How to grow Encountered Cherries: Description and Planting Tips


Varieties of cherries The meeting of Ukrainian selection is very popular among gardeners due to the excellent characteristics of both the fruits and the trees themselves. To successfully grow it, it is necessary to take into account some of the subtleties and nuances of planting and care.

Description of Cherries

Variety of cherries Meeting is a hybrid obtained by crossing cherries Lyubskaya and duke Kiev-19 (a hybrid of cherries with cherries). This tree belongs to natural dwarfs, because it grows weakly and does not exceed a height of 2 m. The spherical crown with drooping branches and large saturated green leaves with small notches has a compact and attractive appearance.

The meeting attracts gardeners with its compact tree and abundant fruiting

The variety is mid-late and blooms from April 25 to May 5. Flowering and fruit formation occurs on emerging young growths and bouquet branches of a four to five year old tree. The first berries begin to ripen in the second half of June (depending on the climatic zone). The average weight of the fruit reaches 10 g. Brilliant, with dense dark red skin and sweet flesh, from which the stone is freely separated, the fruits are admired by even the most experienced breeders. According to estimates, the “content” does not lag behind. The taste of berries is rated by tasters with the highest score - 5. High productivity (up to 28 kg from an adult tree), the versatility of the fruits in use and suitability, excellent transportation of fresh berries are big advantages of their characteristics. Therefore, the Meeting is ideally suited for growing a single crop in summer cottages and on individual farms, and in group plantings for commercial purposes.

An important advantage of cherries is its increased immunity to common diseases of the culture - coccomycosis and moniliosis, resistance to arid steppe climate and severe frosts (up to -25aboutFROM). Unlike other varieties, the Meeting grows well and bears fruit in the shade.

Cherry is recommended for cultivation not only in Ukraine, where it was bred by the Melitopol breeders Turovtsevs, but also in all areas of the former Union, excluding the northern one.

Cherries The meeting will be glad for such "neighbors" as cherries and grapes. But do not try to experience it in the neighborhood of currants, plums, apricots, peaches, walnuts, pears.

Since the variety is partially self-fertile, the varieties of cherries Lyubskaya, Primetnaya, Minx, as well as cherries Valery Chkalov, Krupnoplodnaya will be an excellent complement to the Meeting as third-party pollinators.

Video: Cherry Meeting

Planting cherries

Before planting cherry seedlings Meeting, you must consider the following points:

  • It is better to choose a landing site on a slope or elevation that is not obscured by other plantings and protected from strong winds.
  • The soil should be neutral in acidity, well aerated, light. Cherry is afraid of moist, heavy and acidic clay soil. A plot with closely lying groundwater is not suitable for growing a tree.
  • Soil preparation should be done in advance (during spring planting, fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers and, if necessary, liming is done in the fall).
  • Seedlings should be bought in large garden centers and nurseries in order to avoid over-growing.
  • Keep in mind that the best time to plant cherries is spring (mid-April). In the southern regions, you can plant it in the fall.
  • The distance between the rows and between the seedlings should be 4 m. This "square" arrangement greatly facilitates the care of the seedlings due to free access to them.

Step-by-step instructions for planting seedlings

How to plant a cherry step by step:

  1. 2 weeks before planting, dig a hole with a diameter of 80 cm and a depth of 50 cm, separating the lower and upper layers.

    Dig a hole 2 weeks before landing

  2. In the center of the recess, a stake for a seedling is driven in, around which a top layer of soil is poured, mixing it with fertilizers (40 g of superphosphate, 30 g of potassium chloride, 0.3 kg of wood ash) and ramming.
  3. Then straighten the roots, previously treated with a clay and mullein talker in equal proportions, and set the seedling so that the root neck is 2-3 cm above the ground surface and the trunk is on the north side of the support.

    The root neck of the seedling should be above ground level.

  4. The seedling is covered with the remaining soil from the lower soil layer. Around the entire diameter make a mound 25 cm in height and width in order to form a hole. The soil in the hole is compacted.

    The earth around the seedling is compacted

  5. 2 buckets of water are poured into the resulting hole. During the week in dry weather, seedlings are watered every other day.

    After planting, the seedling must be watered with 2 buckets of water

  6. The seedling is tied to a support.
  7. If possible, the trunk circle is mulched, filling it with available material:
    • sawdust;
    • hay or straw;
    • peat;
    • compost and others

      Mulching the trunk circle with compost will keep the soil moist

  8. Immediately after planting, the top (central conductor) is shortened so that it is 15 cm higher than the upper branch, and the lower branches are cut to a height of 0.6 m. Such pruning contributes to the proper development of the tree in the future.

