Rosa First Lady (First Lady) - characteristics and description of the variety


Rosa First Lady is one of the most attractive varieties of tea hybrid crops. It is characterized by dense pink buds. The culture is often used to design a garden plot. The stems can be cut and used to decorate the room.

Rose First Lady (First Lady) - what kind of variety, the history of creation

The culture was brought out by German experts in 2005. Selection was carried out in the Tantau nursery. The Latin name First Lady is easy to translate into Russian - it turns out "First Lady". However, among lovers of roses, the letter-by-word pronunciation of the variety name was fixed.

The culture has beautiful pale pink buds

For roses, the scrub Ferst Lady is characterized by a height of 1.5 m and a width of 1.2 m. The variety is resistant to frost up to -23 degrees. He is also practically not susceptible to black spotting and powdery mildew. Flowers do not lose their attractiveness even under the influence of rainfall.

According to the description, the flowers are large and have soft pink petals. In diameter, the buds reach 10 cm and slowly bloom. Up to 3 pink flowers may appear on the stem.

The shrub has arched shoots that grow rapidly. Therefore, for the plant, it is worth choosing a spacious plot.

For reference! Despite the simplicity of the name, some gardeners get confused and call the plant Fest lady rose.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

First Lady is a rose that has these advantages:

  • disease resistance;
  • excellent decorative properties;
  • resistance of buds to rainfall;
  • possibility of application for cutting;

At the same time, the First Lady rose has many disadvantages:

  • rapid growth and the need for a large amount of free space;
  • the need for support during lush flowering;
  • dependence of flowering on weather conditions.

Use in landscape design

First Lady is a rose that can be grown solo. A single planting of a rose bush looks no less decorative than several different plants in a group. Bushes go well with a lawn or lawn. Also, single plantings of roses can be placed in the foreground of a flower bed.

But the rose looks no less beautiful in well-organized group plantings. So the scope for the imagination of designers is large.

The plant is often used to design beds

Growing a flower, how to plant in open ground

In order for the culture to flourish and flourish, it is necessary to pay attention to the proper conduct of planting work.

Rose Lady Emma Hamilton - grade description

It is definitely worth purchasing a quality seedling from trusted suppliers. It should have an even root neck and a developed root system. The ground part should be well developed and not contain dry fragments.

Planting a rose First lady should be in the spring - in April or May. Autumn planting is also allowed, but only in warm regions. But even there it should be carried out in a short time (first half of September) to facilitate the rooting of the seedling.

The rose should be planted in a well-lit place. If you plant the culture in the shade, the stems will stretch and thin. In addition, lack of sun increases the risk of developing some diseases.

Equally important is the full circulation of fresh air. The site must be protected from draft by trees or shrubs. Do not plant a rose on a hill.

Important!It is forbidden to plant a crop very close to bushes and trees. They will drain the soil and form an extra shadow.

At the stage of preparation of the culture, it is worth making a recess of 60 cm in size. Drainage must be laid at the bottom. The thickness of this layer should be at least 10 cm. Drainage can be done from small stones and coarse gravel. Then you should use rotted manure or compost. Top with garden soil. Saplings should be soaked for 4-6 hours in water.

Landing procedure step by step

When carrying out planting work, you need to do the following:

  • make a deepening;
  • dip the root system of the rose into a mixture of water and clay;
  • spread the roots and lower the plant into the hole;
  • deepen the root neck by 3 cm;
  • sprinkle the roots with earth and slightly compact the soil;
  • water the plant;
  • cover the soil with a mulching layer.

During planting, the root neck is deepened by 3 cm

Plant care

For a culture to grow well and fully develop, it needs to provide quality care.

  • Watering rules and humidity
Lady of Shalott Rose - Characteristics of a Shrub

Water the plant should be once a week. But in very hot weather, the amount of watering should be increased to 2 times a week. For 1 bush you need 15-20 liters of warm, sludge water. In the fall, watering should be stopped.

Important!To avoid the development of fungi and pest attacks, water must be poured under the root. In this case, it is important to prevent liquid from entering the foliage, stems and buds.

  • Top dressing and soil quality

In the spring, with the arrival of heat, it is worth using nitrogen. The substance promotes the development of shoots and roots.

Before flowering, you need to use a combined mineral preparation with potassium and phosphorus. In autumn, potassium should be used. In general, the First Lady’s feeding scheme is no different from the events held for other rose bushes.

  • Pruning

During the growing season, sanitary pruning is performed. It is required to prevent the development of fungal infections.

In the spring, full pruning is performed. Shoots need to be shortened to 2-4 or 5-7 kidneys.

In summer, faded buds must be removed. This is recommended to be done with scissors or a sharp knife.

Attention! When trimming, use a sanitized tool.

  • Transfer

Adult varietal rose bushes try not to transplant without unnecessary need. If for some reason you still need to change the location of the rose First Lady, you should use the transshipment method.

  • Features of wintering a flower

In September, the first preparations for winter should begin. At this stage, you need to make potash fertilizers, which increase the resistance of the culture to frost.

Before the first frosts, bushes should be covered with sand. Since the plant is tall enough, its shoots should be laid on the ground and covered with spruce branches.

Flowering roses

With adequate care, the plant is distinguished by lush and abundant flowering. Due to this, it is used to design garden plots.

Hydrangea Pink Lady (Hydrangea Paniculata Pink Lady) - description

The culture has very beautiful buds with lots of rose petals. Each bud opens within a week.

Attention! With excess rainfall, the flower may not open.

To keep the bushes decorative, dry buds should be trimmed. During the flowering period, it is not recommended to introduce nitrogen substances, since they negatively affect the formation of buds.

What to do if it does not bloom, possible causes

The lack of flowering may be due to such factors:

  • Incorrect choice of a place for landing;
  • fertilizer deficiency;
  • violation of irrigation rules;
  • pest attacks;
  • the development of disease.

For a plant to bloom beautifully, it needs quality care

Flower propagation

You can propagate the culture in different ways, but gardeners most often use cuttings.

Cuttings are recommended to be harvested before budding. This can also be done after flowering is complete.

Detailed description

Bushes should be propagated as follows:

  1. Cut the cuttings with 2-3 leaves.
  2. Immerse in growth stimulator.
  3. Plant in light soil at an angle.
  4. Cover with a film.
  5. Put in a warm place.
  6. When the roots appear, the shelter must be removed.

It is permissible to plant cuttings in a permanent place only after a year.

Also, the plant can be propagated by layering. To do this, it is recommended to make trenches and lay strong stems in them. They are not recommended to be separated from the main plant.

Layers are best securely fastened with brackets, pour and sprinkle with earth. After some time, roots form on them. After a year, layering can be separated from the mother plant and moved to a permanent place.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

The culture of this variety is distinguished by strong immunity. But in violation of agricultural recommendations there is a risk of developing root rot or powdery mildew. Pathologies develop with excessive watering or cold water falling on the leaves. To cope with diseases, it is worth using fungicides.

A plant may be affected by aphid attacks

Important! To avoid the development of fungal diseases, it is worthwhile to establish a watering regimen. It is carried out after the top layer of the earth has dried.

The main pest of culture is considered to be aphids. Insects absorb juices from the leaves of the culture, which entails its weakening. There is also a risk of damaging the bushes with spider mites. Insecticides help cope with parasites.

The rose of this variety has excellent decorative properties. To succeed in its cultivation, it is necessary to strictly follow the agrotechnical recommendations. Plant care should be comprehensive. If everything is done correctly, the First Lady will become a real decoration of the site.


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