sufficient amount of scattered light. White callas love moisture more than other varieties of tuberous representatives of this family. Therefore, to obtain abundant flowering, it is important to keep the soil in the pot moist.

Attention! If the top layer of the earth looks dry, but already at a depth of 1 cm the soil is moist, you do not need to water the plant - this will lead to an excess of moisture, which can contribute to rotting of the tuber.


Calla variety Picasso is characterized by uneven color on the inner side of the petal. The core is dyed purple deep, creating a contrasting background for the yellow ears of the core. The edges of the inner side and the entire outer surface are white. Growing calla lilies of this variety in a pot requires the obligatory presence of water in the pan. The temperature in the room should be close to 22 ° C.


Calla varieties Odessa won the hearts of lovers of wine shades. With sufficient lighting, it can acquire a dark ruby ​​color, sometimes very close to black. Callas do not differ in flowering time from the standard indicators of relatives - starting from July and ending with the first days of September, the flower will delight with its deep rich color.

Attention! All tuberous and rhizome callas are not frost-resistant and are not able to endure frost without assistance. Therefore, tuberous varieties are cleaned of dried leaves, the tuber is wrapped in tissue and stored in a ventilated container in a cool dark place.


The variety got its name because calla bloom resembles mango in color. Sometimes it may even seem that among the greens, someone laid out the ripe fruits of a tropical plant - so calla lilies bloom and give a delicate sweet aroma. A bright picture can be observed from the beginning of August, when the first petals appear. All the rest of the spring-summer period, the plant builds up green mass in order to gain strength for juicy flowering.

Mango variety

This variety requires 12 hours of daylight, which ensures the saturation of the shade.


Calla Mix is ​​the most adapted to the housing content, they are also called the color variety. They are less afraid of drafts and temperature changes, but still it is not worth intending to create extreme conditions even for such a stable variety, so as not to shorten the flowering period. A petal can take on several shades: from pink to purple. Callas of this variety are called a mix, because the flowering options are ambiguous.


Calla Majestic bloom unusually scarlet flowers. Red calla lilies as a symbol of passion are used in the design of the landscape and interior interiors in places where emphasis is required. This type of tuber plant has one feature of growing - unlike relatives, it does not tolerate the slightest stagnation of water. Therefore, you need to plant a flower in necessarily drained soil to allow excess water to leave. If the peduncle of the peduncle begins to lose its elasticity, this means that there is too much water in the ground.

Garnet glou

Callas Garnet Glove have absolutely no aroma, unlike other varieties, pleasing with a light sweet smell. They love the variety for the unusually raspberry color of the petals. Bred it was adapted for indoor cultivation, however, with a fairly stable climate in the summer, it can be planted in open ground without losing its decorative properties.

Similar flowers

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Very often, inexperienced flower growers in an attempt to get calla lilies mistakenly acquire flowers that are similar according to the external data of the flower carrier.


During flowering, the spathiphyllum throws arrows with a white cob, in which a snow-white petal is fixed. He does not envelop the core, like a veil, but only decorates it, as if an open sail on one side. The green mass of spathiphyllum is also similar to calla leaves, although it is smaller.

Blooming spathiphyllum

Spatiphyllum is not suitable for cutting, when the flower carrier is separated from the plant, the flower quickly darkens and withers. The leg is thinner and more fragile.

Interesting. Sometimes, after flowering and ripening of the cob, the petal can degenerate into a modified leaf and acquire a green tint.


During the dormant period, from spring to June, the lily can be mistaken for calla lilies, due to the strong similarity of the shape of the leaves. When the first buds appear, it becomes clear which flower it is. The second similarity of the lily is a rich color palette of buds, which almost exactly repeats the Elliott and Mix varieties, the shape and number of petals of this plant do not resemble callas.


A flower with red, like calla lilies, flowers, but with a completely different shape of leaves and an uncovered stamen, is called anthurium, or "male happiness." If you do not know exactly what the bud should look like, you can take it for the variety Medzhik. Its petal is also quite dense and elastic, but has a very pronounced glossiness, thanks to which it shines in bright light. For a cut, like spathiphyllum, this flower is not suitable, it is grown exclusively for admiring during flowering in a living form.

Interesting. Spathiphyllum and Anthurium are plants that are close in soil and temperature requirements to indicators that are comfortable for callas. These flowers really have similarities both externally and in many other biological indicators, as they are close relatives - they belong to the Aroid family.

The superstition that calla is a funeral flower has no reason. Different peoples have a different culture, which does not affect the lives of people all over the planet. If somewhere in African countries white buds are used for burial, this does not mean at all that the flowers themselves are failing. This is just a way to perform a ritual using daily available natural resources, including plants. The tenderness and elegance of the petals on a thick peduncle will distinguish the owner of a beautiful bouquet from the crowd, emphasizing its status.


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Watch the video: How To Grow Calla Lillies (October 2024).