Agave, plant, what it is and how it blooms


Agave plant is a unique decoration of artificial landscapes. It is distinguished by its huge rosettes of hard long spiky leaves.

About the history of appearance

Agave is the oldest plant in Mexico. They called her that by the name of the ancient Greek mythological character. Agave was the daughter of Cadmus. He was the founder of Thebes. The story says that the girl did not believe in the divine nature of Dionysus, and he made her head crazy. Then she killed her own son Penfei.

Agave flowering

Interesting. In the homeland, agave was elevated to a cult, since it is used to make tequila and many other products.

Agave is common in the Caribbean, in Central and South America. In the second half of the 16th century, it was introduced to Europe.


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What is agave? Agave is an evergreen plant of the Asparagus family, the Agave subfamily. Culture is undemanding in care. Her native place is Mexico.

Agave is a succulent. More than 250 species are found on the American continent. It is a rosette of hard, spiky long leaves in which moisture is retained. Its diameter is 15 centimeters - 5 meters.

The color of the leaves ranges from green, blue to white or lilac. Variegated species are often found, as well as those containing longitudinal contrast strips.

There are agaves with thorns or with thin hairs. In appearance, agaves are diverse. Their species differences are in size, color, leaf shape.

Agaves bloom once in a lifetime and then die. This happens approximately when they reach 100 years.

Mostly agaves are found in warm places, but there are also more resistant to cold varieties.

Where it grows in nature

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Under natural conditions, agave grows in the mountains of Mexico with a hot climate, as well as in areas of North and Central America. It is mainly found on rocky soil. Agave tolerates a dry period and high temperatures. On the continent of Eurasia, the plant appeared after the discovery of America.

Additional Information. Currently, the plant grows on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, in the Black Sea regions, in the Caucasus and in the Crimea.

What is made from agave

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Many products and products are made from agave:

  • fabrics woven from plant fibers;
  • manufacturing of ropes, twine, ropes;
  • wrapping paper;
  • tequila - a national drink, which can often be found in nightclubs of any city;
  • mezcal - an alcoholic drink;
  • used in folk medicine because of its beneficial properties similar to aloe;
  • drink pulke;
  • doormats;
  • use agave fibers to make a dart board;
  • make agave juice from the fruit;
  • leaves, flowers and pith can be eaten;
  • from the stems of agave make the Venezuelan drink - kokuy;
  • flower arrows fried for eating;
  • from agave fruit make a syrup similar to honey;
  • make medicines, and also produce hormones - cortisone, progesterone, homeopathic medicines, produce contraceptives in China;
  • used in cosmetology.

Additional Information. In honor of the plant, they called the restaurant - "Casa Agave", furnished in the Mexican style.

The benefits of agave are enormous.

Types and varieties for indoor breeding

For indoor cultivation use:

  • American agave;
  • drawn agave;
  • Queen Victoria Agave;
  • other varieties.

Important! Agave is able to produce volatile, which purify the air in the room from viruses.

Blue agave

Blue agave what is it? This is a plant with fleshy leaves pointed in the shape of a sword and having spines. Distinctive features of this type are the blue tint of the plates, their dullness and density. Sheets reach 2 meters. The plant grows in Mexico. In appearance it is similar to cultures on the Black Sea or Mediterranean coast.

Blue agave

Tequila is made from blue agave.

Blue agave is a cactus or not

Cactus - agave or not, many people doubt. In fact, this plant is not a cactus. It is considered a related culture of garden lily, indoor amaryllis, sansevieria. Its classification is as follows: it belongs to herbaceous plants, to the Liliaceae family, it is a succulent plant, it can accumulate and store moisture in leaves during dry periods.

Agave american

The most common agave is Americana. It grows in southern gardens and parks. Sometimes it is grown in areas with a temperate climate, transferring to open ground only for the summer period.

The plant is large and powerful, rosettes reach 3 meters. The leaves are blue-green with spikes, rigid and curved, their length is 1.75 m.

Queen Victoria Agave

The plant is most suitable for indoor cultivation. A rosette of leaves is 60 centimeters. The length of the plates is 10-15 cm, the width is 5-7 cm. The color of the leaves is dark green. On the upper and lower sides are oblique white lines. At the tips of the leaves one long spike of black color grows. Its length is up to 2 centimeters. Throughout the length of the leaf there are small spines.

Arizona Agave

Arizona agave what is it? A plant with a wide rosette, leaves are light green with thorns at the edges, pressed in the center like boats. Only 2 species of agave Arizona survived. They are protected by the Tonto National Forest. The birthplace of the plant is in the mountains of the New River and Sierra Ankas.

Features of Agave Care at Home

Agave is a unpretentious plant at home, so even a novice can take care of it.


For agave, a room temperature in the range of 18-24 degrees is suitable. In summer, she tolerates heat well. In winter, a plant needs a colder place. For this, it is carried out, for example, on a balcony with a temperature of 6-8 degrees.


Room agave needs a place where the sun's rays will fall on it for several hours every day. She is a photophilous plant. In some cases, you can add light using artificial sources.

Agave Care

The plant requires 14-16 hours of lighting per day.


You need to pour water under the root. If drops get on the outlet, rot may form. Soil needs to be dried a little more than half in depth. In winter, when moving plants to a cool place, you need to water less often.

