Phlox: planting and care, varieties with photos and names


Phloxes are flowering herbaceous plants belonging to the family Cyanosis. Distribution area - Northern America, Russia.

Description and Features

Phloxes from one species may vary, because they are affected by climatic conditions. For example, alpine grow from 5 to 25 cm, bryophytes. Their trunks are branching, covered with evergreen foliage. In a favorable climate, the stalk of the phlox becomes straight, its height is from 30 cm to 1.8 m. The leaves are opposite, the shape is elongated-ovate or lanceolate-oval. The diameter of the buds is 25-40 mm, tubular-funnel-shaped.

Most species are perennials, but Drummond's phlox and its varieties are annuals.

Phlox awl-shaped, paniculate, widespread and annual: description

There are several dozen varieties of phloxes, but they are all divided into 4 separate groups:

SubulatePerennial, the stem reaches 20 cm. The foliage is narrow, needle-shaped, length - up to 20 mm. Color - green (almost until the first frost). The buds are blue, purple, raspberry.
The flowering period is from late spring to July.
Undersized and ground cover speciesDecorate alpine slides and create compositions in rockeries.
SplayedThe trunk is 20 to 40 cm high. The flowers are small, the edges are wide, narrowed towards the center. Coloring - from white to lilac. Elongated foliage (up to 50 mm in length), stiff.
The duration of flowering is May-June.
The most unpretentious among all varieties of phlox. It has a rich pleasant aroma.In the landscape sphere.
PaniculateIt grows from 40 cm to 1.5 m. The foliage is lanceolate, elongated, reaches a length of 6-15 cm. The trunk is erect. Inflorescences are spherical.
Flowering - from mid-summer to September.
The most popular. It has a large variety of varieties with different colors.For the design of home gardens.
Annuals (Drummond)Stem up to 30 cm. Petals have slightly pointed tips.
The duration of flowering is from June to the first frosts.
They are grown exclusively from seeds. There is a delicate smell.In rockeries and alpine hills, flowerbeds adorn.

Phlox annual: varieties with photos and names

Drummond Phlox became the founders of several unique varieties:

star RainResistant to cold and dry periods. Outwardly resembles a shrub, about 50 cm high. The stems are straight and lateral. It has a rich aromatic aroma. Grow only in high-quality illuminated areas.The form of inflorescences is stars. Pink.From June to the end of summer.
Flickering starA miniature variety with a bush height of up to 25 cm. Often grown in apartments, placed on loggias and balconies.Petals have sharp ends.From June to September.
TerryOne of the youngest species. Height - up to 30 cm.Large, terry. Inflorescences of a dense type are formed. Color - from cream to deep red.From late spring to August.
UndersizedYoung variety, reaching 20 cm. Shrubs are branched. Foliage lowered. Often grown on balconies.Small, beige.May June.
ConstellationBranches, forming lush shrubs. It has a fragrant aroma.Color - from white to burgundy. The diameter is about 30 mm.The end of spring is August.
Promis PinkA low-growing variety, the trunk reaches 20 cm. They are used to decorate flower beds and alpine slides.Terry, pink.May - July.

Phlox awl-shaped: varieties with photos and names

The awl-shaped phlox is also divided into several interesting varieties:

Violet BeautyPerennial planted only in well-lit areas. Height - up to 17 cm.Color - from bright purple to purple. May June.When cutting the tops, closer to September, repeated flowering is observed.
PetticoatThe trunk reaches 20 cm. They are placed in a drained soil filled with sand and small pebbles. It is frost-resistant, feels comfortable at temperatures up to -20 ° C.Forked, white. Outwardly resemble stars. The core is blue, violet or purple.From late spring to June.
Red WingsThe shrub grows to 20 cm. The variety is resistant to high and low temperatures. It has a pleasant aroma.Bright pink.May June. With quality care - the second flowering in September.

Phlox splayed: varieties with photos and names

Spread phlox is divided into the following varieties:

Blue dreamsWinter-hardy plant. Has a rich pleasant smell. Propagated by side shoots.Shallow, blue.From late spring to June.
White perfumeTrunk up to 30 cm high. Grown under trees and bushes. Frost resistant.Small, snow-white.May-July.

