Koufeya: photo, home and outdoor care


The flower is native to South and Central America. Belongs to the family of loosestrife. It is considered evergreen, blooms in the warm summer. For its unusual flowers, it was called a cigarette tree. Translated from Greek means "curve".

It is a bush or ampel plant with curved narrow-shaped leaves. In height, it can reach 1 m. The flowers have a variety of sizes, colors. Large-flowered flowers quickly fade, small flowering longer and longer.

Kofeya is isopolistic, fiery red and other species

In the wild, there are more than 200-250 species of flower, some were bred by breeders.

Isopolistic.Thick, elongated, bright green.Numerous small, white, pink, scarlet, lilac.
Fiery red.Small, light green.Saturated red, at the end a gradient in dark burgundy, in the shape of a tube.
Micro-petal.Small, long, bright.Tubular, red-yellow.
Outstretched.Thick light.White, lilac.
Flaming bonfire. Breeding view.The dark ones.Bright scarlet.
Pale.Dark, thick.Small, dark cherry.
Cinnabar red.Small, rare, bright.Lilac-white, large, slightly petalled.
Lanceolate.Light green.In the form of a scarlet tube with lilac, white petals.
Water.Small, located opposite each other. The plate is round in shape, the color of the top is red with an admixture of green, the bottom is green. When a plant grows and enters from the aquatic environment into the air, the leaves mutate. The scarlet color disappears, the form stretches.In favorable conditions, produces an arrow with a white flower.

Cafeteria care at home

The cafeteria feels comfortable in a room environment. You can grow as a makeshift or ampelous plant.

The following recommendations must be observed:

FactorSummer periodWinter season
Location / lighting.Good lighting with protection from direct sunlight, drafts. East, west side.
Temperature.+ 20 ... +25 ºC.+ 15 ... +18 ºC.
Humidity.Warm shower.Rare spraying in dry air.
Watering.Abundant, regular. Re-drain the water from the pan after about half an hour. The soil in the pot should dry out a bit during this time. Avoid stagnation of water, drainage with good moisture permeability.Moderate when the soil dries.
Top dressing.Fertilizer for decorative plants use 2 times a month during the growth period.Not required.

Mr. Summer resident advises: the content in the open ground

You can grow in open ground in warm climatic conditions or in flowerpots, flower pots. Choose a place with good lighting, a slight shadow is allowed. Dark, moisture-proof seats should be avoided.

The substrate is used breathable, loose. Plant care includes regular watering, weeding, pinching, pruning.


Propagated by caffeine in two ways.

For cuttings, semi-lignified roots with a size of more than 7 cm are selected. They are processed, planted in prepared soil from peat, turf, humus, sheet soil, sand (1: 1: 1: 1: 0.5).

Spend in the spring when the air temperature rises above + 15 ... +18 ºC.

When planting, they create greenhouse conditions, regular watering, and airing. To make the flower look beautiful, several cuttings are joined together. After the emergence of the 3rd pair of leaves, pinch the top.

The second way is seed propagation. The conditions for planting are the same as when grafting. Top seeds are not sprinkled with soil. When small sprouts dive, they are seated in small glasses.

Pests, diseases, possible problems

Café is rarely susceptible to disease and pests. But if this happened, it is necessary to take measures to eliminate the consequences that they caused.

Disease / pestManifestationElimination
Spider mite.The leaves are covered with a white web.Wash the plants with a warm, soapy solution. Treatment with insectoacaricides (Actellik, Fitoverm).
Aphid.The flower dries.Prepare one of the infusions (soap, garlic), rinse the flower. Apply preparations with the active substance permethrin.
Shield.The appearance of convex brown spots.Manually remove insects, treat with insect acaricides (Spark, Actellik).
Gray rot (Botritis mushroom).The appearance of dark, gray spots. Rotting of roots and stems.Trim the affected areas. Spray with fungicides.
Chlorosis is a lack of iron.Leaves turn yellow, but do not dry out.When watering or spraying, use a fertilizer with iron content.
Decay.The plant blackens, rots. Leaves fall, brown spots appear.Reduce watering, add lighting (it is recommended to use phytolamps additionally). Remove from the draft.


Watch the video: Dali Ameur - Alli Koufeya دالي عامر - علي الكوفية (October 2024).