Features of cultivation and subtleties of care

The meeting does not differ from other varieties with special care requirements. Only certain rules and agricultural practices must be observed:

  • Watering is carried out 3-5 times per season, depending on climatic conditions. Under a young sapling, 1 bucket in the near-stem circle is enough, under an adult tree - 3-4 buckets. Cherry especially requires watering during the appearance and growth of a one-year growth, during the flowering and ripening of berries. In the latter case, it is not recommended to water the tree if the ground is very dry, since the fruits may crack. The need for watering disappears in rainy weather. But after a dry summer, the cherry needs to be charged with moisture, introducing 10 buckets of water under the adult trees.
  • Fertilizer is produced 3 years after planting. In late autumn, you can make 2 buckets of humus or compost from plant residues for each seedling, evenly distributing them throughout the near-stem circle and digging a shovel on a bayonet. In early spring, when the buds had not yet had time to bloom, the cherries were fed with ammonium nitrate (20 g), superphosphate (10 g), potassium salt (5 g) per 1 m2 trunk hole. After flowering and during fruit setting, an aqueous solution of wood ash in the ratio of 1 l / 10 l of water or urea (2 tbsp / 10 l) will serve as a good fertilizer.
  • The soil in the near-stem circle is loosened at least 2 times per season, removing weeds.
  • Of no less importance for cherries is the procedure of liming the soil, which is enough to carry out once every 4 years. Contribute 0.5 kg of lime per 1 m2 trunk circle. Due to this, the acidity of the soil is normalized and the absorption of nutrients by the root system of the tree is improved. In addition, calcium is necessary for the formation of fruit seeds.
  • In the early spring, sanitary-forming pruning of the cherry tree is carried out. Remove dried, weak and thickening crown branches, cut off the young growth that has appeared.

Did you know that by spraying a flowering cherry with a honey solution (4 tbsp. L honey in a bucket of water), you can attract bees and other pollinating insects? This procedure must be carried out in a cold spring.

Preventive measures against pests and diseases of the cherry

Cherries are resistant to fungal diseases (moniliosis and coccomycosis), but there are still cases of damage to these diseases due to adverse weather conditions, as well as failure to take consistent preventive measures that should not be neglected:

  • In late autumn, it is necessary to whiten the trunk and lower branches with a special solution, which can be bought at garden centers or shops.
  • At the beginning of the growing season, the tree should be sprayed with an aqueous solution of copper sulfate at the rate of 100 g / 10 l. It is possible to use the fungicides Horus 75 WG, Topsin-M, etc. For the purpose of prevention, treatment with fungicidal preparations is appropriate when the flowers began to wither and again after 10 days.
  • It is necessary to carry out sanitary trimming of weakened and damaged branches only in dry weather and with a well-sanitized tool. Do not forget to trim the places of cuts after pruning with garden var.
  • It is necessary to clean and destroy fallen leaves and the remnants of berries in a timely manner, carefully inspect the tree bark.

The variety is rarely exposed to massive insect damage. These are the well-known May beetles, cherry weevils, sapwoods, caterpillars and others. If there are few trees in the garden, it is possible to fight pests mechanically, manually collecting unwanted "aliens". In early spring, you can arrange birdhouses to attract feathered helpers-starlings to your garden, eating both adults and May larvae.

Try to use chemicals in extreme cases. After the cherry blossoms, the tree can be sprayed (according to the instructions):

  • Actara;
  • Decisom;
  • Confidor.

In this case, berries can be consumed only a month after processing.

Photo Gallery: Cherry Pests

Reviews about Cherries

Do you like large and bulk berries of cherries? Choose the best varieties - Toy, Scrabble and Remembrance ... They are all large-fruited. Miracle Cherry, Sister grade, Toy, Meeting, Night and Big Black. In general, whatever one may say, in my choice I return to DUKs - late large-fruited cherries, in the blood of which there is a little bit of cherry.



I also have the Vladimirskaya variety, and I like it, but the meeting is more sweet, the yield is high and the fruits are larger. My daughters do not depart from this variety during fruiting.



I like the variety. This is a natural dwarf. Even on antipka seedlings, it is a little more than two meters high, but it also works fine on AFL-2, but what's the point of planting a natural dwarf on a dwarf stock?

The variety is good for everyone, but almost no one saw 15 g of fruit. This is from the discharge category Empress 136 g. Once in the whole history. Mostly fruits up to 10 g, and this is a lot.



Cherries are popular among experienced gardeners due to their many advantages. The necessary knowledge on growing a tree will help you get a stable harvest of juicy and delicious fruits in the future.
