Hosts - varieties and types


The host plant has a huge variety of species. According to official data, 80 varieties, breeders continue to register new varieties. This beautiful perennial flower is characterized by bright green leaves of exquisite shape, the presence of spotted and striped prints on them. Hosta is one of the most unpretentious cultures that do not require special care and do not have difficulties when planting.

General information

The culture received the first name of the genus "host" in honor of the Austrian botanist N. Host. Another name is function, it was given to K. Sprengel in honor of the German pharmacist H. Funck.

Hosta in the garden

Hosts varieties and species are also mentioned in sources about the travel of Marco Polo to China in the 13th century. Then he sent descriptions of two hosts: plantain and bloated. These two varieties were the first to reach Europe.

Additional Information. In Sochi, the host name is associated with the Blue Hill resort, which includes rooms with amenities and a guarantee of a healthy stay.

Culture is grouped into subgenera:

  • Hosta. By the way the host of this subspecies blooms, it is determined which group it belongs to. Those plants whose flowers open in the afternoon are to plantaginea, and those subgenuses that bloom in the afternoon are to subgenus.
  • Giboshi. Includes three groups and the largest number of species. The name comes from the Japanese name for one host.
  • Bryocles. This is just one type of culture.

Important! Much earlier, the plant was considered bulbous. Until the end of the 80s, it belonged to the Liliaceae family.

In the mid-90s, Russian flower growers everywhere began to grow hosta. Then it was represented by species:

  • Fortune
  • Curly
  • Wavy, it refers to the host of Albopikta.
  • Rarely met Siebold.

Additional Information. An interesting fact was the discovery of Natalia Konstantinova - a leading specialist in this plant. From one brochure it became known that this culture in Russia has been known for over a century. A book about it was published in 1905 by N. Kichunov, a Russian botanist. The study was called "Function Hailing from Japan and China."

Varieties and types


Spirea (Spiraea) - types and varieties with white and pink flowers

Each grower dreams of a blue host growing in his garden. It looks very unusual: heart-shaped, quite voluminous leaves with a blue-green color are covered with a waxy coating. If you rub the plate of the sheet, it turns out that it is bright green. Bluish just makes a raid. After exposure to sunlight, it becomes less noticeable.

Flowering begins in June and lasts until October. During this period, the host is the queen of the site. Inflorescences in the form of bells are collected in a brush, shades: lilac, white or lilac. After flowering, the flower stalks are removed.

The most popular types of this variety:

  • Miniature: Baby Bunting, Blue Mammos Iers,
  • Medium: Abikva Drinking Guard, Blue Shadow,
  • Large: Love Pat, Francis Williams, Big Daddy,
  • Giant: Blue Angel, Blue Bowl

View of the Blue Mammos Iers

Golden Meadows

Hosta Golden Meadows - representative of the Asparagus. Very in demand in the garden. In composition with other colors, it easily adjusts, attracting glances with its leaves. Lives about 25 years, which is long enough for an ornamental plant. It was launched by the originator Van Elderen and initially grew in Asia.

Golden Meadows


  • Dense and stiff foliage, wavy at the edges.
  • Sise-green color of leaves with a yellowish core.
  • By the end of summer, the core turns green, during the summer it changes color from yellow to cream.
  • The shape is round, 23 * 15 cm.
  • The plant reaches a height of 60 cm.
  • Prefers to grow in partial shade in order to avoid the scorching rays of the sun and burning out of the core.
  • It blooms in July.
  • She doesn’t take shelter for the winter.


Hosta Liberty is growing very well. From a seedling, it can grow into a mature shrub over a period of 5-6 years. After wintering, the leaves are covered with a yellow border; during the summer, it brightens.


Liberty is very easy to care for, practically does not get sick, is not capricious. It retains its decorativeness until late fall.


  • A thick sheet of medium size,
  • Catchy eye-catching coloring,
  • It can grow in sunny areas.


The most popular form of white hosta is White Feather white feathers. Initially, the foliage is a creamy print, by the end of flowering it gradually turns green.