Important! Agave can be grown hydroponically.


For agave, drought is a common occurrence, so it does not need to be sprayed additionally. In the garden, agave needs to be protected from heavy rain and damp.


Additional hydration of the agave is not required. The air in the room must be dry. The room needs to be ventilated, but without creating a draft.


30 percent drainage should be added to the soil for agave so that there is no stagnation of moisture. Soil is selected as for a succulent plant. For agave, soil with a pH of 6.8 to 7 is suitable.

Top dressing

Fertilize agave in spring and summer. Top dressing is selected for both cactus or succulent. Fertilize every month of the spring-summer period.

Additional Information. In contact with the juice of the plant, you need to protect your hands with gloves, as skin can be harmed and contact dermatitis occurs.

If the agave is properly looked after in room conditions, then it will delight the owner for a long time with its attractive appearance.

In winter

For wintering, the plant needs to be moved to a cold room. For agave, the coolness is more favorable. This helps to preserve its attractive appearance. At room temperature, the agave's appearance worsens: it stretches, the leaves become thinner, and gradually the plant weakens.

At a temperature of 5-10 degrees, all processes in the plant cells slow down. Agave is at rest. So she tolerates winter well.

How agave blooms

How does agave bloom? The plant throws flower stalks to a very large height, up to about 10 meters. They have up to 10,000 buds. The shape resembles dragons bending over a socket.

Additional Information. At the time of flowering, agaves in the botanical gardens dismantle the roof.

If the plant releases the peduncle from the center of the outlet, then after that it dies. Agave sometimes produces flowers on the side, then it continues to grow. Some species bloom at 30, others only 100.

Types and shape of flowers

Agave flowers are yellow, cream, pink, white, orange, greenish. The shape resembles bells or daisies, and can also be collected in panicles or fluffy inflorescences. The type of flower for each variety of agave is different.

Flowering period

The main species bloom in summer. At home, plants do not form buds. Agave flowering lasts approximately 1-2 months. The period of budding in different species is different.

Changes in flowering care

During the flowering period, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the plant. Sudden changes must be avoided. You can take care of agave in the same way as always.

For long-term flowering, you need to provide good lighting and optimal hydration.

How agave propagates

There are several ways to propagate agave.

Seed germination

Can Agave Be Bred From Seeds? It is possible, but this method is long and more difficult for beginners.

You need to buy good seeds in a specialized official store (often there are profitable sale coupons and discount offers), since the percentage of agave germination is very low.

It is necessary to prepare a container with wet sand. At the end of winter, they begin planting seeds to a depth of 1 centimeter. Then cover the container with polyethylene or a sheet of glass. The temperature regime is observed within 20-25 degrees. On the 5-7th days sprouts appear. For 15-20 days, a second leaf is formed. On the 40th day, the third leaf appears. After another 14 days, the plant will reach a height of 8 cm, its diameter will be 15 centimeters. During this period, the third root is formed. On the 74th day, a fourth leaf appears, and a rosette begins to form.

Rooting cuttings

To begin with, rhizome cuttings are cut. Each branch should have at least one kidney. Cuttings 2-3 hours dry. Next, the place of the cut is sprinkled with crushed charcoal.


Fill the pots with sand. Cuttings are placed in the ground and watered with warm water. For the first year, 4-6 leaves are formed in a split. For the second - 7-9 plates are formed. For the third year - 10-12 leaves.

Important! In nature, a plant propagates by seed, although this is the longest process.


Agave transplant is carried out as necessary. For example, if the size of the pot becomes small. Make a transplant once every 2 or 3 years. Young agaves are transplanted every year, since they need more space due to the active growth of the root system, and it is necessary to select a pot more freely. A change of place of residence for the plant must be done in the spring.

Possible problems in growing

Agave is an unpretentious plant. There are still some problems that arise when caring for her:

  1. Yellowing foliage. This is due to a lack of trace elements, a lack of lighting, severe drought, and an increase in temperature during dormancy. How to help? Dry the earthen lump, organize more light, transplant, feed.
  2. Yellowed edges of the plates - excess calcium in the soil, earthen lump overdried. How to solve a problem? Water sparingly.
  3. Withering leaves and their falling in green indicate a lack of watering, sudden changes in temperature. It is necessary to water the plant and try to maintain a constant temperature.
  4. Leaf plates shriveled - exposure to cold air or a deficiency of minerals Ca, Mg, P is observed in the older agave. It is necessary to avoid draft, fertilize the plant.
  5. The complete yellowness of the plant indicates overdrying, waterlogging, high soil density, lack of drainage, and the onset of dormancy. Water or dry, change the soil, move the plant to a cool place.
  6. Stretching and thinning the leaves is not enough light. Add lighting. In winter, move the agave to the cold.
  7. Poor plant growth - soil depletion. Feed in the warm season with caution.


The most dangerous insects:

  • weevil beetle contributes to the appearance of rot;
  • spider mite forms a web;
  • scabies causes falling and drying out of leaves.

It is necessary to treat the plant with a solution suitable in each case.

Agave Damage


Agave is a very beautiful plant, suitable for both the garden and indoor.


Watch the video: Century Plant Lifecycle (October 2024).