Nepentes Carnivore Flower Care


The only plant representing the Nepentov family is Nepentes (pitcher).

This predatory flower is named after the legendary grass of oblivion - the nepenef from the myths of ancient Greece. The distribution range is tropical Asia, Kalimantan Island, Seychelles Islands, Madagascar, New Guinea and Caledonia, Northern Australia.

Appearance and features of Nepentes

Basically, its varieties are semi- or shrub type lianas, mixotrophs that can use various sources of nutrition from substances from the soil to the dissolution of insects. They entwine neighboring trees with long, thin, grassy or slightly lignified stems, and, climbing them, raise inflorescences to the sun in the form of brushes or panicles.

Leaves in nepenthes of two types. Some large simple, with a pronounced vein, are located alternately. Others are pitcher-shaped, for which the plant got its second name. They are attached with a petiole, the first part of which is green and flat, photosynthesis takes place in it, and the second is long and thin, ending with an original leaf-trap. It is with this petiole that a plant captures insects.

Along its edges there are cells that secrete a sweet liquid, and there are hard hairs that prevent the victim from leaving the jug. It slides down the wax, which gives off the smooth surface of the leaves. Inside the jug there is water where the trapped sinks. At the bottom of the trap, a digestive enzyme is formed that digests the insect. An unusual leaf can reach 50 cm. Color from white to brown, usually very bright.

Flowers are small and inconspicuous, so jugs are often mistaken for them.

Types of Nepentes

Nepentes has many varieties, various hybrids bred by breeders.

RajahIts jugs are burgundy, purple, reach 50 cm. Even small animals and birds fall into them. And he lets mosquitoes go, as they are helpers for his reproduction.
AttenboroughHeight - 1.5 m, stem thickness 3.5 cm, lime leaf with purple streaks - 25 cm.
PitcherCompact, the traps are small, light greenish, but there are many.
PitchedLarge, similar to rajah.
MirandaEvergreen bush, with leaves resembling a flask, with a bright red rim and strokes along the entire length.
WingedHeight at home - 2 m. Widely used for indoor breeding, as it is not very demanding on humidity (enough 50-60%), compared with other varieties. Traps are green with red.
SanguineJugs of blood red colors of 10-30 cm, can be orange or yellow.
HookerianaDemanding on high humidity. The house is grown only in a specially designed terrarium. Traps are yellow with side spots.
RafflezaThe first part of the leaf reaches 50 cm, and the second small one no more than 20 cm, light green in color with scarlet spots, inside with a blue tint.
BicuspidThe wide part grows to 60 cm, and the trap is approximately 15 cm.
TruncatedJugs of 50 cm, dark, brown color.

Care ha nepenthes at home

This plant is very demanding and difficult to keep in the house.

Spring SummerAutumn winter
LocationWindows in the southwest and southeast. You can not rotate the flower, otherwise it will not create new jugs. If you had to move it, the adaptation period will last 2 months. It does not tolerate drafts, although fresh air is favorable to it. Support is needed, it should be installed when transplanting a one-year plant.
LightingPrefers good dispersed (14-16 hours a day).
Temperature+ 22 ... +24 ° C. At + 35 ° C and above it will die.+20 ° C. Swings are fatal.
HumidityFor most varieties, increased (at least 80%). It is good to keep the plant in the florarium or terrarium.
WateringOnce every 2 days in a pan, prolonged waterlogging does not tolerate. It is better to spray regularly; water must not be allowed to enter traps. Baths are recommended once a month.Once a week.
The soilPeat, sphagnum, sand (2: 1: 0.5). Primer for orchids with the addition of moss.
PotPlastic, wide, shallow. At the bottom of the drainage 1/3. Cover the soil with moss on top.
Top dressingThrow one medium insect into 1/3 of the jugs once a month. Do not feed food organics (meat, fish) traps can rot from this. If there are few insects, use mineral fertilizers for orchids once a month. Take the dosage three times less than according to the instructions. Better to apply by spraying.Do not feed.

How to transplant Nepentes

The plant does not like to be disturbed (do not transplant after acquisition). Do this only in case of overgrowth of the roots (after about 2-3 years) and with the appearance of mold.

Step-by-step process:

  • By transfer, the flower is moved to a wider and deeper pot.
  • Mandatory drainage below and moss on top of the soil.
  • Nepentes is not fed for a month. Strictly observe watering regimes.
  • Provide proper lighting and temperature. Sprayed with a biostimulator of growth twice.

Nepenthes formation

To create a more decorative compact form, rejuvenate the bush, cut it and pinch it. This stimulates the formation of new pitchers. The best time is spring. The first pinch, when the plant will have at least six leaves.

The jug produces the enzyme once, therefore, if it is spilled, you cannot feed it, you must pour 1/3 of the purified water into it.

Features of reproduction of nepenthes

There are three methods to grow a new Nepentes:

  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • seeds;
  • division of the bush.


The most popular way:

  • Cuttings harvested in the spring. With a sharp knife cut off the shoot with 3 sheets.
  • It is treated with a disinfectant (Fundazole).
  • They put it in a jar with a solution of water and Kornevin. Contain at +26 ° C.
  • The roots of the appendix form after 6 weeks.
  • After it is transplanted into a prepared pot.


This is a laborious and lengthy process. Seeds are needed fresh, they quickly lose their germination. To obtain them, two plants are needed, male and female, since the flower is dioecious. Also, at home, the flowering of nepenthes is a rather rare occurrence, and insect pollination is necessary for fruit set.

Landing is as follows:

  • Prepare a container with sand and sphagnum.
  • Sow the seeds.
  • Cover with a film.
  • They are placed in a warm, well-lit place (+ 22 ... +26 ° C), with a humidity of almost 100%.
  • Sprouts will appear after 60 days.


On a flexible shoot, creepers take part of the bark. This place is stuck in a moist substrate, fixed. After the roots of the air process appear, it is separated from the mother plant and planted in a separate pot.

Shrub division

When transplanting enough adult Nepentes, you can divide it into parts.

The operation is done carefully, since the roots of the plant are very fragile:

  • The bush is placed in a large container with warm water, there it is carefully cleaned from the soil.
  • Using a disinfected tool, cut part of it along with the roots.
  • Damage is treated with activated carbon.
  • Each divided plant is planted in the usual way in its own pot.

Pests, diseases and possible problems when caring for Nepentes

When growing Nepentes, difficulties may arise if the conditions necessary for its maintenance are not met.

Manifestation on leaves and other parts of a plantCausesRemedial measures
Brown spots.Stagnant air in the room, waterlogging of the soil. This is a fungal disease.Ventilate the room, observe the irrigation regime, drain excess water from the pan. In severe cases, they are treated with fungicides (Actara).
Are dry.Low humidity.Methods of increasing humidity are used (they put humidifiers, place an aquarium nearby, place the plant in the florarium, terrarium).
Brown spots.Burn from the sun.Shade.
Yellowness.Lack of nutrients.They are fed with insects or sprayed with fertilizers.
Weakening plants, rotting.Excess nitrogen.Do not feed meat and fish.
Yellowing and falling. The plant is smaller.Chlorosis.Change the substrate to the correct one.
The appearance of insects.Aphid, mealybug.Remove with cotton soaked in a solution of laundry soap.
Pulling stems, leaf disease, lack of jugs.Lack of light.Rearrange in the most lit place, use phytolamps.


Watch the video: NEPENTHES CARE CONDITIONS. Carnivorous Plant Feeding (October 2024).