Mort White Feather

This is a low plant - up to 20 cm in height. Shade of lavender flowers. The main value of this variety is considered decorative white foliage, which looks very bright in landscape design.


The hosts of Siebold are considered Japan.

Additional Information. The Empress is very close to the zibold. In the first classification, it was assigned to the genus Siebold. Subsequently, breeders improved the look and allocated it to a separate group.


  • Egg-shaped foliage, plaque on it is bluish, waxy.
  • Corrugated sheet fabric, dense texture,
  • Lavender flowers.
  • Reproduction occurs by seed or division of the bush.
  • The landing site is partial shade, the soil is moist.
  • Top dressing is carried out with nitrogen fertilizers in the spring, during flowering - if desired, with mineral dressing.

The most popular types of Siebolds:

  • "Elegance";

Picture 6 Siebold Elegance

  • "Paul s'Glory No."


Hosta Haltsion foliage is also covered with a coating that differs in a silver shade. Plaque is indelible, therefore it protects the leaves from the effects of heavy rain or burning rays, helps to preserve valuable moisture inside.


Halcyon was grown in the gardens of Japan and China. It was imported to Russia at the end of the last century.

Host Features:

  • Frost resistant
  • Watering systematically, once every 4 days, water so that the soil is saturated to a depth of at least 50 cm.
  • Reproduction is done by cuttings or by dividing the bush.
  • It grows slowly, but lives for a long time.

Big daddy

Big Daddy's hosts have a large, powerful leaf texture. Shrub height - up to 65 cm. This is one of the best types of blue hostas. He likes shadow, during flowering it is covered with white flowers, the height of the peduncle is up to 100 cm.

Big daddy

Additional Information. It is a frost-resistant plant. But in the period of the first frosts without snowfall, it is worth mulching the soil with insulation materials. In spring, the soil is mulched with humus to preserve moisture at the roots.

Big Deaddy will look very good near ponds, among the stones. Around it you can plant small-bulb plants.


The June hosts have a special popularity, it always occupies leadership positions in the ratings.


Foliage is dense, variegated and has a blue border. The core is light in early spring, after which it gradually turns into a chartreuse. The leaf shape is ovoid.

Additional Information. Sometimes the leaves are pure blue and in shape resemble the look of Halcyon.

Feature - preservation of decorativeness throughout the season, pests (slugs) do not cause large damage.

Brim cap

For hosts, Brim Cap is required fertile soil, with constant moisture and the presence of humus. Brim Cap is recommended for flower beds.

Brim cap

Spectacular dark green and cream on the edges of the leaves stand out among all the shrubs of the garden. The height of the Brim Cap can reach 45 cm. Flowering occurs in July and lasts until the beginning of October. The color of the buds is lavender.

It is better to plant in partial shade, since the delicate foliage does not tolerate burning sunlight.

Gold Standard

The Gold Standard host is classified as common in Russia. It was bred in 1976 in the state of Michigan (USA). The Fortune variety was taken as the basis, therefore the full name of the species is the Fortune Gold Standard host. It is distinguished by universality: it can be planted next to trees, alpine hills, to decorate borders and in the waters.

Gold Standard

Note! Foliage may become stained, indicating a disease or virus. In this case, treatment is carried out: the leaves should be treated with special disinfectants (copper sulfate is sometimes used), the dead stems should be removed.


  • Ovoid leaf shape,
  • The flowers are lilac, peduncles can be several, up to 1 meter in height,
  • At the end of flowering, seed boxes appear
  • The foliage is pale green with a dark border around the edges.
  • The height of an adult shrub is up to 70 cm, diameter - 120 cm.

Side brim

The hosts of White Brim have their own story of origin. In 1979, Aden introduced a new crop variety. The result is a dome-shaped decorative foliage plant.

Side brim

Foliage is distinguished by relief, white border and light green color. Drop-down socket reaches a height of 50 cm.