Panic phlox: varieties with photos and names

Panicled phlox - the founder of such varieties:

Pure feelingsBarrel height from 70 to 80 cm.Terry, white with a green stripe in the center. The lower part of the bud has a purple hue. Petals are elongated, slightly twisted.July-September.
Natural feelingsThe stalk reaches 50 cm.Small, greenish-white-pink. They resemble lilacs in shape.
OrangeThe variety is undemanding to care, easily propagated.Red-orange.
KingIt grows to 1 m.Large, in diameter - about 4 cm. Color - from white to raspberry.


The propagation of these flowers is performed by green or autumn cuttings, as well as seeds.

The first type of processes is harvested at the end of spring, when phloxes grow to 12-15 cm. The procedure is carried out according to this plan:

  • Shoots are cut, 2-3 mature buds are left on the adult shrub.
  • The cutlery is placed in water for 60 minutes. This improves rooting and reduces the likelihood of plant wilt.
  • The shoot is cleaned of the foliage located below, shortened by 50% and create a cut under the kidney. The total length of planting material is 6-10 cm.
  • They are placed in open ground in shaded areas or in a greenhouse. They dig it into the soil by 10-15 mm and compact it a little. For better rooting, cover with a layer of wet paper.

Autumn cuttings are harvested in late summer or early September. To do this, cut off parts of young shoots and prepare them similarly to the previous method. They are placed in greenhouses with heating or hotbeds. When transporting to a permanent place, they deepen well so that the main part of the kidneys is underground.

Phlox seeds have a high germination capacity, so they are placed in open ground in September. This planting material is planted in the cold, for this, special containers are used, which are subsequently transported to frost for stratification. Then they are brought into the heat for thawing and friendly shoots of seedlings are observed.

Differences in the landing of annual and perennial phloxes

The landing of phloxes that are part of annuals and perennials is practically the same, there are only a few nuances. For example, the distance between the second should be greater, because over the years they grow. Between low-growing varieties, the interval is up to 40 cm, medium - up to 0.5 m, tall - at least 0.7 m.

Perennials for the winter necessarily cover with a layer of mulch, annuals do not need it.

When planting and caring for these representatives of the flora, it is recommended to adhere to a number of rules:

  • The ideal area for germinating phlox should be shaded, even and have an outflow for excess water. When planting next to trees or shrubs, the flower is protected from direct sunlight and hot winds.
  • The soil is selected loosened, nutritious, well moistened. The lack of water leads to an increase in the level of salt in the earth, which provokes drilling foliage and wilting. It is forbidden to place phlox in clay soil.
  • The place is prepared in advance, if the spring landing, then it is done in September, and vice versa.

Annual Phlox Care

Caring for annual phlox is quite simple. The soil around the flowers from 6 to 8 times per season carefully loosen and spud.

Organics and minerals are introduced into the soil. Primary top dressing is performed with liquid manure in late spring. The second - in June, apply a composition of superphosphate and humus. The third - in the middle of summer, they use the same tool as in May. The fourth - in August, a mixture of potassium salt and phosphorus.

Perennial Phlox Care

During flowering, the plant is watered every 2-3 days. In very hot and dry summers, the frequency of moisture application is increased. After each such procedure, the earth is thoroughly loosened.

When the flowers are still young, they are constantly cleaned of weed grass. They do this after adding water, since working with moist soil is much easier.

Perennials require constant recharge, so in May they use nitrogenous components that accelerate the process of acquiring healthy green mass. Then use a composition of potassium and phosphorus, to ensure abundant flowering.

When caring for phlox in the middle lane, they provide shelter for the winter. Before the onset of frost, the bushes are cut almost under the rhizome, and then mulched with organic components, straw.

Transplantation is carried out every 6-7 years.

Diseases and Pests

Perennial phlox suffer from almost all diseases characteristic of other flowering representatives of the flora. The most common pathologies include the following:

  • Fomoz - foliage turns yellow and curls, stems turn brown and crack. To eliminate - spray Bordeaux liquid. The number of repetitions is 4 times, the interval is 10 days.
  • Powdery mildew - white plaque is observed on the leaves. Apply the same treatment as in the case of fomosis. For prevention - in the spring, phlox shoots are treated with a potassium permanganate solution.
  • Spotting - yellow and brown blotches. Treatment is performed similarly to other diseases presented.

The plant is resistant to pest attacks, occasionally it can infect slugs. With the timely detection of pathologists and their elimination, phloxes for a long time will delight with their healthy appearance and bright flowering.


Watch the video: How to care for Phlox (October 2024).