The flowers have a delicate lavender color and a pleasant aroma. One-sided inflorescences are collected in brushes. The flower stalk is located on a high stalk, the buds open in July and bloom until the end of September.


  • Loves moisture, so the soil should always be well moistened. Surface watering is not for the Wide Brim, especially during budding.
  • Planting is necessary in groups of 3 to 8 pieces. Better - 3-5 pcs. per m2.
  • Before planting, the soil is fertilized, all weeds are removed, good loosening and moistening are made.

First frost

Hosts Frost Frost first have yellow edges on the foliage, which turn white by the beginning of autumn. The core also transforms from blue to bright green in the fall. Leaves shimmer beautifully from yellow to silver-white in the sun.

First frost


  • In 2010, First Frost received the title of "Host of the Year."
  • From 2005 to 2015, it was in the top ten ranking of the best host among flower growers.

According to experts and amateurs, Fest Frost impresses with a combination of blue-green and yellow. At the same time, the shade changes over the entire period of the summer season.


  • Medium shrub, up to 25 cm in height, width - 70-75 cm, fountain-shaped.
  • In the morning, sunlight is allowed, after - partial shade.
  • Variability - along the edge of the sheet.
  • Leaf shape is elliptical, dense texture.
  • Seed does not tie.
  • The variety was officially registered in 2002.


Hosta Stiletto has narrow, wavy, very ribbed green leaves with a thin white border. Among all the hosts, this view is very distinguished by its shape and curled sheet.


Propagation and proliferation are fast. Flowers are similar to bells, flowering begins in July.

Additional Information. The hostnames of Praying Hands are close to Stiletto. The same unusual shape of the sheet, which is twisted around the edges, is narrow and with a slight plaque. The upward-looking sheet looks like a hand that reaches out to pray in heaven.

A distinctive feature is that it is not afraid of the sun, therefore it can grow both in the shade and in the sun. With strong lighting, the leaves become narrower. In partial shade - straightened.

Stiletto is an energetic, albeit miniature, flower. Perfectly decorate rock gardens and borders. Often from it create full-fledged "carpets" from plants.

Among all, the Stilletto host is the most recognizable, attractive due to corrugated foliage.

Orange Marmalade

Host Orange Marmalade is distinguished by the brightest print of the sheet, the shape of which is widely oval, with a sharp tip. The core combines light orange and yellow, at the edges - bluish-green.

Orange Marmalade



  • Flowers - a light shade of lavender,
  • The sheet is a little tightened,
  • At the core there is a stroke pattern,
  • Height - up to 40 cm, diameter - up to one meter.
  • It’s not worth sheltering for the winter,
  • Lighting - partial shade.

Golden Tiara

Golden Tiara hostas are classified as classic hosts. It is very common among gardeners.

Golden Tiara


In spring, when active growth begins, foliage unfolds immediately completely colored. The start of development begins early - almost after the snow melts.


  • The average density of the sheet.
  • Form - wavy, corrugated, wide oval.
  • The base is heart-shaped.
  • The border is yellow, but brightens by autumn.
  • The flowering is plentiful, the inflorescences are dense on thin peduncles.
  • The flowers are lilac, in the sun they become brighter.
  • Flowering period - July-August, subsequently appear seed boxes.
  • Most often, Golden Tiara is attacked by slugs and can cause severe damage to the bush.
  • Likes to grow in the presence of a partial sun, in partial shade or even in the shade. In strong sunlight it can burn out and lose its decorative effect.
  • It is allowed to use as a groundcover and grow in a container.

Due to the variety of hosta varieties, shades and patterns of leaves and its unpretentiousness, you can create in the garden extraordinary plant groups from cultures belonging to different families. Tall, large or gigantic varieties will transform the tropical garden, miniature ones will decorate terraces and small flower beds. Bonus - different times when the buds begin to open and bloom. When flowering is completed in some plants, in others it will only begin to become more active. Thus, the summer cottage will always be bright and colorful.


Disease Hosts


Watch the video: Muga Golden Silkworm Host Plant Varieties (October 2024).